Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Analysis of the Higher-Order Thinking Requirements of an End-of-Course ELA Assessment, Timothy J. Dowd
Effect of Copper II Chloride on Proinflammatory Pathway Cytokine Expression and ROS/RNS Production in ATDC5 Chondrocytes, Nicolas Ebner
Understanding Involvement and Integration Factors for International College Student Persistence, Linda Okoye Fagan
Survivors of Sexual Violence and the Impact of Rape Myth Internalization, Ambivalent Sexism, and Concealment on Formal Help-Seeking Behaviors: An Application of Minority Stress Theory, Katherine R. Finkelstein
Perspectives of Home Care Nurses on Frailty and Resilience in Older Adults Living at Home, Lisa Foley
First-Year Engagement and Intention to Return in Higher Education: A National Study of Undecided Major Students, Jacqueline Galler
Forgotten Population: The Value of Correctional Education Programs from the Lived Experiences and Perspectives of Formerly Incarcerated Women in New York State, Cassandra D. Garrett
Queer Not: Medieval Romance's Toll on Queerness, Kyle Gaydo
Examining the Factors that Influence High School Teachers’ Implementation of Professional Development, Ellen Gianakis
The Stained Glass Ceiling: Women College Presidents in a Catholic Higher Education Context, Nicole Giglia
Leadership Styles in NCAA Division I Athletic Administration and Their Relationships to Job Satisfaction, Valerie Gomez
Impact of Resiliency and Self-Care Training on Student Nurses, Johanna V. Grimaldi
Ci Guardiamo il Culo: A Phenomenology of Relevance in Ancient Italian Cultural Heritage, Sophia Hudzik
The Influence of Teacher Absenteeism on Student Achievement in Grades 3-5 in Rural Public Schools in New Jersey, Lisa A. Hutcheson
Message and Meaning: Media Literacy and Racial Literacy Among Secondary-School Students, Warren Hynes
Exploring Principals’ Perceptions about Collective Efficacy in Urban K-8 New Jersey Schools Designated for the School Improvement Process, Crystal M. Joye
Photocatalysis with Adsorbed Fluorinated Phthalocyanines, Usha Kalra
Role of fatty acid transport proteins in fatty acid uptake in Neuro-2a cells, Michelle Kim
To What Extent Does Superintendent Longevity Relate to Student Performance As Measured by Graduation Rates, Robert L. Kravitz
Parents' Reasons for Choosing to Enroll their Child in Private High School, Terry Kung
Surface Characterization of Mixed-mode Adsorbents using BET C-Constant Energy Scale, Dinah C. Lee
Improving Patients' Perception of Pain: An Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner-Led Chronic Pain Coaching Group, Suzanne A. Levy
Visiting Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Telehealth to Promote Medication Compliance in the Elderly Population, Diane Renee Logan
Ovarian Cancer Survivorship Checklist, Emily Lott
Professional Athletes Tell All: Communication Techniques to Assist In A Successful Podcast, Wilnir Louis
Involvement of TRPM7 in Alcohol-Induced Damage of the Blood-Brain Barrier in the Presence of HIV Viral Proteins, Michelle L. Mack
Scared To Lose You: Attachment Narratives of Mothers Post-Neonatal Hospitalization, Nicole T. Maleh
Medication Adherence Via a Smartphone Application, Robert B. Marsh
Digitizing the American West: Analyzing Rhetoric in Red Dead Redemption 2, Amalia McEvoy
How pediatric emergency department nurses initiate and provide care to children and families with limited English-proficiency, Caroline Meza
Recruitment Barriers for Minoritized Females That Limit Access to Higher Education, Tya Miles
The African American Dream Deferred: Exploring the Relationship Between the “American Dream” And the Black American Millennial Reality, Simonleigh P. Miller
The Key Role of Social Media in Students’ Understanding of the Rhetorical Situation, Olivia Montine
It Takes A Village: A Qualitative Study on Parent and Teacher Perceptions of The Full-Service Community School Model and its Influence on School Communities, Jackson Nyamwange
Investigating the Diffusion of Solid Yttria Into Solid Zirconia for the Formation of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, Logan Thomas Ockershausen
Fever Dive: A Novel, Sofia Ohrynowicz
Chemical and Biological Catalysis Using a Functionalized Fluorinated Phthalocyanine, Mary Chiọma Okorie
Exploring the Relationship between Nurse Supervisor’s Servant Leadership Behavior and Nursing Employee’s Self-Assessment of Engagement and Burnout in Nigeria, Michael Otuwurunne
Exploring Balance Assessment Practices and Utilization of Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Clinical Guidance Statement in Fall Management by U.S.-Practicing Physical Therapists: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Franceah Palencia-Quijano
University Administrators, Leadership, and Faculty Views on the Internationalization of Curriculum, Alina Pap
A Content Analysis of Title IX Sexual Misconduct Violations Using the Office for Civil Rights Investigative Findings for Higher Education in New Jersey, Monise Princilus
Molluscum Contagiosum Virus MC160 Protein: A Novel Antagonist of the Cellular cGAS/STING dsDNA Sensing Pathway, Brian T. Reiss
A Phenomenological Study of Faith in Catholic Persons Living with the Diagnosis of Cancer, Macrina Reyes
College Completion: The Experiences of Low-income College Students in a Student Support Services Program, Navin A. Saiboo
Caregiver Perspectives on the Daily Function of People Living With HNRNPH2-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder: Developing a Conceptual Model, Rachel Salazar
Visible Light Photoacid Generator Catalyzed Michael Additions & In-situ Photoredox Generated Carbocation Catalysis, Zena M. Salem
Striving for Success: Educators' perceptions on how a small learning community impacted the academic achievement of African American males, Laura Satterfield - Mathieu
Photoacid-Catalyzed C–C and C–O Bond Formation and the Synthesis of Triazole - Containing Bis(indolyl)methanes, Jason Saway
Emergency Department Patient Navigator Post Chest Pain Diagnosis Discharge, Nancy Simoes
Exploring Community College Health Science Adjunct Faculty's Perception of Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices and Implementation Readiness, Catherine Sirangelo
A Process Evaluation of Post-Secondary Programs for High Functioning Students on the Autism Spectrum, Richard A. Spirito Jr.
Relational Empowerment Among Public Safety Outreach Workers and Violence Interventionists in U.S. Cities: A Qualitative Inquiry, Christopher M. Thompson
Evaluating Equity: Examining Inclusionary Practices from Educational Organizations to Improve the Education Experience of LGBTQIA+ Students, Jillian G. Torrento
Exploring Nursing Faculty Perceived Individual and Organizational Readiness to Use Online Simulation as a Teaching Strategy, Luz-Patricia Torres
Photoisomerizable Membrane Active Peptides, Cristina Ventura
Recovering Pearl: Utopian Projections in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter", Evan Weiss
A Spiritual Call: Jeremiah’s Call to the Heart And the Stages of Spiritual Progression in Carmelite Spirituality, Julia S. Whelan
Testing Accommodations Decision-Making Policies and Procedures at New York Area Independent Schools: A Qualitative Study, Scott Wilson
Thermocatalytic Plasma-Assisted Dry Reforming of Methane Over Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst, Tyler Wong
Curriculum Design for Violent Extremism Detection and Prevention in Institutions of Higher Education, Robert C. Yaiser
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Food Insecurity Among College Students: Perception of College Administrators, Ibiyemi Adesanya
Exploring Ghanaian Immigrants' Healthcare Access and Utilization of the U.S. Health System, Kweku J. Agyeman
Telehealth, during COVID-19 pandemic did it increase access to care?, Annette Allegra
First-Generation College Students in Saudi Universities, Samah Faris Alshrief
Teacher Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Practices in Urban Charter Middle Schools, Michelle Anderson
Perceptions of Conservative and Liberal Protest Groups’ Use of Violent and Nonviolent Behavior, Tahra C. Anglade
Investigation of the Effect of Trace Element, Copper Chloride, on Chondrogenic Cell Line, ATDC5 Function, Alexandra Bambrick
Understanding Which College Academic and Social Integration Factors Are Important in Predicting First-Generation College Students’ Retention in the First Year, Nicole Battaglia
The Conditions for Success: How the Future Search Conference Method Uses Dialogue to Spur Stakeholder Integration, Daniel Bender
Exploring the Effects of Witnessing Family Violence in Childhood Among South Asians in America, Chiroshri Bhattacharjee
Moral Distress and Ethical Climate in Pediatric Nurses in the Time of COVID, Katherine Bliss Soriano
Bis-Indolyl Compounds and the Induction of Apoptosis in T98G Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells, Margot C. Brown
Examining the Link Between Professional Learning Communities and Teacher Burnout, Sabrina Caminero
Stress and Retrieval-Enhanced Suggestibility, Amanda Capriglione
Advisement Challenges and Opportunities In Pre-Service Teacher Education: Insights Into The Experiences of Diverse Pre-Service Teachers, Latasha Casterlow-Lalla
Exploring Associations Between Self-Concept, Ideal Self, and Assessment Practices of High School Science Teachers, Jeffrey Celebre
Teachers’ Perceptions of an Alternative Evaluation Model, Karen A. Chase
Exploring Research Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of MNRI® Core Specialists, Jerzie-Ann Coppola
The Road to Total War - Anglo-German Rivalry, 1880-1914, Michael Coté
Preserving the Polychromy of Antiquity: An Analysis of Collections Stewardship and Colored Classical Antiquity Sculptures, Angelina D'Angelo
Connecting and Communicating to Support Youth Mental Health, Michele Davide
Digital Communication Channel Selection for Organizational Leadership: Best Practices for Interacting with Dispersed Stakeholders, Sarah M. Diefenbach
A Quantitative Study On The Relationship Between Students' Perceptions Of School Safety And Academic Outcomes In New York City High Schools, Candyce Edwards-Allen
The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Socialization on Young Black Women's Roles in Interpersonal and Romantic Relationships: A Quantitative study, Jessica L. Elliott