Date of Award

Spring 5-20-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

PhD. Chemistry


Chemistry and Biochemistry


Wyatt R. Murphy, PhD

Committee Member

Nicholas H. Snow, PhD

Committee Member

Gary E. Martin, PhD


microwave-assisted synthesis, iridium (III) complexes, green, cuproines, Organic Light Emitting Devices (OLEDs)


A series of heteroleptic, iridium-based ionic transition metal complexes (ir-iTMCS), with the purpose to serve as potential components of OLED and LEC devices, were synthesized through a green, combinatorial-based approach. This work utilized a microwave reactor in order to bring our research into closer alignment with the tenets of green chemistry. The aim of this research was to assess the effects of structural differences, specifically steric crowding, on the photophysical characteristics of the complexes. The radiative quantum efficiencies (Φf) and excited state lifetimes (τ ) of the series of Ir-iTMCs were investigated. The rates of radiative (kr) and nonradiative decay (knr) were calculated and yielded interesting results; the energy gap law was not followed. Of the eight Ir-iTMCs, two complexes exhibited quantum efficiencies close to 100% and lifetimes within the desirable range for applications in OLEDs and LECs. The rate of radiative decay was larger than that of the nonradiative decay for the two complexes of interest. As a result, the focus should be shifted onto kr as opposed to knr for highly efficient Ir-iTMCs with applications in OLEDs and LECs.
