Date of Award

Fall 11-2-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

EdD Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Manuel Gonzalez, PhD

Committee Member

Michael Vega, PhD

Committee Member

Randall Clemens, PhD


incarceration, rehabilitation, recidivism, correctional education programs, reintegration


In the United States correctional education programs are part of the federal and state prisons effort to rehabilitate offenders. Prisoners may be rehabilitated by learning skills that can prepare them for reintegration into society post-release. This study explored the value of correctional education programs in assisting formerly incarcerated women in avoiding recidivism in New York state. The qualitative interpretive study used semi-structured interviews of 10 formerly incarcerated women released from a New York state jail or prison during 2017 – 2022. The results of this study suggest that low school attainment is one of the educational risk factors associated with adult offending, incarceration, and recidivism. The research also shows that women prisoners participate in correctional educational programs due to the value attached to these programs, including a supportive and nurturing environment, enhanced employment prospects post-release, and successful reintegration into society. The study concluded that correctional educational programs are effective in helping to prepare formerly incarcerated women for improved life conditions post-release without engaging in criminal behavior.
