Date of Award

Fall 12-15-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Executive Ed.D. in Education Leadership Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Daniel Gutmore, PhD

Committee Member

Robert Wagner, PhD

Committee Member

David Reid, PhD


Physical Activity, Teachers, Students, Movement


This qualitative research study was conducted to capture teacher’s perceptions of the cognitive and behavioral benefits of integrating physical movement and activity during classroom lessons. This case study, conducted at a comprehensive high school in Southern New Jersey, examined the attitudes, beliefs, and opinions of eight participating teachers with knowledge and/or experience with implementing physical movement and activity during their lessons.

American public education, especially secondary high school level coursework, has become increasingly sedentary since the turn of the 21st century. This shifting trend from paper and pencil assignments to technology-based work has become especially pronounced since the pandemic. Significant research volume indicates the dangers of too much screen time for children and adolescents. Additionally, large-scale data details the increase in childhood chronic health conditions that can be directly attributable to a sedentary lifestyle.

This study examined teacher’s opinions about the benefits and drawbacks of different types of physical movement concepts in a high school classroom setting. The participating teachers shared overall positive attitudes and beliefs about their experiences with implementing physical movement during their lessons, from a cognitive, academic and behavioral standpoint. Teachers reported that students seemed to benefit in a variety of ways from integrating physical movement during the lesson or from integrating physical movement during breaks in the lesson. The results were dependent on variables such as the school schedule, time of day, gender differences, and curriculum demands.

Available for download on Wednesday, February 15, 2034

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