Date of Award

Fall 12-3-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

PhD Health Sciences


Health and Medical Sciences


Genevieve Pinto-Zipp, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Fortunato Battaglia, PhD.

Committee Member

Ning Zhang, Ph.D.


Lateral wedge insole, physical therapists, osteoarthritis management, knee adduction moment, osteoarthritis conservative treatment approaches


Statementof the problem: The implementation of lateral wedge insole (LWI) as a conservative treatment strategy for knee Osteoarthritis (OA) may be influenced by the knowledge, attitudes and practices ofhealthcareproviders, including physical therapists (PTs). Although the literature has identified thebiomechanicalfunction of insoles, little is known about the PTs’ knowledge, attitudes and practices and the likelihood of LWI adoption in their clinical practices. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify and understand the relationships that might exist between PTs’ knowledge, attitudes and practices andlikelihoodof LWI adoption as a cost-effective treatment approach.

Methods: The study design was descriptive, cross-sectional andcorrelational, utilizing a PI-created survey. The sample consisted of 107 licensed PTs, 62 females and 45 males. Face and content validity of the survey were established through the expert panel Delphi review process, and the reliability for each survey construct was above.8. A letter of solicitation was emailed to all PT educational programs listed on the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) website. Furthermore, the letter of solicitation was posted on social media (Facebook™ PT groups, Twitter™ and LinkedIn®).

Results: The results of this study showed that only 5.6% of the respondents were extremely familiar with a LWI as a means to manage mild to moderate knee impairments. LWIs were reported as a "never been used therapeutic modality" by 52% of the respondents when treating mild to moderate knee OA patients. LWIs adoption was moderately correlated with PTs’ knowledge (rho (107) = .56, p rho (107) = .33, p rho (107) = .37, p

Conclusions: This study findings support that promoting evidence-based knowledge translation specific to LWI mechanism for treating patients with mild to moderate knee OA is needed. PTeducators both in the didactic and clinical setting must infuse knowledge of LWI into the curriculum to enhance evidence-based practice.

Available for download on Sunday, December 15, 2024
