Date of Award

Spring 6-28-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

MA Strategic Communication


Communication and the Arts


Ruth Tsuria, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Renee Robinson, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Kristen Koehler, Ed.D.


Afrolatinos, Latinos, identity theory, ethnic identity, social media, online community


Considering the power of online media to create communities, this thesis examines how the power of social media is harnessed by the Afro-Latinx individuals to mobilize and call to actions those who identify under the same social category and create a powerful online community to come together in support and advocacy virtually. Through a digital ethnography, this research observes three Instagram pages and performs a textual analysis on 3 posts to further understand the Afro-Latinx community and their adoption of Instagram to create online communities. Find-ings emphasize the importance of creating and maintaining a niche, user engagement and mem-ber satisfaction
