Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Arming America's K-12 Teachers, The Second Amendment and the Gun-Free School Zones Act: A Public Policy Analysis, Joseph R. Uliano
Imagining a Memory Palace: Method of Loci and the Effect of Object and Spatial Imagery Skill, Louis Varilias
The Influence of an Abstinence-Only Intervention on the Risk Behaviors of Urban Middle School Students, Alison J. Wakefield
Catholic Identity and the Vocation of the Principal, Melissa Whelan
Exploring the Use of the Bimanual Arm Trainer for Improving Upper Extremity Motor Function in Stroke Patients., Manuel G. Wilfred
Perceptions: A Comparative Case Study of the Lived Experiences of Urban and Suburban African American Administrators, Edward E. Wilson
An Analysis of a Mentoring Program in a Northern New Jersey School District, Marta Yafar-Werman
Molecular Assay Optimization for Enhanced Detection of Legionella spp. in Passaic County, New Jersey, Paul Yoon
The Effect of a Supplemental, Web Based Program on Student Achievement in a Suburban New York State School District, Matthew Younghans
Technology Counts: Assessing Barriers of Integrating Technology into Instruction at a Private University in New Jersey, Benjamin Zirra
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Biocide, Tributyl Tetradecyl Phosphonium Chloride, Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction that is Enhanced by Sodium Chloride in Chironomus Riparius, Zainab Hussain Alali
Mentoring Relationships as Social Capital in the Career Advancement of Latina School Administrators, Ligia Veronica Alberto
From Teaching to the Best Seller List: How the Educational System Drives the Publishing Market and Vice Versa, Kai D. Alexander
Assessing the Effects of Dual Tasking on Spatiotemporal Parameters of Gait in Older Adults: Exploring Age and Task Demands, Mohammed Issa Alsaeed
The Effects of Cold Plasma Treatment on Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Sauvelson Auguste
Multi-Sensory Museum Experiences: Balancing Objects’ Preservation and Visitors’ Learning, Anna Baccaglini
A Qualitative Study on Teachers' Perceptions of Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classrooms, Cheryl M. Banks
"'Violent Love': Jane Austen and Eighteenth-Century Marriage Laws", Brianna Bicho
Doctoral Program Completion: Grit, Goal-Setting, Social Support, Valerie Blanchard
The Molluscum Contagiosum Virus MC160 Protein Requires Both Death Effector Domains to Inhibit MAVS- and TBK1-Induced Interferon Activation, Lissette Bouza
Black Mothers' Counter-Narratives of Agency: A Pulse on Racism and Parent Involvement Strategies in Twenty First Century Schools, Sharnee N. Brown
Tumor-Targeting Fluorinated Phthalocyanines for Theranostic Applications, Erik Nathaniel Carrión
Reducing Sexual Victimization on College Campuses: The Impact of a Collegiate-Level Human Sexual Behavior Course on Students’ Level of Sexual Assertiveness, Ashlee D. Carter
Sacramental Anxiety in Richard II and The Comedy of Errors, Aria Casey
Police Officer Perspectives on Public Views of Police, Current Events Involving Police, and the Impact on Police-Community Relationships, Donjae Catanzariti
Improving Instructional Practice Via Walkthrough Implementation: A Superintendent Centered Perspective, Michael J. Celoski
Exploration of Statistics Anxiety Among Doctoral Students in Health Sciences Related Disciplines, Quincy Chau
The Effect of Mandating Algebra for all Students in Grade 8 versus Grade 9 in a Small Suburban K-12 School District in New Jersey, Peter Crawley
From Useful Craft to Works of Art: The Transformation of Quilting in the United States from the Nineteenth Century, 1893-1933, Victoria Crozier
Cooperative and Competitive Priming Impacts Participatory Environmental Action, Daniel Curtin
Circumventing Spatio-Numeric Biases Through Non-Numeric Assessments of Perceived Causal Strength, Daniel William Czarnowski
Perceptions of Middle School Math and Language Arts Teachers on High-Stakes Testing Cultures in Public Schools, Robert Daniello
Quality Improvement Initiative Aimed at Reducing Catheter-associated Infections and Foley Days in the Surgical Setting, Linda D'Antonio
A Study of Transformational Leadership Practices to Police Officers' Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, John P. Decker
Teaching Compassionate Care: Nurse Educators' Perspectives, Jane Defazio
Correlation of Environmental Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polymorphisms in the Proto-oncogene v-Rel using Wild Atlantic Menhaden, Chelsea Rose DeFelice
Marching on Together: the Future of Non-Profit Museums in a For-Profit World, Matthew R. Dellaguzzo
The Relationship Between Distributive Leadership, School Culture, and Teacher Self-Efficacy at the Middle School Level, Anthony L. DeMarco
Practices that attribute to the success of boys: A study of Title I middle schools in Texas, Laura L. Duhon
Cyclic Urethane: A Versatile Handle for Synthetic Peptide Applications, Hader E. Elashal
Reducing Thirty-Day Hospital Readmissions in Drug and Medication Poisoning: An Observational Study, Jenna M. Evans
"I believe in Sherlock Holmes": Fans, Readers, and the Problem of Serial Character, Mary Katherine Evans
The Relationship Between Executive Function, Hope, and Depression in Older Adults, Brittney Fallucca
Emotional Tweeters: What Causes Individuals to React During a Crisis? A Mixed-Methodological Analysis Examining Crisis Response Tweets to the 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting, Gabriel John Fiore III
Black Middle Class Parental Investment In Their Children's Higher Education, Michael George Flanigan
Can Standardizing CABG care with Clinical Pathways Reduce Length of Stay and Hospital Acquired Infections?, Seana Friedman
The Association of Principal Leadership Styles with Student Achievement in Traditional New Jersey Public Schools, Thomas J. Gallahue Jr.
The Relationship Between Principal Leadership Behavior and Student Achievement in Low Performing Schools, Janice E. Garland
An Exploratory Study on Perceptions of (IPE) Towards Interprofessional Practice in Athletic Training, Carolyn Goeckel
Rural Military Couples Transitioning Post Deployment: A Phenomenological Study, Jeffrey Goulding
Maintaining Institutional Identity in the Age of Part-time Faculty, Katarzyna Grzeszczuk
Caring for The Bereaved Mother, Ivonne Rocio Guzman
I Can't Hear You: Queering and Hearing in the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, Miranda Lynn Hajduk
The Effect of REM Sleep Deprivation on Spatial Memory in Male and Female Rats, Kaitlyn Heywood
The Perceived Mentoring Experiences of Male and Female Doctoral Students in Sociology, Macsu A. Hill
A Descriptive Study of School Climate and School Culture in Selected Public Secondary Schools in New Jersey and New York, James A. Horton Jr.
The Immediate and Long-lasting Cognitive Consequences of Adolescent Chronic Sleep Restriction, Kerry Howard
Application of Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring in Nurses Practicing in a Pain Center, Patricia Malone Hubert
Power and Prestige: Progressive Membership in Morristown, New Jersey, Erich Morgan Huhn
Improving Neonatal Resuscitation Readiness, Benay Johnson
Effectiveness of Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs to Teach Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in a Medium Southeastern Maryland School District, Donnie Renee Johnson
The Effect of Family Engagement on Parents' Abilities to Help Their Children with Math, Kathleen A. Kalena
Alternating Treatments for Idiom Interpretation by Children with Specific Language Impairments, Monique S. Kaye
The Association Between Changes in Vocational Programs on Student Mobility, Attendance, and Suspension in New Jersey: A Retrospective Study, Jared Edward Keshishian
An Exploration of High Level Language Comprehension Deficits and the Factors Influencing Them Following Blast Exposure in Afghanistan and Iraq War Veterans, Judith R. Koebli
Fluorescently Labeled siRNAs and their Theranostic Applications in Cancer Gene Therapy, Stephen David Kozuch
Acknowledging the Colonial Past: Display Methods of Ethnographic Objects, Sarah Kraft
Side Chain Modifications To Improve Peptide Structure–Activity Relations, Neelam Lahankar
Catholic Identity in Edmund Rice Christian Brother Schools in the United States, Thomas R. Leto
Improving Neonatal Outcomes Through the Implementation of a Delayed Bathing Program, Kathy LiVolsi
How Teachers Experience Change: A Case Study of the Merger Between Two Catholic Schools, Anika J. Logan
Institutional Aid and Net Tuition Revenue: Understanding the Relationship Across Private Institutions of Different Carnegie Classifications, Warren P. Lord
Rescuing Records: Safeguarding Vital Museum Records, Brianna LoSardo
Does College Experience Matter? A National Study Understanding Graduates’ Job Satisfaction, Kevin R. Majewski
The Truthiness Effect: The Influence of Nonprobative Photos on Truth Judgments, Laura N. Mangus
The Effect of Smartphones on Anxiety: An Attachment Issue or Fear of Missing Out?, Kelly Mannion
The Role of Attachment in Experiences of Affiliate Stigma Among Parents of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals, Christina Mastropaolo
Narrative Inquiry Into the Barriers to and Facilitators of Teacher Implementation and Sustainability of Arts Integration in an Urban Public School District, Cheryl McClendon
Institutional Mentorship for Bridge Program Students: Fostering Meaningful Engagement, Elizabeth Hoehn McDermott
The Influence of Arts Participation on New Jersey Middle School Student Outcomes in Grades 6 through 8, Carly Mcilvaine-York
Developing an Internal Leadership Pipeline in Urban Districts: A Pathway to Capacity Building, Marnie G. McKoy
Site-Selective Modification of Peptides and Proteins via Organocatalyzed Henry Reaction, Zilma Pereira Muneeswaran
African-Born Black Women Faculty: Their Lived Experience, Challenges, and Perceived Barriers to Success and Progress in U. S. Higher Education, Kieran C. Nduagbo
Persistence Motivation of Foreign-born Doctoral Recipients in the Field of Education, Maurice Liguori Okoroji
Time, Memory, and Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Between the Acts, Nicole Olivotti