Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Untitled YA Novel Opening Chapters, Christopher Ferrante
The Madness of March: A Quantitative Look at Cinderella Stories in the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament, Joseph J. Fresco
The Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training with Behavioral Skills Training on Educators' Skill Acquisition: A Systematic Review, Shalayah Gaines
Moderators To The Effects Of Childhood Traumatic Stress On Childhood Physical Health, Shaneze Gayle Smith
Academic Advising, Academic Integration and First Year African American College Student Intention to Persist, Cassandra Graham
The School Nurse's Experience of Secondary Exposure to Trauma, Catherine A. Grano
Molluscum Contagiosum Viral Protein MC159 Interferes with Necroptosis Signaling Downstream of P-MLKL in HEK 293T and HT-29 Cells, Matthew Gregory
Deaccession Decision-Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Site Case Study of Art Museums in the United States, Shannon Hahn
Physical Therapists Clinical Instructors Perceptions, Practices and Experience when Supervising an Underperforming Student in Clinical Education, Ruth Lyons Hansen
Burnout and Psychological Capital in Baccalaureate Nursing Students Enrolled in Clinical Rotations, Kathleen Horan
Drosophila Melanogaster as a Model for Male Reproductive System Ethanol Toxicity, Gbemisola Ilelaboye
Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: Veiled Criticism Through Extreme Entertainment, Thoby Jeanty
Faculty, FERPA, and COVID-19, Marina Kaplan-Iosim
Communicating Sustainability Through Websites of Higher Education Institutions of New Jersey, Swathi Karamcheti
The Relationships Between and Among Parental Perceptions of Family-Centered Care, Parental Beliefs, and Parental Stress in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Kelly Keefe-Marcoux
Toolkit for Screening Older Adults Desiring to Age in Place in Independent Living, Sister Raymond Marie Labonte
An Investigation of the Effects of Insulin and Magnesium on Bone Homeostasis in a 3D Bone Model, Katherine Lefferts
The Effects of Behavioral Skills Training on Skill Acquisition in Autistic Children: A Systematic Review, Kimberly E. Lucchesi
Protective Factors and Changes in Parent and Sibling Dynamics During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Hannah Maciejewski
Understanding the Experiences of African American Caregivers of Loved Ones with Dementia, Paula R. Madison
Creation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- Coronavirus-2 Spike (AA 14Q-685R) --Fc Fusion Protein, Lea Marjana
"It's a Part of Who We Are" New Jersey Superintendents' Understandings of and Approaches to Culturally Responsive District-Level Leadership, Danielle F. Mastrogiovanni
Use of One-to-One Devices in an Urban School District, Barbara Lewis McCarthy
The Impact of Teacher and Student Racial and Ethnic Matching on Student Outcomes: A Quantitative Study, Daryl Minus-Vincent
Antibacterial, Anti-Spore, and Antibiofilm Effects of Theaflavin-3,3’-Digallate, Siti Ayuni B Mohamed Yussof
Three Paper Dissertation: MOOC Participation and Experiences of Women Learners, Kinta Montilus
Memory, mindfulness, and perfectionism: Is there a relationship between memory and perfectionism, and can mindfulness reduce false alarms?, Stefani Morgan
Rock Bottom: Stories, Sarah Newgarden
Black Female Higher Education Administrators: A Perspective on the Influence of Microaggression on Work Engagement, Renee Ojo-Ohikuare
Exploring Parent-Child Interactions During Natural Spatial Play, Nicole Oppenheimer
The Role of DHA in the Impact of TREM2 on Microglia Activation and Alzheimer’s Disease, Michael A. Palmieri III
Analyzing Factors Impacting Time to Full Approval of Innovative Drugs via an Accelerated Approval Pathway in the United States, Eleanor Panico
Implementation of Nurse Navigators for Behavioral Health, Theresa Papagna
Value Dimensions Influence Perceptions Towards Immigrants, Prachi Pathak
Are We Prepared? Analyzing Active Shooter Policy Accessibility in New Jersey Institutions of Higher Education, William G. Petrovey
The Relationship Between PARCC ELA 8 Performance and Performance on AP Exams, Michael G. Portas
Effects of Sodium Orthovanadate on LPS-Induced Senescent RAW 264.7 Cells, Andrew Pugliese
Using Thermodynamics to Evaluate Stationary Phase Polarity in Gas Chromatography- A New Look, Hetal R. Rana
Care Through the Lens of Special Education Teachers, Lisa Vale Rebimbas
Persistence Without Resistance: An Exploration of First-Generation College Students in a Structured Support Program, Naima K. Ricks
School-Based Health Clinics and Student Outcomes in New York City Public Schools, Jacqueline Rosado
The 2016 Presidential Election of Donald Trump and its Impact on the College-Going Experience for Then-Undergraduate LGBTQ+ Students, Nicholas Russo
Nurse Practitioner Role Perception, Job Satisfaction, and Anticipated Turnover in the Middle Atlantic States, Jenna R. Sabatino
Exploring the Impact of Different Durations of Foam Rolling as a Recovery Technique following Intense Exercise in College-aged Males, Connor M. Saker
Evaluation of Yttrium Stabilized Zirconium Thin Films with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Jeff Serfass
Investigation of Zinc Chloride & Caffeine and Their ECTS on Bone Homeostasis in a 3D Bone Model, Pooja Shah
“The Un/Touchables:” Quest for Citizenship in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People, Mahreen Shahzadi
Fulfilling the Search for Completeness in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird and Delia Owens’ Where the Crawdads Sing, Kyra M. Sica
Effectiveness of Music-Infused ABA Strategies on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Josephine A. Sodano
Manganese Chloride Effects Chondrogenesis of ATDC5 Cells, Isabella Somera
How Important are Accommodations? Examining the Retention of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Higher Education, Donna Stanic
Flippase Inhibitors as Antimicrobial Agents, Robert Tancer
Acculturation of Hispanics/Latinos and its Impact on Public Relations Through the Framework of Secondary Research, Angela Trejos - Villacres
Mind Mapping: A Learning Strategy to Promote Critical Thinking Skills for Respiratory Therapy Students, Faisal Turkestani
Teaching Autistic Children to Independently Wash Their Hands: A Systematic Review of Behavioral Techniques, Alexis Vazquez
A Comparative Historical Analysis of the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust, Jon Wininger
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Theology of Mystagogy in Cyril of Jerusalem: An Application in the Catholic Diocese of Zaria, Patrick Adikwu
Exploring the Relationship Between Burnout and Supervisory Support Among Respiratory Therapists, Ahmad Eissa Alhaykan
Transformational Leadership, Conflict Management Style, and Job Satisfaction in Law Enforcement, Giuseppe Alise
Interprofessional Education Towards Interprofessional Practice: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Respiratory Care Students and Therapists’ Perceptions, Ziyad Al Nufaiei
Exploring Saudi Emergency Room Nurses’ Perceptions About Their Disaster Preparedness, Fadiyah Alshahrani
The Perceived Competencies of Faculty in Online Classes from the Perspective of the Students of the Saudi Electronic University, Atekah Alshuaibi
Passing As White: The Experiences Of BIPOC Supervisees, Bridget Anton
Factors Influencing Parent Choice of a Suburban Catholic Parish Elementary School, Lori Arends
Grit as a Predictor of Retention for First-Year Latino Students at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Jodi Bailey
The 2020 Awakening: A Study On Exhibiting Topics of Race and Identity in Mid-Sized Art Museums, Samantha Becker
Teaching Evolution In Connecticut Public High Schools: Teacher Preparation And Its Relationship To Teacher Practice, Stefanie Benson
Do Community Schools Make a Difference? Comparing Community Schools and Noncommunity Schools in Baltimore City, Tiffany Bonds Mason
Stories About Stories (For Myself and Others), Anthony Bonuccelli
Understanding the Relationship Between Resources in Institutional Characteristics and Student Mobilization in Higher Education Institutions, Michael R. Carhart
The Predictive Influence of In-School and Out-of-School Suspension on Academic Achievement in New Jersey Public Middle Schools in Grades 6–8, Jennifer A. Casazza
Quand c'est?, Shanice Casimiro
A Qualitative Study On Black East Asian Women and Their Experiences of Hypersexualization, Kalya Castillo
Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of Assessment Literacy in a High Performing School District in New Jersey, Marlena Celebre-Baird
From Parsley and Sugarcane, Jennifer Celeste
The Relationship between Sex Role, Mindfulness, Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Flow in Team Sport Female Athletes, Vanessa Chafos
Incorporating Emergency Management Training Within School-Based Health Centers, Alicia Christian
Exploring the Experiences of Black Students in a Predominantly White, All-Male, Suburban Catholic High School: A Critical Narrative Qualitative Study, Sean P. D'Alfonso
Plasma Agriculture: Characterization of DBD plasma jet and analysis of effects when treated on Sweet Basil (Ocimum Basilicum), William Davis
The Effects of Ozone Therapy on Fertility in Women with Diminished Ovarian Reserve Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology, Ashini R. Dias
Scenes of Subversion: How Monstrous Subjectivities Affect Futurity in Gothic Horror, Salvatore S. DiBono
The Way We Remember It: The Popular Memory of the Battle of Gettysburg, Glenn Dietrich
An Analysis of the Higher Order Thinking Requirements of PARCC Practice Assessments in Grades 10, Heather Dorrian
Principal Perceptions of Ohio's EdChoice Scholarship Program and the Effect on Time Usage, Adam J. Dufault