Date of Award

Fall 9-9-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

MS Biology




Angela Klaus, PhD

Committee Member

Jessica Cottrell, PhD

Committee Member

Daniel B. Nichols, PhD


Drosophila, Ethanol toxicity, Spermatogenesis, model, Reproductive system


Drosophila melanogaster has been extensively used in different types of research as a model organism due to its high reproductivity, short life span, and easy maintenance. In this paper, we examined drosophila as a model for ethanol toxicity in the male reproductive system. We developed three assays: The DAPI assay, sperm viability assay, and tubulin staining assay. The DAPI assay is a nuclear staining assay that assesses the effects of various ethanol concentrations in late spermiogenesis in which increased detrimental effects to the sperm bundles were observed. The second assay consisted of the sperm viability assay which showed an increase in apoptotic spermatozoa and significantly reduced sperm viability with a higher concentration of ethanol. Finally, the last assay was the anti-pan polyglycylated tubulin staining to confirm the effects of ethanol on the coiling cysts at the basal end of the testis which showed reduced to no coiling cysts in the 12% ethanol concentration. The seminal vesicle size was measured in interest but showed no significance between the concentrations.

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Biology Commons
