Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Career Trajectory and Ambitions of Women Chief Student Affairs Officers, Mariel Pagan
Engagement of STEM and Non-STEM Students: A Comparison between International and American Undergraduate Students, Reema Panwar
Development of a Reliable Method to Express and Purify Vaccinia Virus Transcription Factors A7 and D6 in Bacteria, Younghoon Park
Exploring Principals' Perceptions About Efficacy in Arizona Urban Schools Designated for the School Improvement Process, Charlotte Patterson
Theme-Based Lessons: Teacher Perceptions of a Theme-Based Approach and Its Influence on Student Engagement in Grades 3-8, Robin Penna-Baskinger
Exploring the Influence of Mindfulness on Elementary-Aged Students Through the Lens of the Classroom Teacher: A Case Study, Angela Penna-Wilkos
The Relationship Between Principal Longevity and Student Achievement in Middle Schools in New Jersey, Douglas J. Petty
Exploring Direct and Indirect Effects of English Proficiency on Access, Utilization, and Health Status among Californian Adults with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Renee E. Pierre-Louis
Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Examining Faculty Perspectives, Daria Pizzuto
The University Museum in Times of Fiscal Uncertainty: Fisk University and the Alfred Stieglitz Collection of Modern Art, Jessica Pochesci
Stabilized, Hybrid Solid-State Photocatalysts for Water Purification: Preparation, Properties and Performance under Visible Light Irradiation, Karpagavalli Ramji
A Study of Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polymorphisms in the Tumor Suppressor Gene, p53, of Wild Menhaden, Samantha Rose Reed
Human Rights and Cultural Heritage: Protecting Museum Professionals During Armed Conflict, Jennifer Lee Reilly
Assessment of the Viability of Microwell Plates as Sample Holders for Analytical Excitation-Emission Spectroscopy of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in 75% Ethanol, Lauren M. Ridley-Hoffman
A Mixed Method Study of Shifts in Patrol Tactics Attributed to Police Involvement in National Events and Movements, Christopher L. Rinaldi
The Impact of Academic Co-Curricular Activity Participation on Academic Achievement: A Study of Catholic High School Students, Gail M. Ritchie
The Internationalization of Teacher Education Faculty in Two Global Cities: A Case Study of Two Universities in New York and Hong Kong, Maribel Roman
The People We Like: Do Introversion-Extroversion and Commitment Affect Evaluation of Potential Partners?, Naquan Ross
Chicago Public School Administrators' Experiences Implementing the Special Education Addendum, Aaron Rucker
Organizational Induction: A Qualitative Study on Institutional Induction Programs for New Faculty in Independent School Communities, Jamie Nicole Segraves
Social Transmission of Ethanol Preference in a Sign-Tracking Paradigm, Pat Severino
Stroke Clinical Order Pathway Education (SCOPE) for APNs, Varsha Singh
Determination of Polar Solvents by Static Headspace Extraction – Gas Chromatography (SHE-GC), Michael Sithersingh
Exploring the Use of the Timed Up and Go Test to Identify Patient Fall Risk in an Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry Unit, Danielle Struble-Fitzsimmons
An Analysis of the Higher Order Thinking Requirements of a Grade 8 Online-Based English Language Arts Skills Program, Paige D. Sydoruk
Sin in Tiantai Buddhism and Christianity: A Comparison Between Chih-i and Pope Gregory I, Wangyu Tang
The Influence of Chronic Absenteeism on Graduation Rate and Post Secondary Participation in New Jersey High Schools, Michael Jay Tash
Understanding the Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents of Students with Limited English Proficiency towards Standardized Testing, Michele P. Tiedemann
Exploring Parental Involvement in Public Secondary Schools in Imo State, Nigeria: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Longinus Nwakire Ugwuegbulem
The Influence of Student/Administrator Ratios in K-6 Elementary Schools on Summative Teacher Evaluation Scores, James Ferguson Weidenborner
Dispositional Mindfulness and Positive Psychological Processes in Older Adults: Executive Functioning, Positive Reappraisal and Meaning in Life., Kristen Wesbecher
Assessment of Energetic Heterogeneity of Reversed-Phase Surfaces Using Excess Adsorption Isotherms for HPLC Column Characterization, Leih-Shan Yeung
Law Enforcement Employees’ Perceptions of Performance Appraisals in a Medium-Size, Suburban Police Department, Christopher C. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Beyond Socioeconomic Status: The Impact of Principal Leadership in Urban and High Poverty Turnaround Schools, Mojisola Adejumo
Understanding the Perspectives of Potential Minority Participants on Clinical Trial Enrollment, Saliha Akhtar
Exploring Respiratory Care Faculty and Students’ Perceptions of Effective Clinical Instructor Characteristics, Saad Mohammed AlRabeeah
The Covenant of Deuteronomy and the Study of the Ancient Israelite Jurisprudence, Kenneth C. Anyanwu
Comparative Evaluation of the Antibacterial, Anti-biofilm and Anti-spore Effects of Theaflavins and Palmitoyl-EGCG, Gabriella M. Appice
Lust and Lineage: The Complex Politics of Chaucer’s The Clerk’s Tale, William Arguelles
Understanding Latina Doctoral Student Experiences: Negotiating Ethnic Identity and Academic Success, Omayra Arocho
The New Theory of Disuse Predicts Retrieval Enhanced Suggestibility (RES), Victoria Bartek
The Role of Department Chairs as Instructional Leader in New Jersey Secondary Schools that Practice Distributed Leadership, Carlaina Bell
Understanding the Dynamic Process of Dissolution Using In-situ FT-IR Spectroscopy, Vrushali M. Bhawtankar
Improving Health Outcomes and Lifestyle Choices in an Underserved Community Through the Implementation of a Wellness Program, Ekaterini Boutos
The Effect of Quantity and Quality of Contact on Heterosexual Civilian Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbians in the Military, Brienne Brown
Zinc Chloride Activates Phospho-Akt and Promotes Chondrocyte Maturation in the ATDC5 Chondrogenic Cell Line, Donya T. Burgess
College Academic Engagement and First-Year Students' Intention to Persist, Monica Ng Burnette
A Comparison of Complex Thinking Required by the Middle School New Jersey Student Learning Standards and Past New Jersey Curriculum Standards, Clifford R. Burns
A Case Study of the Implementation and Impact of the System for Teacher and Student Achievement (TAP), Tyrone D. Burton
Museum Approaches to Judaica: The Forgotten Spoils of the Nazi Plunder of Europe, Derek Butler
Communication Accommodation in Maternity Care: A Qualitative Analysis on how Patient-Provider Communication Affects Labor and Delivery Decisions, Gabriele Cafone
The Influence of Socioeconomic, Parental and District Factors on the 2013 MCAS Grade 4 Language Arts and Mathematics Scores, Dale G. Caldwell
A State-by-State Policy Analysis of STEM Education for K-12 Public Schools, Courtney C. Carmichael
Why Do They Stay? Exploring the Factors that Contribute to New Jersey TFA Alumni Remaining in the Classroom Beyond Their Two-Year Commitment, Shavon Chambers
The Health Status of Older Adults Discharged Home from an Acute Care Hospital: a Descriptive Study, Colleen Chancler
Exploring the Burnout Experience of Radiology Physician Executives Working in an Academic Medical Institution: A mixed methods approach, Julie Chapman-Greene
Teachers' Perceptions of Formal Testing of Students in Grades K-2, Adriana Battista Coppola
A Comparison of Two Treatment Approaches for Agrammatic Broca's Aphasia: Script Therapy vs. Verb Network Strengthening Treatment, Maureen Costello-Yacono
Implementation of an Opioid Risk Assessment Tool, Stacey Cuomo
A Study on The Effectiveness of a Pilot Inquiry-Based Middle School Science Program on Non-Cognitive Outcomes and Academic Achievement, Rui Meira Dionisio
An Analysis of New Small High Schools' On-Time Graduation Rates in New York City, Nathan Dudley
Synthesis of Pyranobenzopyrans, Sumiea B. Eltayeb
The Modified-Emory Functional Ambulation Profile: Convergent Validity in 5-11 Year Olds, Cheryl Anne Enslee
Apparent retention volume variation with flow rate change in high performance liquid chromatography, Susanne Buntz Erz
Mutational Analysis of the Molluscum Contagiosum Virus MC160 protein, Henri Estanbouli
Age-Related Changes in Visual Spatial Performance, Samantha Farrell
The Effectiveness of Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol, Viktoriya Fridman
Development of a Novel Method to Express and Purify Vaccinia Virus Early Transcription Factors A7 and D6 using Bacteria, Omkar M. Gandbhir
The Relationship of Anthropometric Ratios and Kinematic & Kinetic Measures of the Hip in Recreational Male Athletes Performing the Back Squat, Jay C. Garrels
The Lived Experience of Chemo Brain in Early Stage Breast Cancer in Women 50 and Under, Patricia A. Gibbons
The Influence of Participation in the Leveled Literacy Intervention Program on the Sustained Literacy Achievement for Students in Grades One Through ThreeV, Veronica Anne Glover
Exploring Autonomy Support in Shared Decision Making and Patient Activation of Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors, Carol Mahler Hamersky
Synthesis and Evaluation of A Novel Carbohydrate Template and Analogs Thereof for Potential CNS-active Drugs, Emi Hanawa-Romero
Creating and Validating a New Survey Instrument to Understand the Effect of Positive Deviance on Minority Leadership in Healthcare Organizations, Jorge C. Hechavarria
Magical Politicism: History and Identity in Gabriel García Márquez’s Fiction, Isabel C. Henao
Examining the Role of HREs on the Regulation of Opioid Receptor Gene Expression in Neuronal Cells undergoing Hypoxic Mimic Condition, Alberto Herrera
The Role of the Principal Walk-through, Karen Lee Holgersen
The Perceptions of Alternative Education Students Ages 18-21 About the Factors in the Traditional School Setting that Inhibited Their On-Time High School Graduation, Ericka Roberson Hursey
Catholic School Identity: Perceptions That Influence Teacher Retention, Karen Germany Jakuback
Adsorption and Wetting in Model Mesoporous Silicas and in Complex Metal Oxide Catalysts, Karthik Jayaraman
The Relationship Between Teacher Practice and Student Performance, Aubrey Johnson
Documentation Authority and Reliability in the Cultural Space of the Wiki, Robert Kehler
Emergency Room Nurses Knowledge of and Experience with Health Literacy and their Patient Teaching Methods, Deborah Kennard
Sustainability of Catholic Parish Elementary Schools in the Twenty-First Century and the Driving Forces of Leadership, Ryan Killeen
The Intra-rater Reliability of the Clavicular Jump Test (CJT), Thomas Koc
Safeguarding for the Future: Managing Born-Digital Collections in Museums, Kimberly Kruse
Stay in the U.S. or Return Home: A Qualitative Examination of the Decisionmaking Process of Nigerian Doctoral Students and Recipients, Felix Kanyip Kumai
Improving College-Going Trends for First Generation Latino Students: The Importance of Habitus, School Culture and Culturally Responsive Counseling, Patricia A. Marchesi
Human Neuroblastoma Adaptation to Cobalt Chloride-Induced Hypoxia, Conor McAuliffe
Debriefing with Reflection: Best Practice for Learning in Simulation in Pre-Licensure Nursing Education, Mary McDermott