"Exploring and Understanding Factors that Affect the Adoption of Person" by Lujain Samarkandi

Date of Award

Spring 3-20-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

PhD Health Sciences


Health and Medical Sciences


Deborah A. DeLuca, JD

Committee Member

Terrence F. Cahill, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Glenn Beamer, Ph.D.


Personal Health Record, Providers, healthcare professionals, Adoption, Health information technology, Electronic Medical record, PHR


Statement of the problem: Lately, there has been increasing recognition of the importance of PHRs in achieving healthcare transformation in the U.S. Regardless significant consumer interest and expected benefits, generally the adoption of PHRs remains relatively low. For the continuing development of patient PHRs, exploring factors that affect the behavior intentions of healthcare providers to adopt PHRs is significant. The Purpose of this study was to create a valid tool entitled “Personal Health Record Assessment Survey” (PHRAS) then implement this tool in the population to understand the predictive relationship, if any, that may exist between perceptions of knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, perceived credibility, perceived health-promoting role model, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use regarding the behavioral intent to adopt PHR among healthcare providers.

Methods: The study design was descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and correlational research design to determine the behavioral intention of healthcare providers to use PHRs. The sample consisted of 300 participants who identified as healthcare providers.

Results: Reliability for the whole tool with all factors combined was excellent (Cronbach’s alpha .91). Correlations were statistically significant and showed positive findings across all eight independent variables. The relationship perceived ease of use and the adoption of PHRs (for their medical practice) was not significant. The two factors that were significant in the regression model subjective norms and perceived credibility. The healthcare provider’s use of PHRs for their own health management was significantly associated with encouraging their patients to use PHRs. Significant differences existed between in adoption and use of PHRs by health care providers who use and who don’t use for themselves.

Conclusions: The findings of the study suggest that healthcare providers are more likely to use a system if they feel it is secure and safe to use, and there are no privacy issues when using it. Also, if it is promoted by their health care organization, and when their physician recommends it. If their friends or colleagues are using PHRs, they will be more likely to use PHRs also. Further research is needed to gain more understanding of the factors related to ePHRs adoption by healthcare providers.
