"An Analysis of Interventions For Chronically Absent Students in Grade " by Nicholas Solomon

Date of Award

Winter 12-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

EdD Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Daniel Gutmore, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Luke Stedrak, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Frank Asante,Ed.D.


Chronic Absenteeism, Middle School Education, Student Achievement, Low Socio-Economic Status


The aim of this research was to find effective, efficient, and practical interventions that can help educators in Somerset, New Jersey support chronically absent students by facilitating their coming to school and being productive students.

This study explored the definition of chronic absenteeism, along with the impact chronic absenteeism has on education, economically disadvantaged students’ impact on chronic absenteeism, strategies to improve chronic absenteeism, and chronic absenteeism case studies that have been utilized in schools across the nation.

Interviews were conducted with educators in order to gain a clear understanding of their perceptions/beliefs regarding the impact educators can have on strategies to support students who are chronically absent. An interview protocol was designed prior to the interview that focused on questions pertained to the educator’s perceptions and beliefs.

The results of the study afforded valuable information for educators to support students and families that are chronically absent. The results also allowed for clear recommendations to be suggested to educators, along with recommendations for future studies in order to take this research even further.
