Date of Award

Fall 12-12-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

MA Applied Behavior Analysis


Education Studies


Frank Cicero, PhD

Committee Member

Brian M. Conners, PhD

Committee Member

Taylor Custer, MA


autism, hand washing, EBP for hand washing, ASD, COVID-19, Hand washing for ASD


With COVID 19 having changed the world’s perception on daily hygiene, people are aiming to improve the rate and efficacy of their hand washing. Autistic children, having a history of challenges with daily living skills, may need support when learning the skill of hand washing. The current review discusses interventions used to teach autistic children effective hand washing and investigates if those interventions meet criteria to be considered an evidence-based practice. Six studies met the inclusion criteria and data were synthesized narratively. Given the importance of hand washing in society, more research is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes. The review concludes with ideas for further research in using evidence-based practices to teach autistic children effective hand washing.
