Date of Award

Spring 5-16-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

MA Public Relations


Communication and the Arts


Ruth Tsuria, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Renee Robinson, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Kristen Koehler, Ed.D.


public relations, R.P.I.E model, ethnic pride, ethnic identity, social identity theory, multicultural relations


This study analyzed tactics and strategies in public relations campaigns targeting Hispanic-Americans in the United States for its effectiveness in order to identify the best practices to guarantee a successful campaign. This study included a case study examining three public relations campaigns targeting Hispanic-Americans. The case studies uncovered common themes and trends throughout the three campaigns, as well as analyzed the tactics and strategies that were implemented. This then resulted in the recommendations of the best practices for effectively targeting Hispanic-Americans throughout public relations campaigns which were, conduct extensive research, determine the theme, determine the language, and be culturally relevant.
