Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Dramatic Example: Spectacle, Theatricality, and Performance in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy, Patrick Joseph Caoile
Sacralizing the Secular: Preserving Space in Sarah Orne Jewett’s “A White Heron”, Maria Catherina Capozzoli
Teacher Perceptions on Awareness and Compassion Among Students Following a Human Rights Education Professional Learning Community, Anthony J. Casella
Participation in Visual and Performing Arts Courses and High School Graduation Rates in New Jersey Public High Schools, Richard L. Celebre
An Evaluation of Parental Involvement Types in a Suburban Minority New Jersey Intermediate School: A Quantitative Study, Patrice Clark
A Case Study of the Effects of a Counseling Program in a New Jersey High School, Dayle J. Collins
Multiculturalism and Diversity Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis, Brian M. Conners
Take Care, Now, Evyania Constant
An Urban High School’s Response to a Demographic Shift, Tristian Cox
The Influence of a Phonics-Based Program, Wilson Fundations®, on Primary Children's Reading Skills, Teresa DeBrito
Supports Used by Black Women Faculty for Career Advancement at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Andrea Delpriore
More Than Just Video Games: Analyzing Japanese Game Design 1985 - 1995, Gerald DeMattia
Human Capital Loss in Law Enforcement, Anthony J. DeProspo
Recruitment and Retention of Catholic School Principals: The Importance of School Leadership in the Success of Catholic Schools, Elise Abbie Dite
Characterization of a Novel Double Cooled Electrode DBD Reactor for Ozone Generation, Gustavo Duarte
Understanding the Perceptions of Supervision and Supervisory Behavior of Patrol Precinct Patrol Supervisors in a Goal-Oriented Police Department, Jerry L. Garcia
Sustainability of Catholic Secondary Schools in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area from 2003–2016, David Gardiner
"I speak for the preservation of the Union" : Daniel Webster, Law, and Morality in the writings of the American Renaissance, Rebecca Nicole Girardin
The Influence of English Language Arts Instructional Minutes on Student Achievement in Grades 6, 7, & 8, Franklin Goulburn
Surface Chemistry and Surface Properties of Energetic Nitrocellulose (NC), Henry Grau
Exploring Quality of Life Perceptions among Pre-Clinical and Clinical Phases Saudi Medical Students, Olfat Gushgari
An Examination of the Relationship Between Physician Assistant Program Characteristics and Performance on the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination, Christopher Hanifin
Mentoring as a Pathway to Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in Urban High School Academies, Tyeshia A. Hilbert
Designing for Adolescent Mental Wellness: An Analysis of Museum Education, Art Therapy, and Developmental Theory, Katherine Angela Himics
CD11b+ Depletion of Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages Negatively Affects Bone Fracture Healing, Sarah Hozain
If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: A Quantitative Look at Conference Realignment and FBS Institutions, Daniel H. Hrdina
The Influence of Superintendent Longevity and Continuity on Student Achievement and Faculty Mobility, Craig M. Hutcheson
Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors and Environmental Health Needs of Latinas in Cleaning Occupations, Erin Ihde
Understanding Elements Involved in Active Racial and Ethnic Minority Recruitment Practices for Biopharmaceutical-Sponsored Clinical Trials: A Socio-Ecological Qualitative Inquiry, Rebecca Rae Johnson
The Influence and Predictability of Socioeconomic Factors on the 2018 PARCC Middle School ELA Scores in New Jersey, Charlene Jones
Promoting Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact to Increase Breastfeeding Initiation and Exclusivity in Cesarean Deliveries, Eunide L. Joseph
Rotarians’ Transformative Path from Initiate to Servant Leader: A Narrative Study Examining the Motivation to Volunteer, Edwin A. Kalinka
The Influence of Professional Development Methods on Student Mathematics Performance in New Jersey Public Elementary Schools, Xanthy Karamanos
Orthostatic Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury: The Effect of the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System, Caitlyn G. Katzelnick
The Institutionalization of An Innovative Curricular Component in a Federally Funded Program to Increase Minorities in STEM Fields. A Case Study of a Small and Large University, Janine Kelly-Hardy
International Student Enrollment Trends In the United States: Economic Perspectives, Olga Komissarova
The Influence of Publicly Funded Preschool Programs in New Jersey Public School Districts on Student Achievement in Fourth Grade, Stephanie Elizabeth Kuchar
d-Orbital Occupancy of Transition Metal Oxides by X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES), Eric Kurywczak
An Analysis of the Complex Thinking Requirements of the TerraNova and IOWA Practice Tests in English/Language Arts for Grade 8: A Tale of Two Tests, Armand Lamberti
Risks of Falls among Elderly with Cognitive Impairment, Qingqing Lan
Tackling Toxicity: Identifying and Addressing Toxic Behavior in Online Video Games, Matthew Lapolla
Understanding the Relationship Between Economic and Institutional Trends and Public University Presidential Turnover, Jeffrey P. Levine
Examining the Relationship between Cognitive Selection Criteria for Admission and Noncognitive Performance Outcomes in a Professional Graduate Degree Program, Rosalie Maiorella
Retitling Title IX, Matthew F. Marino
Students' Performance, Satisfaction and Retention in a Hybrid and Traditional Face-To-Face Science Course, Principles of Biology I, in a Community College, Abdallah Mohammad Matari
First-Year Retention of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education, Megan Matesic
Helicopter Parenting in Higher Education: A Content Analysis of Parental Involvement As Discussed in the Media, Amanda McLaughlin
Association Between Stress and Length of Program in Underrepresented Minority Physician Assistant Students, Michelle McWeeney and Michelle McWeeney
Assessing Sex Differences in the Effects of Short-term REM Sleep on Anxiety- and Depressive-like Behaviors in Rats, Nadia Meshkati
Generation and Characterization of a RACK1 Knockout Cell Line, Roy Missall
The Impact of the Language Allocation Plan on Student Outcomes in Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Programs, Bonnie Sue Molina
Cancer-Targeting Immunostimulatory Peptides as an Immunotherapeutic Approach to Cancer, Rachel Montel
Understanding and Identifying The Knowledge and Attitudes of High School Coaches on Sport-Related Concussions, Marc A. Mortellaro
Teachers Perception of the Influence of Trauma Informed Classroom Practices on Elementary School Students: A Case Study, Kelly Murray
The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Teacher-Coach Burnout, Matthew O'Brien
The Type of Questions Being Promoted in a 3rd Grade Reading Textbook, Suzanne Olivero
Teacher Perceptions of Digital Gaming and 21st-century skills in the Middle School Classroom, Elizabeth Omegna
A Study of Social and Cultural Capital in Graduation for African American Students in Four-Year Colleges, Andrew Oni
Urban Public Middle School Teachers and their Response to High Student Mobility, Maria J. Ortiz
Test-Optional Policies: Implementation Impact on Undergraduate Admissions and Enrollment, Christina Pellegrino
Fluorinated Phthalonitriles and Phthalocyanines: Synthesis and Spectroscopic Properties, Marius Pelmus
Effect of Zinc on Microcystis Aeruginosa and its Toxin Production, Jose L. Perez
Investigation of the Chemical Kinetics in an Atmospheric Cold Plasma towards CO2 Conversion, Daniel Piatek
Effect of Environmental Enrichment on the Acquisition of Sign-tracking of an Ethanol Bottle in the Home Environment, Amanda Pra Sisto
The Lived Experiences of Indian International Female Graduate Students in American Higher Education, Sarita Revulagadda
The Impact of High School Career Academies on Student Academic Achievement and Engagement, Daisy Rodriguez
New Jersey: Its Opinions and Reactions to the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments Before and After the Civil War, Adriana Rojas
You Couldn't Write This, Erica Ann Savi
Choking Hazards, Naomi Shuyama and Naomi Shuyama
Chemical tools for Residue-Specific and Secondary Amine Selective Petasis (SASP) bioconjugation of Peptides and Proteins, Yonnette Sim
An Analysis of the Higher Order Thinking Requirements of PARCC Practice Assessments in Grades 3 and 4, Leslie A. Solis-Stovall
Chromatographic Behavior of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies in Hybrid Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HHIC), Madhaviprasanna Srikoti
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Al doped Hafnia for Different Crystal Symmetry Configurations, Joshua Steier
The Potential Link Between Teacher Evaluation and Student Achievement, Darrell Stinchcomb
Teacher Perceptions of the Efficacy of Literacy Coaching as a Valuable Professional Development Practice, Erin J. Stinson-Dioguardi
Accuracy of RN Visual Quantification of Emesis Volumes in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Stephen Stoever
“This is a true story”: Paratextual Prefaces and their Fictive Truths Across Literature, Rebecca Stokem
The Rising Profile of Sexual Harassment on Campus: How Do Faculty Respond Inside and Outside the Classroom, Scott C. Strother
The Molluscum Contagiosum Virus targets host innate immune signaling networks at multiple points using viral proteins MC160 and MC163, Catherine D. Suarez
See No Evil: Are Community Colleges Underreporting or Nonreporting Sexual Assaults?, Songa Y. Thomas-Montford
Teachers’ Perceptions of Problem-Based Learning Task Design and their Understandings of their Role in Implementation, Christina Tighe
Practicing What They Preach: A Case Study Exploring the Experiences of Instructional Designers as Educators of an Online Teaching Certificate Program, David Uibelhoer
Tweeting During a Crisis: Best Practices for Public Relations (PR) Professionals for Reputation Management during Racial Bias Cases, Gabrielle Vanadia
The Type of Questions Being Promoted in a 10th Grade Social Studies Textbook, Christie A. Vanderhook
A Functional Three-Dimensional Microphysiological Model of Myeloma Bone Disease, Richard Visconti
Multiple Intelligences in Chinese Language Teaching in the Globalized Society, Yunfei Wang
A Study on the Influence of Social and Academic Integration on Student Retention Through the Lens of Academic Discipline, Kyle Demitri Warren