Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Comparison of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Reports and State Physical Education Mandates, Erick Alfonso
Exploring the Decisions Involved in Evidence-Based Practice Adoption by Athletic Trainers, Brittany Vorndran Allard
Exploring Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Physical Therapists Regarding Lateral Wedge Insoles in Patients With Mild to Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis, Mashael Ghazi Alsobhi
The Benefits of Utilizing Earned Media for Emerging Pop Music Artists: A Case Study in Music Publicity, Brianna Bell
Climate Control in the Face of Climate Change: Reducing Carbon Footprints in Museums, Felicity Bennett
The Effects of Counterfactual Priming on Belief in Fake News, Sean Bogart
Contemporaneous Collecting: A New Trend in Field Collection, Meghan Brady
Peer Observation as a Job-Embedded Professional Development Tool, Daniel J. Breiman
Predicting Latino Community College Student Success: A Conceptual Model for First-Year Retention, Helen Castellanos Brewer
Ethics or Law: Which should Prevail in Conflicts Regarding the Restitution of Nazi-Looted Art?, Anthony Caruso
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Teacher Factors and Academic Performance of High School Students, William S. Castellane
Fluency & Over The Counter Drug Warning Labels, Jonathan M. Cecire
Watchful Waiting and Antibiotic Stewardship: A Quality Improvement Project, Rebecca Couper
Applications of siRNA for Cancer Gene Therapy, Christopher Nicholas Cultrara
Afro-Latinx Online communities: Creating Connections Through Social Action., Rita Damiron Tallaj
Van Gogh’s Yellow Flowers: The Influence of Post-Impressionism on Mansfield and Woolf, Gabriella M. D'Angelo
Comparison of Nickel and Cobalt Induced Hypoxic Cell Models using Cell Proliferation Assay, Melissa DelCasale
Characterization of Immune Evasion Properties of the Molluscum Contagiosum Virus MC163 Protein, William De Martini
The Effect of Peer Collaboration on Kinematic Problem Solving, Alyssa DeRonda
Analyzing Tactics and Strategies in PR Campaigns to Identify Best Practices for Targeting the USA-based Hispanic Population, Norky Karisa Diaz
A Study of Curriculum Customization in the Era of Standardization of Education, Sylvia A. Dixon McInerney
The Experience of Non-Spousal Close Intimate Relationships for Women with Breast Cancer: A Journey of Support, Erin Burke Dooley
A Multi-year Study of the Effect of School Size on the College and Career Readiness of New Jersey Public High School Students, Shae-Brie M. Dow
Effects of Treatment on Melanoma with Checkpoint Inhibitor, Pembrolizumab (Keytruda ®), Anti-CD47 TTI-621 (Trillium), and Anti-SEMA4D Pepinemab Combination Treatment, Lauren E. Fitzgerald
A Comparison of Complex Thinking Required by the Elementary New Jersey Student Learning Standards and Past New Jersey Curriculum Standards, Gerald Fitzhugh II
Theory and Practice in Doctoral Dissertation Research, 2007-2017: A Content Analysis by Degree Type, William Friel
Understanding the Co-Teaching Experience of Teachers: Negotiating Choice and Efficacy, Mary A. Garofalo
If These Walls Could Talk: Best Practices for Storytelling in Historic House Museums, Hannah M. Gaston
Understanding High School English Learners’ Chronic Absenteeism, Patricia A. George
How Does the High School Redesigned Learning Space Influence Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking, P. Erik Gundersen
Performance of Nitrogen as a Carrier Gas in Capillary Gas Chromatography Using a Thin Film Column, Brittany A. Handzo
The Influence of an Interdisciplinary Elementary Curriculum on Student Outcomes: Providing Cognitive Student Learning Through an Integrated Approach, Ann Marie Harris
Analysis of Post-Translational Modifications and Expression of STAT3 under Desferrioxamine Induced Hypoxia in Human Neuroblastoma Cells, Veronica Harrison
Analysis of Sublethal Toxicity in Developing Zebrafish Embryos Exposed to a Range of Petroleum Substances using BE-SPME and Whole Transcriptome Microarray, Bryan Matthew Hedgpeth
An Exploration of Principal Perceptions of the Danielson Framework for Teaching in Providing Feedback and Improving Instructional Leadership, Stephen Hernon
Trends in Pennsylvania 8th and 11th Grade Student Test Performance Since the Common Core Implementation, Lisa S. Hoban
Adults’ Knowledge and Beliefs Surrounding Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Mazen Homoud
Expanding the Toolbox with Site-Specific Methods of Bioconjugation, Tiauna S. Howard
The Implementation and Operation of Three School-Based Health Centers in New Jersey, Joseph Howe
The Influence of Open Access on Advanced Placement Achievement, Shanna Howell
AP STEM Course-taking and College STEM Major Selection: An Examination of the Relationship and How It Differs by Gender and Race/Ethnicity, Elizabeth C. Jewett
The Effect of a Blended Learning Instructional Model on the Mathematics Performance of Sixth and Seventh Grade Students in a Small Northeastern Urban School District, Debra Joseph-Charles
Implementation of Change of Shift Huddles in an Urban Medical Center, Benson Kahiu
The Influence of Principal Leadership Behaviors on the Development of Professional Learning Communities In Title I and Non-Title I Schools, Alicia Kingcade
The Effect of Participation in a Title V Program on Latinx Student Success at a Community College, Sara N. Lacagnino
Preparing Students for the Real World: Analyzing Public Relations (PR) Education for Entry-level Practice in the Health Industry, Olivia Maria Lason
Relationships Between Social Determinants of Health and Patient Readmissions to an Acute Care Hospital within 30 Days of Discharge, Wren Mosee Lester
An Investigation of Existential and Positive Psychological Resources in College Students, Ian LeSueur
Determination of Predictors for Early Program Attrition in a Professional Master’s Level Athletic Training Education Program, Dawn M. Maffucci
The Experience of Being a Parent of a Transgender Adolescent, Susan Martello-Gill
Image Repair in NCAA Division I Athletics, Joseph J. Martinelli
The Effect of Demographics on the Implementation of the Principal Walkthrough, Jason A. Marx
A Comparative Study of Student Engagement Among STEM Majors at Women’s Colleges and Coeducational Institutions, Julie A. Mazur
The Use of Celebrity and Non-celebrity Examples to Reduce Stigma in University Students, Tyrus McCartney
A Study of New Teachers' Perceptions of Their Induction Programs, Anne McGeehan
The Revelation Effect in Autobiographical Memory, Vincent A. Medina
The Effect of Coaching on Teachers’ Instructional Technology Use in a 1:1 Environment, Michael L. Mitchell
In Defense of Security, Liberty and Property: The English Origins of an Individual Right to Bear Arms, Allan I. Morris
The Influence of the Student Mobility Rate on Grade 3 New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge Scores, Rose L. Morrisroe
“Donning the Skins”: The Problem of Shapeshifting in The Saga of the Volsungs, David Mudrak
Administrator Perceptions of the Teacher Evaluation Process and Professional Development Programming in New Jersey Independent Schools, Marissa C. Muoio
Exploring Learning Style Preferences of College Age Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Denise Nash-Luckenbach
Navigating the Rough on and off the Course: Best Practices for Reputation Management and Image Repair in Professional Golf, Erica Joy Naumann
Dysphagia Management in the Public-School Setting: The Education and Training Needs of Public-School Speech-Language Pathologists, Natalie P. Neubauer
Understanding the Academic Success of Black Caribbean Immigrant Students Who Have Earned a Graduate Degree at an Ivy League University, Sheila Newton Moses
Identifying Factors That Influence the Continuing Education Choices of Municipal Police Officers, Sean O'Connor
Near Adoption of Performance Based Funding: The Case of Connecticut, Oyewole A. Ogunkoya
Examining STEM Undergraduate Persistence and the Differential Relationships Across Sex, Race, and Ethnicity Through Two-Factor Theory, Leo D. Pedraza
The Predictive Power of Teacher Practice in Explaining Student Growth, Nick Pillsbury
The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Job Satisfaction in New Jersey Public School Principals, Kerry L. Postma
Detection, Identification, and Metagenomic Characterization of Cyanobacteria in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, Roksana M. Rahman
The Role of Secondary Education in Promoting Sustainable Development in the Caribbean and Latin America, Renee N. Richardson Rose
Leaving STEM: An Examination of the STEM to Non-STEM Major Change and How the STEM Curriculum Relates to Academic Achievement in Non-STEM Fields, Zachary M. Romash
Exploring and Understanding Factors that Affect the Adoption of Personal Health Records Among Healthcare Providers, Lujain Samarkandi
Stratification, Tracking and Course-Taking Patterns: An Examination of the Impact of Mathematics Course Placement on Achievement in a Regional High School District, Charles B. Sampson
“A Descriptive Analysis of New Jersey’s Low-Achieving, Focus and Priority Schools”, Lisa Lin Schneider
A Gift from God: An Analysis of Social Media Policies Adopted by Catholic Institutions of Higher Education and How They Cover Faculty, McKenna L. Schray
Zinc Chloride Enhanced Chondrogenesis is VEGF Dependent, Gilbert M. Sharp IV
The Story of Growth: A Case Study of New Jersey Underperforming Underprivileged High School, Michelle L. Shelton
Designing a Curriculum in Active Shooter Behavioral Indicators for Students in Institutions of Higher Education in the State of New Jersey, David J. Sierotowicz
Partnering with a Different Faith: Muslim American Women’s Experiences, Beyza Sinan
An Analysis of Interventions For Chronically Absent Students in Grade 6-8 Within Middle Schools in Somerset, New Jersey, Nicholas Solomon
Vanadium Compounds Modulate Osteoblast Proliferation and Function, Bryan Sosa
Does the PARCC Exam Alter the Landscape of a School in Grades 3-6 in the Areas of Evaluation, Curriculum, Staffing and Technology?, Michael Stefanelli
Stepping Beyond the Veil and Breaking the Pittsburgh Cycle: The American Dream, Otherness, and Generational Trauma in August Wilson's Cycle Plays, Kaitlin Stellingwerf
Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes Self-Care, Diabetes Time Management, and Diabetes Distress, Lisa Summers-Gibson
Parent Satisfaction with Family Professional Partnerships and Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amanda R. Templeman
5 Lipoxygenase's Role in Chondrogenesis of the ATDC5 Cell Line, Tien My Tran
Arming America's K-12 Teachers, The Second Amendment and the Gun-Free School Zones Act: A Public Policy Analysis, Joseph R. Uliano