Content Posted in 2018
1 - Nonprofit Investigative Journalism Executive Summary, Matthew Hale
2016 Meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill, Lawrence Frizzell
2017 Convocation Address -- Judith Lothian --, Tabitha Harris
2018-19 Albert B. Hakim Faculty Service Medal -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
2018 Faculty Summer Seminar - Interfaith Relations, Center for Catholic Studies, Seton Hall University
20th Anniversary of the Vatican Document on the Shoah (Holocaust), Lawrence Frizzell
2. "Modeling Democratic Transitions: Distributive Conflict and Elite Processes", Terence Teo
2- Nonprofit Investigative Journalism Content Analysis Section Final Report, Matthew Hale
3 - Nonprofit Investigative Journalism Conversations about Impact and Reach, Matthew Hale
5. "Transition Paths and the Quality of Democracy", Terence Teo
6. "Inequality, Development, and the Weak Democracy Syndrome", Terence Teo
9. Sol oriens in occiduo: Representations of Empire and the City in Early Eighteenth-Century Brazil, Kirsten Schultz
A Being Beyond: Featuring Highlights in the Career of Anthony Triano
Abortion and Euthanasia as Social Indicators, Dr. Helen M. Alvare'
Abortion Rights Controversy in America: A Legal Reader, Williamjames Hoffer
Abraham's Faith and Sacrifice, Lawrence Frizzell
A Brief Comment on the Response By Professors Findley and Risinger to My Original Contribution to Professor Risinger’s Symposium, Edward J. Imwinkelried
A Brief Reply to Professor Cassell, Marvin Zalman
Academic Facilities Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Facilities Committee Report -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Application for MA in Applied Behaviour Analysis -- 2018, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Changes to the MA in Strategic Communication Program -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Cybersecurity Proposal -- January 2018, Tabitha Harris
-- Academic Policy Committee -- Dual Degree Program in Psychology and Speech Language Pathology -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Library Endorsement of MA in Applied Behaviour Analysis --- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Market Analysis Documents for MA in Applied Behaviour Analysis -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Minor in Sports Media WITH APPENDIX -- June 2018, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Model Writing Major -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Nursing Certificate Documents -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Nursing Certificate -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Nursing Course Comparison -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Proposal for Substantial Changes in Social and Behavioral Sciences Program -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Proposal for Writing Major -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Proposal to Add Online MA to EDS Degree in CEHS -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Proposed Minor in Sports Media -- UPDATED VERSION -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Proposed Minor in the Medical Humanities -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee --- Proposed Revision to the New Program Proposal Guidelines -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- January 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee Report REVISED -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee --- SHMS Course Comparison -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Sports Media Minor -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Academic Policy Committee -- Writing Major Learning Objectives Chart -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
A Catholic Core Curriculum, Richard Liddy
Acknowledging the Colonial Past: Display Methods of Ethnographic Objects, Sarah Kraft
A Crise do Império e a Questão da Escravidão: Portugal e Brasil, c. 1700-c. 1820, Kirsten Schultz
A Defense of Spiritual Warfare, Peter J. Kreeft Dr.
A Descriptive Study of School Climate and School Culture in Selected Public Secondary Schools in New Jersey and New York, James A. Horton Jr.
Admissions Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Admissions Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Admissions Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Advanced Economic Aspects of International Relations, Paula Puskarova
A Era Das Revoluções e a Transferência da Corte Portuguesa para o Rio de Janeiro (1790-1821), Kirsten Schultz
A Farewell to Falsity Shifting Standards in Medicare Fraud Enforcement, Isaac D. Buck
Affirmative Action Revived: What is the Future for Law Schools?, Shelli Soto and Robert Pallitto
A Fresh Approach to Jewish-Christian Studies, Asher Finkel
Africa and IMF Conditionality : The Unevenness of Compliance, 1983-2000, Kwame Akonor
African-Born Black Women Faculty: Their Lived Experience, Challenges, and Perceived Barriers to Success and Progress in U. S. Higher Education, Kieran C. Nduagbo
African Economic Institutions, Kwame Akonor
African Union Seminar, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Afro-Politics and Civil Society in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil by Kwame Dixon (review), Kirsten Schultz
After our likeness: the church as the image of the Trinity, Lawrence Porter
A Guide to the Church : Its Origin and Nature, its Mission and its Ministries, Lawrence Porter
Albanians' First Post-communist Decade. Values in Transition: Traditional or Liberal?, Ines Murzaku and Zyhdi Dervishi
All Nepalese Rhododendrons: An Argument for the Uniform Application of International Exhaustion to Patent Law Following Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Isabelle A. Fabian
Alternating Treatments for Idiom Interpretation by Children with Specific Language Impairments, Monique S. Kaye
American Nuclear Efforts: Prolonging the Cold War, Bryan McCracken
A Mixed Method Study of Shifts in Patrol Tactics Attributed to Police Involvement in National Events and Movements, Christopher L. Rinaldi
A Moment to Pause and Recall Our Baptism, Lawrence Frizzell
An Analysis of the Higher Order Thinking Requirements of a Grade 8 Online-Based English Language Arts Skills Program, Paige D. Sydoruk
An Awareness of World and Need for Transformation, Lawrence Frizzell
An Exploration of High Level Language Comprehension Deficits and the Factors Influencing Them Following Blast Exposure in Afghanistan and Iraq War Veterans, Judith R. Koebli
An Exploratory Study on Perceptions of (IPE) Towards Interprofessional Practice in Athletic Training, Carolyn Goeckel
Anguish and Joy in God’s Service, Lawrence Frizzell
An Introduction to Craig R. Callen’s Spotting a Preponderance of the Evidence in the Wild, D. Michael Risinger
AP Article Related to Chris Christie Bridge Scandal (50+ News Outlets), Matthew Hale
Aphra Behn’s Courtesans and Crossdressing Women: An Analysis of Gender and Power in 17th Century Literature, Maria Barca
Application of Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring in Nurses Practicing in a Pain Center, Patricia Malone Hubert
A Prioritized Approach to Baby Boomers and Busters, Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
A Reflection on the Book of Blessings, Lawrence Frizzell
A Return to Waterboarding?, Robert Pallitto
Art Education: Perspectives from Lonergan, Langer and Maslow, Richard Liddy
A Seven-Step Plan To Integrate Young Adult People Into Church Life, John C. Cusick Rev.
"A Shower of Insights" Autobiography and Intellectual Conversion, Richard Liddy
Asking the Right Question in City of Hays v. Vogt, Neal Modi
Assessing the Effects of Dual Tasking on Spatiotemporal Parameters of Gait in Older Adults: Exploring Age and Task Demands, Mohammed Issa Alsaeed
Assessment of Energetic Heterogeneity of Reversed-Phase Surfaces Using Excess Adsorption Isotherms for HPLC Column Characterization, Leih-Shan Yeung
Assessment of the Viability of Microwell Plates as Sample Holders for Analytical Excitation-Emission Spectroscopy of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in 75% Ethanol, Lauren M. Ridley-Hoffman
A Study of Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polymorphisms in the Tumor Suppressor Gene, p53, of Wild Menhaden, Samantha Rose Reed
A Study of the Impact of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards on the Instructional Practices of Teachers in Grades 1-4, David H. Dilks
A Study of the Impact of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards on the Instructional Practices of Teachers in Grades 1-4, David H. Dilks
A Study of Transformational Leadership Practices to Police Officers' Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, John P. Decker
A Theology of Sacred Scripture for the Preacher: Actualizing the Word of God, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
Atheology of Sacred Scripture for the Preacher: The Nature of The Word of God, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
At Home in the Revolution: what women said and did in 1916: An interview with Lucy McDiarmid
Atlantic Transformations and Brazil's Imperial Independence, Kirsten Schultz
Augustine Of Hippo On The Art Of Preaching, Rev. George Lawless OSA, STD
Augustine's Intellectual Conversion, Richard Liddy
Balancing Justice and Mercy, Lawrence Frizzell
Baptism and Righteousness, Lawrence Frizzell
Baptism is Forever, Demetrius R. Dumm Rev.
Bargaining with the Machine: A Framework for Describing Encounters with Surveillance Technologies, Robert Pallitto
Baroque and Beyond The City and Urban Experience in Colonial Brazil, Kirsten Schultz
Bauer v. Lynch: a Push(up) to Exercise Change and Account for Physiological Differences Between Men and Women, Scott P. Humphreys
Becoming Productive Workers in the Vineyard, Lawrence Frizzell
Behn and the Scientific Self, Karen Gevirtz
Bernard Lonergan on a Catholic Liberal Arts Education, Richard Liddy
Bernard Lonergan, S.J., Richard Liddy
Biblical Perspectives on Choosing a Wholesome Way of Life, Asher Finkel
Biological, Clinical, and Forensic Analysis Using Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography, Nicholas Snow
Black Mothers' Counter-Narratives of Agency: A Pulse on Racism and Parent Involvement Strategies in Twenty First Century Schools, Sharnee N. Brown
Blessings that Cure Human Woes, Lawrence Frizzell
Book Review of Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies, Volume One: Studies, Lawrence Frizzell
Brazil through French Eyes: A Nineteenth-Century Artist in the Tropics by Ana Lucia Araujo (review), Kirsten Schultz
Building and Nuturing a Pastoral Staff, Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
Calendar Committee -- Academic Calendar 2020-2021 -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Calendar Committee Report -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Calendar Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Call and Response to the Heavenly Banquet, Lawrence Frizzell
Can Standardizing CABG care with Clinical Pathways Reduce Length of Stay and Hospital Acquired Infections?, Seana Friedman
Cardinal Martini on Bernard Lonergan: Bernard Lonergan at the Service of the Church, Richard Liddy
Caring for The Bereaved Mother, Ivonne Rocio Guzman
Catalysis of Organic Reactions, John Sowa
Catholic Identity in Edmund Rice Christian Brother Schools in the United States, Thomas R. Leto
Catholicism, Culture, Conversion: The History of the Jesuits in Albania (1841-1946), Ines Murzaku and Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum.
Catholicity and Faculty Seminars, Richard Liddy
Catholic, Jewish communities stand together, Lawrence Frizzell
Catholic Peacemaking, Andrea Bartoli
Catholic Peacemaking, Andrea Bartoli
Catholic Studies and the Mission of the Catholic University, Richard Liddy
Caution, Curves Ahead: Does the Future Signal Changes for Whistleblowers?, Shawn Grant
Changing Our Minds: Bernard Lonergan and Climate Change, Richard Liddy
Childhood Hurts and Self-Esteem, Rev. Patrick Collins
China's Foreign Relations, Li-Wen Zhang Dr.
China's Foreign Relations, Li-Wen Zhang Dr.
China's Foreign Relations, Zheng Wang Dr.
Christ as Servant, Lawrence Frizzell
Christian Commitment Reflects Christ's Obedience, Lawrence Frizzell
Christian Feminism in a Post-Abortive World, Agnes Mary Donovan Mother
Christianity and Judaism in the Czech Republic, Lawrence Frizzell
"Christ our passover has been sacrificed" (1Cor 5,7) : an exegetico-theological investigation of a Pauline metonymy, Christopher Ciccarino
Christ Satisfies the Hungry, Lawrence Frizzell
Christ’s Love Fortifies Unity of Marriage, Lawrence Frizzell
Christ's Presence in the Liturgy, Lawrence Frizzell
Christ's Victory for Us, Lawrence Frizzell
"Church", Raymond Kemp Rev.
Church and Estate: Religion and Wealth in Industrial Era Philadelphia, Thomas Rzeznik
Church Comatose, Elinor R. Ford Dr.
Circumventing Spatio-Numeric Biases Through Non-Numeric Assessments of Perceived Causal Strength, Daniel William Czarnowski
Civil Conflict and Development, Aaron Hale PhD
Civil Society Education: International Perspectives, Roseanne Mirabella , Johan Hvenmark, and Ola Larsson
Classless Investing: Why Enforcing Class Action Waivers Is Both Proper, and Beneficial, for Investors, Justin C. Ferrone
Clergy and Laity, Part I, Con J. Casey Rev.
Clergy and Laity, Part II, Con J. Casey Rev.
Collaboration, William C. Harms Msgr.
Comment on Laudan, Roger Koppl
Common Law Consequences of Catching ‘Em All: Exclusionary Property Rights in Augmented Space and an Alternative Notice/Opt-Out Procedure for Location-Based Augmented Reality Technology, Danielle Nicole Craft
Common Sense on Standards of Proof, Kevin M. Clermont
Communicating Forensic Evidence: Lessons from Psychological Science, Barbara A. Spellman
Communication Accommodation in Maternity Care: A Qualitative Analysis on how Patient-Provider Communication Affects Labor and Delivery Decisions, Gabriele Cafone
Comparative Foreign Policy, Ann Marie Murphy
Comparative Foreign Policy, Edislav Manetovic
Comparative Foreign Policy, Ann Marie Murphy
Comparative Foreign Policy, Ann Marie Murphy
Comparative Foreign Policy, Ann Marie Murphy
Comparative Foreign Policy, Robert Shaver
Comparative Foreign Policy, Ann Marie Murphy
Comparative Political Economy of Development, Yui Suzuki
Comparative Political Economy of Development, Paula Puskarova
Compassion Before Legalism: Priestly Ministry To People In Their 20s And 30s, John C. Cusick Rev.
Compensation and Welfare Committee (C&W) Report, Jonathan Farina
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- January 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation and Welfare Committee Report -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation & Welfare Committee -- Adjunct Salary Study 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation & Welfare Committee -- Instructions on How to Know if Your Salary Is At 81% -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation & Welfare Committee -- Is Your Salary at 81%? -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation & Welfare Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation & Welfare Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Compensation & Welfare Committee -- Salary Review -- Sibson Presentation -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Concepts and Applications for Leadership in the Global Community, Courtney Smith
Concepts and Practice of Leadership, Ahmad Kamal
Concepts and Practice of Leadership, Ahmad Kamal
Concepts and Practice of Leadership, Robert Van Leeuwen M.P.A.
Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Plural Societies, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale PhD
Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Plural Societies, Borislava Manojlovic PhD
Conflict and Forced Population Movements in Africa, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Conflict and Forced Population Movements in Africa, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Conflict Management, William C. Harms Msgr.
Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Examining Faculty Perspectives, Daria Pizzuto
Contours of abuse / what happens in abuse, Tom Dugan Dr.
Controlling the Jury-Teaching Function, Richard D. Friedman
Control of the Attorney-Client Privilege After Mergers and Other Transformational Transactions: Should Control of the Privilege Be Alienable by Contract?, Grace M. Giesel
Conversation with Coleridge, Micheal O'Siadhail
Cooperative and Competitive Priming Impacts Participatory Environmental Action, Daniel Curtin
Correlation of Environmental Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polymorphisms in the Proto-oncogene v-Rel using Wild Atlantic Menhaden, Chelsea Rose DeFelice
Craig Callen on the Burden of Proof, Dale A. Nance
Creating Welcoming and Inviting Communities, Rev. Frank DeSiano CSP, Dmin
Cross Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Management, Zheng Wang Dr.
Crossing the Judicial Border: Access to Judicial Review for a Premature Appeal of an Order for Removal, Evelyn Rodriguez
Culture and Cultures (1), Raymond Kemp Rev.
Culture and Cultures (2), Raymond Kemp Rev.
Cyclic Urethane: A Versatile Handle for Synthetic Peptide Applications, Hader E. Elashal
David Freund - Gas Stop: Culture
Days of National Festivity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1823–1889 by Hendrik Kraay (review), Kirsten Schultz
Debunked, Discredited, but Still Defended Revising State Post-Conviction Relief Statutes to Cover Convictions Resting on Subsequently Invalidated Expert Testimony, Edward J. Imwinkelried
(De)Constructing Jane: Converting Austen in Film Responses, Karen Gevirtz
Determinants of Behavioral Intent to Adopt the Closed-Loop Artificial Pancreas Among Diabetes Healthcare Providers, Carolyn M. Serrano
Determination of Polar Solvents by Static Headspace Extraction – Gas Chromatography (SHE-GC), Michael Sithersingh
Developing a Liturgical/Pastoral Style at Key Young Adult Moments-Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, John C. Cusick Rev.
Developing an Internal Leadership Pipeline in Urban Districts: A Pathway to Capacity Building, Marnie G. McKoy
Development of a Reliable Method to Express and Purify Vaccinia Virus Transcription Factors A7 and D6 in Bacteria, Younghoon Park
Dialogue, Selection, Subversion: Three Approaches to Teaching Women Writers, Karen Gevirtz, Martha Bowden, and Jonathan Sadow
Ding-Dong Ditched: Cultures Clash as a Town Attempts to Stop Real Estate Solicitations, Kevin Gilmore
Diplomacy Honors Research Project, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Diplomacy Honors Thesis Project, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Discovering The Hidden Reality:Living Living in The Indwellling Trinity, Rev. George A. Maloney SJ, STD
Dispositional Mindfulness and Positive Psychological Processes in Older Adults: Executive Functioning, Positive Reappraisal and Meaning in Life., Kristen Wesbecher
Distributive Conflict and Regime Change: A Qualitative Dataset, Stephan Haggard, Terence Teo, and Robert Kaufman
Diversity Requirement Proposed by Arts and Sciences -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Divine Gifts to Jerusalem and to Mary, Lawrence Frizzell
Divine physician brings humanity back to wholeness, Lawrence Frizzell
Divine Titles and Activities, Lawrence Frizzell
Doctoral Program Completion: Grit, Goal-Setting, Social Support, Valerie Blanchard
Does College Experience Matter? A National Study Understanding Graduates’ Job Satisfaction, Kevin R. Majewski
Dogs in the Bible: A Closer Look and a Theological Conclusion, Lawrence Porter
Dormant no Longer: New Jersey's Truth in Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act Violates the Dormant Commerce Clause, Catherine B. Derenze
Dramatugical Dimensions of Preaching, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
Dr. GreenThumb Goes to Washington: A Scientific Argument for the Legalization of Medical Marijuana, Amanda Frankel
Dual 4+2 Degree in Psychology and Speech Language Pathology -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Eastern European and Post-Soviet Politics, Margarita M. Balmaceda
Economic Aspects of International Affairs, Nabeela N. Alam
Economic Aspects of International Relations, Robert Chandross
"Economic Oroonoko", Karen Gevirtz
Ecumenical Jihad, Peter J. Kreeft Dr.
Education by Example, Lawrence Frizzell
Education for Success or Happiness, Lawrence Frizzell
Effectiveness of Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs to Teach Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in a Medium Southeastern Maryland School District, Donnie Renee Johnson
Effective Preaching To The Twenty-Somethings And Thirty-Somethings, John C. Cusick Rev.
Effects of Crude Oil on Tumor Suppressor p53 Polymorphisms in Laboratory-Exposed Atlantic Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, Allison Margaret Nadler
Eject the Floppy Disk: How to Modernize the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to Meet Cybersecurity Needs, Bailey McGowan
Election: Challenge Rather Than Privilege, Lawrence Frizzell
Elimination of the Oral Communication Category from the Arts and Sciences' Core -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
El Primer Contexto de los Escritos Economicos de Bernard Lonergan, Richard Liddy
Emergence of the Contemporary World, Naaborle Sackeyfio Dr.
Empowering People, William C. Harms Msgr.
Engagement of STEM and Non-STEM Students: A Comparison between International and American Undergraduate Students, Reema Panwar
Epistemology, Psychology, and Standards of Proof: An Essay on Risinger’s “Surprise” Theory, Michael S. Pardo
Ethnopolitical Landscape: Nations and Ethnicity, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Ethnopolitical Landscapes of the Contemporary World, Hossein Hafezian PhD
Ethnopolitical Landscapes of the Contemporary World, Naaborle Sackeyfio Dr.
EU External Relations, Borislava Manojlovic Dr.
European Union: Dynamics and Development, Borislava Manojlovic Dr.
Evangelization and the Church, Rev. Frank DeSiano CSP, Dmin
Evangelization and the Lay Person, Rev. Kenneth Boyack
Evangelization and the Parish, Rev. Frank DeSiano CSP, Dmin
Executive Committee MS in International Affairs Proposal for School of Diplomacy -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee -- Policy Against Intimate Relationships With Subordinates -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report REVISED -- December 2017 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report REVISED -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Report -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Executive Committee Welcome to the New Senators -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Expert Testimony and the Epistemology of Disagreement, Alex Stein
Expert Witnesses in Bankruptcy Court: A Battle of Misconception, Shaun Peterson
Explanations and the Preponderance Standard: Still Kicking Rocks with Dr. Johnson, Ronald J. Allen and Michael S. Pardo
Exploration of Statistics Anxiety Among Doctoral Students in Health Sciences Related Disciplines, Quincy Chau
Exploring Direct and Indirect Effects of English Proficiency on Access, Utilization, and Health Status among Californian Adults with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Renee E. Pierre-Louis
Exploring Parental Involvement in Public Secondary Schools in Imo State, Nigeria: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Longinus Nwakire Ugwuegbulem
Exploring the Influence of Mindfulness on Elementary-Aged Students Through the Lens of the Classroom Teacher: A Case Study, Angela Penna-Wilkos
Exploring the Use of the Timed Up and Go Test to Identify Patient Fall Risk in an Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry Unit, Danielle Struble-Fitzsimmons
Faces of the church: meditations on a mystery and its images, Lawrence Porter
Fact Book 1987, Office of Policy and Planning, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1988, Office of Policy and Planning, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1989, Office of Policy and Planning, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1990, Office of Policy and Planning, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1991-1992, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1992-1993, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1993-1994, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1994-1995, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1995-1996, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1997-1998, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1998-1999, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 1999-2000, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2001-2002, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2002-2003, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2003-2004, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2004-2005, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2005-2006, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2006-2007, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2007-2008, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2008-2009, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2009-2010, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2010-2011, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2011-2012, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2012-2013, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact Book 2015- 2016, Office of Institutional Research, Seton Hall University
Fact & Fiction: Amending Right of Publicity Statutes to Include Life Story and Fictional Character Rights, Stephanie J. Beach
Faculty Development Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Development Committee Report REVISED -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Grievance Committee By-Laws -- 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Grievance Committee Bylaws PROPOSED REVISIONS -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Grievance Committee -- Request for Informal Conciliation -- August 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee -- Article 10.1 Clinical Line Voting -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee -- Article 10 REVISIONS -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee -- Article 1 and 2 of Faculty Guide REVISED FOR SECOND READING -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee Report FINAL VERSION -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
-- Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee Report -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Articles 1 and 2 Revised and Annotated 4.6.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee -- DRAFT REVISION OF ARTICLE 4 of the Faculty Guide -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & By-Laws Committee - Faculty Guide -- ARTICLE 3 REVISION -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee -- Faculty Guide Interpretations REVISED -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee -- Interpretation of Article 10.1.g FINAL -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee -- Memo Regarding changes to Article 3 of the Faculty Guide -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee -- REVISED Article 3 of the Faculty Guide -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee -- SECOND READING of Article 3 -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Change Article 12 Emeritus Policy -- Provost Response -- March 2018, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Article 10 of Faculty Guide REVISIONS -- March 2018, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Article 10 UPDATED revised version -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Article 1 & 2 of Faculty Guide PROPOSED CHANGES -- March 2018, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- DRAFT REVISION OF ARTICLES 1 & 2 -- August 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Interpretation of Article 10.1.g -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Interpretation of Article 10.3.b.18 -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Interpretation of Article 10.3.c.10 -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Interpretation of Article 10.3 (Interim Chair) -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee Report 1.19.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Guide Committee Report -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Committee -- Summary of Changes to Articles 4 &5 -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Grievance Policy Article 14, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Guide Revision Project -- Article 4 First Reading -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Guide Revision Project -- Article 5 First Reading -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate APC Report 3.16.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate Convocation Address 2018 -- Jonathan Farina --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate EC report 2.9.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate EC Report 3.16.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate Executive Committee (EC) report 4.6.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report 1.19.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate ITC Report 2.9.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate Minutes 1.19.18, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes 12.1.2017, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate Minutes 2.9.2018, Jonathan Farina
Faculty Senate Minutes -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes -- March 16, 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes REVISED -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes REVISED -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faculty Senate Minutes -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Faith and Suffering in a Fragmented World, Lawrence Frizzell
Faith and the Trials of Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Faith Finds Goodness in Unlikely Places, Demetrius M. Dumm Rev.
Faith in Jesus and His Power, Lawrence Frizzell
Faith in Moments of Darkness, Lawrence Frizzell
Faith Versus Greed, Lawrence Frizzell
FAQs from Provost re Adjunct Fair, Jonathan Farina
Fidelity in the Midst of Conflict, Lawrence Frizzell
Film Review: Gulliver's Travels, Karen Gevirtz
Final Perseverance and a Life of Service, Lawrence Frizzell
Finances and Fundraising 101, William C. Harms Msgr.
Financial Aspects of International Relations, Yui Suzuki
Fluorescently Labeled siRNAs and their Theranostic Applications in Cancer Gene Therapy, Stephen David Kozuch
Foreign Aid to Africa: A Hollow Hope, Kwame Akonor
Foreign Policies of Post-Soviet States, Margarita M. Balmaceda
Foreign Policies of Post-Soviet States, Margarita M. Balmaceda
Forensics, Chicken Soup, and Meteorites: A Tribute to Michael Risinger, Edward K. Cheng
Forgiveness as a Demand of Love, Lawrence Frizzell
Forgiveness of Sin and New Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Formalism and Potential Surprise: Theorizing About Standards of Proof, Dale A. Nance
Forming Holy and Enthusiastic Evangelizerers, Rev. Kenneth Boyack
Foundation for Peace, Lawrence Frizzell
Foundation of Catholic Social Teaching, Rev. Bryan Hehir PhD
Friendship with Jesus Christ, Harry Flynn Rev.
From Teaching to the Best Seller List: How the Educational System Drives the Publishing Market and Vice Versa, Kai D. Alexander
From Useful Craft to Works of Art: The Transformation of Quilting in the United States from the Nineteenth Century, 1893-1933, Victoria Crozier
Gender and Space in British Literature, 1660-1820, Karen Gevirtz
Gender in Theology : The Example of John Paul II's Mulieris Dignitatem., Lawrence Porter
Gettysburg Religion: Refinement, Diversity, and Race in the Antebellum and Civil War Border North by Steve Longenecker (review), Thomas Rzeznik
Gifts and Their Responsible Use, Lawrence Frizzell
Gifts for Service of God, Lawrence Frizzell
Gifts of Eucharist offer many blessings, Lawrence Frizzell
Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Global Health, Bioterrorism, and International Security, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Global Impact of Infectious Disease, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Global Impact of Infectious Disease, Yanzhong Huang Dr.
Globalisation and its Impact on the State, Ahmad Kamal
Go and Make Disciples, Rev. Kenneth Boyack
God Discerns Definition of Success in Life, Lawrence Frizzell
God's Call for a Change of Heart, Lawrence Frizzell
God’s Plan for Creation in History, Lawrence Frizzell
Gospel of Life: Responding to Crisis Faith, Agnes Mary Donovan Mother
Gospel of Life: Responding to the Crisis, Agnes Mary Donovan Mother
Gothic Pride: The Story of Building a Great Cathedral in Newark, Alan Delozier
Gothic Pride: The Story of Building a Great Cathedral in Newark by Brian Regan (review), Thomas Rzeznik
Government Seizures of Cash Property: Does the Federal Government Have to Pay Interest When It Is Required to Return Money?, Dennis De Almeida
Graduate Catalogue 2016-2017, Seton Hall University
Graduate Catalogue 2017-2018, Seton Hall University
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- January 19, 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report REVISED -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report REVISED -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report REVISED -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Graduate Studies Committee Report UPDATED -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Half Truths, Empty Promises, and Hot Coffee: The Economics of Tort Reform, Eliot T. Tracz
Hallowing and Sharing Food, Lawrence Frizzell
Healing and Reconciliation, Lawrence Frizzell
Healing for poor, unappreciated members of society, Lawrence Frizzell
Healing Gifts Cultivate Joy, Lawrence Frizzell
Healing of Dreaded Diseases, Lawrence Frizzell
Health and Spiritual Wholeness through Life's Journey, Lawrence Frizzell
Helping widows, orphans in a just society, Lawrence Frizzell
Hero or Villain: The New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, Samuel M. Silver
Hints and Guesses: Discerning Value, Richard Liddy
History of Diplomacy, S. Azmat Hassan Ambassador
History of Diplomacy, Atal Ahmadzai
History of Diplomacy, Mita Saksena Dr.
History of "Nostra Aetate", Lawrence Frizzell
How Bitcoin Functions as Property Law, Eric D. Chason
How Should Forensic Scientists Present Source Conclusions?, William C. Thompson
How Teachers Experience Change: A Case Study of the Merger Between Two Catholic Schools, Anika J. Logan
How Values and Attitudes Shape the Person, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
How We Learn to Work: What the Researchers Say, Martin C. Helldorfer Dr.
Humanity and Nature According to the Jewish Scriptures, Lawrence Frizzell
Human Representatives of Divine Authority, Lawrence Frizzell
Human Resources in International Organizations, Ahmad Kamal
Human Resources Management in International Organizations, Catherine Tinker
Human Resources Management in International Organizations, Catherine Tinker
Human Rights and Cultural Heritage: Protecting Museum Professionals During Armed Conflict, Jennifer Lee Reilly
Human Rights Law and Policy, Zinaida Miller
Human Sinfulness, Repentance And Convert, Rev. George A. Maloney SJ, STD
Human Suffering and the New Creation, Lawrence Frizzell
Humility and Hospitality, Lawrence Frizzell
HURON Stewardship Initiative -- January 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Biocide, Tributyl Tetradecyl Phosphonium Chloride, Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction that is Enhanced by Sodium Chloride in Chironomus Riparius, Zainab Hussain Alali
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, Lawrence Frizzell
"I believe in Sherlock Holmes": Fans, Readers, and the Problem of Serial Character, Mary Katherine Evans
I Can't Hear You: Queering and Hearing in the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, Miranda Lynn Hajduk
Identity Of Priest As Pastor, Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein
Identity Of Priest As Teacher, Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein
IEP Team Decision Making Process for Accommodations in Bergen County, New Jersey, Steven Pasternak
Ignation "The Examen", Rev. James Connor
Ignatius, Lonergan, and the Catholic University, Richard Liddy
IJCS News, Lawrence Frizzell
Improving Instructional Practice Via Walkthrough Implementation: A Superintendent Centered Perspective, Michael J. Celoski
Improving Neonatal Outcomes Through the Implementation of a Delayed Bathing Program, Kathy LiVolsi
Improving Neonatal Resuscitation Readiness, Benay Johnson
Income Inequality and the Effects on Government Responsiveness, Marina Kaghado
Inequality and Regime Change: The Role of Distributive Conflict, Terence Teo
Informational Technology Committee (ITC) Report 4.6.2018, Jonathan Farina
Inner-Healing as Recieved Mercy, Rev. Patrick Collins
Institutional Aid and Net Tuition Revenue: Understanding the Relationship Across Private Institutions of Different Carnegie Classifications, Warren P. Lord
Institutional Mentorship for Bridge Program Students: Fostering Meaningful Engagement, Elizabeth Hoehn McDermott
Institutions of Global Governance, Martin S. Edwards
Institutions of Global Governance, Aaron Hale PhD
Institutions of Global Governance, Edislav Manetovic
Institutions of Global Governance, Marat R. Akopian
Institutions of Global Governance, Martin S. Edwards
Institutions of Global Governance, Amy J. Higer
Institutions of Global Governance, Martin S. Edwards
Institutions of Post-Conflict Governance, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale PhD
Institutions of the English Novel's Canon: Review of Institutions of the English Novel by Homer Obed Brown, Karen Gevirtz
Instructional Technology Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Instructional Technology Committee Report -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Instructional Technology Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Instructional Technology Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Integrated Approach to Authentic Pastoral Counseling, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Intellectual Property Committee -- Draft Edits to the Recording Policy -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Diplomacy and International Relations, Ahmad Kamal Ambassador, Marta Deyrup Dr., Stanley Goldstein, and Jacques Fomerand Dr.
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Diplomacy and International Relations, Jacques Fomerand
International Conflict and Security, Sara Bjerg Moller
International Conflict and Security, William J. Kiamie Dr.
International Conflict and Security, Binneh S. Minteh
International Conflict and Security, Aaron Hale PhD
International Conflict and Security, Joseph O'Mahoney
International Conflict and Security, Binneh S. Minteh
International Conflict and Security, Binneh S. Minteh
International Conflict and Security, Zainab Alam
International Economics and Finance, Cynthia M. Horne
International Environmental Policy, Philip Moremen
International Environmental Policy and Law, Catherine Tinker
International Financial Institutions, Martin S. Edwards
International Human Rights, Wanda Akin Brown and Raymond M. Brown
International Human Rights, Amy J. Higer
International Human Rights, Wanda Akin Brown and Raymond M. Brown
International Mediation, Noel Sinclair Ambassador
International Mediation, Jack Jarmon
International Mediation, Aaron Hale PhD
International Organizations, Courtney Smith
International Organizations, Martin S. Edwards
International Organizations, Martin S. Edwards
International Organizations, Martin S. Edwards
International Organizations, Martin S. Edwards
International Political Economy, Justin Delacour
International Political Economy, Edislav Manetovic
International Political Economy, Edislav Manetovic
International Political Economy, Naaborle Sackeyfio Dr.
International Political Economy, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale PhD
International Political Economy, Hossein Hafezian PhD
International Political Economy, Nabeela N. Alam
International Political Economy, Max Crook Dr.
International Political Economy, David M. Clapp
International Relations, Courtney Smith
International Relations, Amy J. Higer
International Relations, Edislav Manetovic
International Relations, Edislav Manetovic
International Relations, Joseph O'Mahoney
International Relations, Amy J. Higer
International Relations in Southeast Asia, Epsey C. Farrell Dr.
International Relations of African States, Naaborle Sackeyfio PhD
International Relations Theory, Joseph O'Mahoney
International Security, Yinan He
International Security, Brian K. Muzas PhD
International Security, Sara Bjerg Moller
International Security, Binneh S. Minteh Dr.
Interpersonal Intimacy And Religious Experience, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Interpretation of Faculty Guide Article 4.5.d Provost Response -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Interpreting and Applying the Commandments, Lawrence Frizzell
Interreligious Dialogue in Global Perspective, Lawrence Frizzell
In the Beginning: The Art of Crafting Preliminary Statements, Amy Bitterman
Intimacy and human sexuality : a challenge to the consensus on contraception., Lawrence Porter
Intimacy In The Lives Of Men And Women, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Intimacy With Nature And Religious Experience, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Intimate Union With Christ, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Introduction--Pastoral Counseling for the 21st Century, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Introduction to International Political Economy, Max Crook Dr.
Introduction to International Relations, Borislava Manojlovic PhD
Introduction to International Relations, Sara Bjerg Moller
Introduction to International Relations, Binneh S. Minteh Dr.
Introduction to International Relations, Mita Saksena Dr.
Introduction to International Relations, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale Dr.
Introduction to International Relations, Borislava Manojlovic PhD
Introduction to International Relations, Sara Bjerg Moller
Introduction to International Relations, M. Victoria Perez-Rios Dr.
Introduction to International Relations, Zainab Alam
Introduction to International Relations Theory and Diplomacy, Mita Saksena Dr.
Introduction to International Relations Theory and Diplomacy, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Introduction to International Relations Theory and Diplomacy, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Introduction to International Relations Theory and Diplomacy, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Introduction to Leadership in International Affairs, Philip Moremen
Introduction to Leadership in International Affairs, Cynthia Horne and Regina M. Degnan
Introductory Considerations: A Definition of Preaching, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
Investigating International Relations, Paula Puskarova
Investigating International Relations, Alireza Raisi PhD
Investigating International Relations, Alireza Raisi PhD
Investigating International Relations, R. Joseph Huddleston
Islamaphobia: A Positive Feedback Loop, Samuel Schoening
Is ‘Military Necessity’ Enough? Lincoln’s Conception of Executive Power in Suspending Habeas Corpus in 1861, Evan McLaughlin
Issues in Contemporary Pastoral Counseling, Benedict Groeschel Rev.
Is There Only One True Religion, Peter Kreeft Dr.
“It’s all the same to me”: Gender-fluidity and Performativity in D. H. Lawrence’s The Fox, Rebecca Stokem
JCST Graduate Program Newsletter, Lawrence Frizzell
Jesus And Peter's Mninistry, Gerald O'Collins Rev.
Jesus and the New Covenant, Lawrence Frizzell
Jesus' Preaching in the Synagogue on the Sabbath (Luke 4:16-28), Asher Finkel
Jesus-The Living Sacrament Of God's Merciful Reconciliation, Rev. George A. Maloney SJ, STD
Jewish-Christian Relations and the Dialogue with World Religions: A Bibliographical Survey, Lawrence Frizzell
John Henry Newman, A Priest Of The 19th Century For Priests Of The 21st Century, Rev. Theodore C. Ross SJ
John Henry Newman: Bold And Faithful Prophet And Guardian, Rev. Theodore C. Ross SJ
Journey with Jesus from Death to Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Joy in Believing, Lawrence Frizzell
Judgment and New Beginning, Lawrence Frizzell
Judgment and Resurrection, Lawrence Frizzell
Judicial Toleration for Negative Externalities of Bearing Arms in Public: Addressing the Second Amendment Circuit Split, Betty J. Craipo
Julius Lester, Karen Gevirtz
Justice, Truth, and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Societies, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale PhD
Juveniles are Different: The Case for Reasonable Suspicion in Juvenile Detention Centers, Emily M. Slaw
Ladies Reading and Writing: Eighteenth-Century Women Writers and the Gendering of Critical Discourse, Karen Gevirtz
La Independencia de Brasil, la Ciudadanía, y el Problema de la Esclavitud: la Assembléia Constituinte de 1823, Kirsten Schultz
Law at the Service of Humankind, Lawrence Frizzell
Law Enforcement Employees’ Perceptions of Performance Appraisals in a Medium-Size, Suburban Police Department, Christopher C. Zimmerman
Law, Focal Points, and Fiscal Discipline in the United States and the European Union, Terence Teo and Daniel Kelemen
Leadership in the Global Community - (Leadership III), Ahmad Kamal
Learning Lessons, Serving God and Others, Lawrence Frizzell
Learning to Obey: Education, Authority, and Governance in the Early Eighteenth-century Portuguese Empire, Kirsten Schultz
Lessons from 'One Solitary Life', Lawrence Porter
L'etica di Lonergan, Richard Liddy
Leveraging Surprise: What Standards of Proof Imply that We Want from Jurors, and What We Should Say to Them to Get It, D. Michael Risinger
Library Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Library Committee Report -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Library Committee Report -- January 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Library Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Library Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Life After Death: Widows and the English Novel, Defoe to Austen, Karen Gevirtz
Life-giving Waters of Baptism, Lawrence Frizzell
Light and Salt: Faith into Action, Lawrence Frizzell
Listening and Service as Prayer, Lawrence Frizzell
Living the Life of Celibacy, Harry Flynn Rev.
Lonergan on the Catholic University, Richard Liddy
Lonergan's Ethics, Richard Liddy
Loss of Boundaries, Tom Dugan Dr.
Love and Responsibility, Lawrence Frizzell
Love and Responsibility in Family Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Love of God and Neighbor, Lawrence Frizzell
Lust and Lineage: The Complex Politics of Chaucer’s The Clerk’s Tale, William Arguelles
Luther on church unity : the commentary on Galatians (1535), Lawrence Porter
Maintaining Institutional Identity in the Age of Part-time Faculty, Katarzyna Grzeszczuk
Maintaining Mental Health by Maintaining Professional Boundaries (1), Ronald J. Karney Dr.
Maintaining Mental Health by Maintaining Professional Boundaries (2), Ronald J. Karney Dr.
Maintaining Mental Health by Maintaining Professional Boundaries (3), Ronald J. Karney Dr.
Maintaining the Continuity of Teaching Authority, Lawrence Frizzell
Make Campaign Coverage Great Again: Presidential Campaigns, the Press, and the Right of Access, Maximilian J. Mescall
Management Functions and Practices in International Organizations, Josef Klee PhD
Marching on Together: the Future of Non-Profit Museums in a For-Profit World, Matthew R. Dellaguzzo
Marguerite Louppe and Maurice Brianchon: Mirrors of Midcentury French Culture
Masters Research Project, Martin S. Edwards
Masters Research Project, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Masters Research Project, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Matt Hale Media Appearances July 2016-March 2017.pdf, Matthew Hale
Mature Leadership is Guided by Faith, Father Lawrence Frizzell
Media Citations (2004-2011), Matthew Hale
Meditation: Judgment, Rev. James Connor
Meditation: The Experience of God's Love, Rev. James Connor
Meditation: Understanding Experience, Rev. James Connor
Melba Boyd, Karen Gevirtz
Memo re: Faculty Guide Interpretation Academic Integrity Policy 2018-FS-17 --, Tabitha Harris
Mentoring Relationships as Social Capital in the Career Advancement of Latina School Administrators, Ligia Veronica Alberto
Metal (Ag) Nanoparticles on Thin Film CdS/CdTe Solar Cells, Olivia Rodgers
Method and Intellectual Conversion, Richard Liddy
Method in Catholic Studies, Richard Liddy
Method in History, Richard Liddy
Method in Theology: Rahner and Lonergan on the 'Natural-Supernatural' Distinction, Richard Liddy
Minesterial Priesthood, Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein
Ministerial priesthood in ecclesial context, Avery Dulles Rev.
Ministering to the Church Breathing, Elinor R. Ford Dr.
Ministry of the Word : Priest Evangelizers, Avery Dulles Rev.
Minor in Sports Media PART 1 -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Minor in Sports Media -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Model United Nations Practicum, Courtney Smith
Modern Challenges to the Christian Moral Vision, Rev. J. Augustine DiNoia
Moral Challenges in the Social Sphere, Lawrence Frizzell
Moral Diamonics--an Essential Pastoral Component, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Morality And Foreign Policy In The Post-Cold War World, Rev. Bryan Hehir PhD
Morality And Ministry: Dialogue On Contemporary Life And Morality, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: Has Sin Change, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: Morality, Conscience And Sin In Relation To Justice, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: Morality, Conscience And Sin In Relation To Marriage, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: Morality, Conscience, And Sin In Relation To Medical Issues, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: Morality, Conscience And Sin In Relation To Sexuality, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: Talking About Morality, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Morality And Ministry: The Question Of Conscience, Rev. Robert Noonan OFM, Cap, JCD
Moral Life in the Perspective of Communion, Rev. J. Augustine DiNoia
Moses As a Model of Pastoral Leadership Leading God's People From Slavery To Free, Rev. Michael Duggan STB, SSL
Moses As A Model of Pastoral Leadership Mediating The Covernant Between God And People, Rev. Michael Duggan STB, SSL
Moses As a Model Of Pastoral Leadership Renewing The Covenant Between God And People, Rev. Michael Duggan STB, SSL
Moses As a Model of Pastoral Leadership The Prophet Calling, Rev. Michael Duggan STB, SSL
Moses As a Model of Pastoral Leadership The Prophet Calling, Michael Duggan Rev.
Mulling Judgment without Millennial Fears, Lawrence Frizzell
Multi-Sensory Museum Experiences: Balancing Objects’ Preservation and Visitors’ Learning, Anna Baccaglini
Mythic Dimension of Preaching: The Human Search for God, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
My Worldy Goods Do Thee Endow: Widowhood, Economic Conservatism, and the Mid- and Late Eighteenth-Century Novel, Karen Gevirtz
Navy Priest: The Life of Captain Jake Laboon, SJ , written by Richard Gribble, C.S.C., Thomas Rzeznik
New Approaches to Managing the Evolving Conflict Environment, Pamela Aall
New Dimensions in Human Security, Hossein Hafezian PhD
New Dimensions of Human Security, Atal Ahmadzai
New Dimensions of Human Security, Atal Ahmadzai
New Errors on the Catholic Right, Karl Keating Dr.
New Oxford Review, Lawrence Porter
No “Dead Giveaways”: Finding a Viable Model of Ante-Mortem Probate for New Jersey, Joseph A. Romano
Nonprofit Investigative Journalism Presentation Slides, Matthew Hale
Not So Fast: Proving Implied False Certification Theory Post-Escobar, Latoya C. Dawkins
Nuclear Weapons in International Relations, Brian K. Muzas PhD
O’Casey vs. Sheehy-Skeffington: Tragicomedy in The Plough and the Stars and the Feminist Protest, Martha Carpentier
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2003-2004, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2004-2005, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2005-2006, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2006-2007, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2007-2008, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2008-2009, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
Office of Grants and Research Services Annual Report 2010, Office of Grants and Research Services, Seton Hall University
On keeping "persons" in the Trinity : a linguistic approach to Trinitarian thought., Lawrence Porter
Online MS in International Affairs -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
On Tartan Tides: The Failure and Legacy of the Darien Scheme, Michael Novak
Opposition Politics and International Crises: A Formal Model, Patrick Shea, Terence Teo, and Jack Levy
Organizational Induction: A Qualitative Study on Institutional Induction Programs for New Faculty in Independent School Communities, Jamie Nicole Segraves
Our Role in Peacemaking, Lawrence Frizzell
Overview of Gulliver's Travels, Karen Gevirtz
Panel: Questions I Always Wanted Answers to, but Were Afraid to Ask!, William C. Harms Msgr.
PANI and PEDOT:PSS Dip-Coating on CdS/CdTe Solar Cells, Michael Patullo
Papal paralysis: how the Vatican dealt with the AIDS crisis, Thomas Rzeznik
Paper or Plastic: Speech in an Unlikely Place, Thomas A. Zelante Jr.
Parable as Paradigm: The Metaphoric Nature of Preaching, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
Parables, Lawrence Frizzell
Parental Perceptions of a Summer ESL Parent Institute: A Retrospective Case Study, John Scott Cascone
Particular Themes -- Freedom, Fundamental Option, the Moral Act, J. Augustine DiNoia Rev.
Passtoring Fringe Catholics, Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
Pastoral Leadership and Ecumenism, Avery Dulles Rev.
Pastoring for Today and Tomorrow, William C. Harms Msgr.
Payer As Attention To God's Self-Revelation, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Peace and Conflict Resolution, Lawrence Frizzell
Peace in God’s Terms, Lawrence Frizzell
Peacemaking and Peacekeeping, Borislava Manojlovic Dr.
Peacemaking and Peacekeeping, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale PhD
Peacemaking and Peacekeeping, Borislava Manojlovic PhD
Peacemaking and Peacekeeping, David Wood
“Peer Reviewed: Elizabeth Inchbald’s Shakespeare Criticism", Karen Gevirtz
Penance and Peace, Lawrence Frizzell
Perceptions of Middle School Math and Language Arts Teachers on High-Stakes Testing Cultures in Public Schools, Robert Daniello
Perfeita civilização: a transferência da corte, a escravidão e o desejo de metropolizar uma capital colonial. Rio de Janeiro, 1808-1821, Kirsten Schultz
Persistence Motivation of Foreign-born Doctoral Recipients in the Field of Education, Maurice Liguori Okoroji
Personal Religion: Illusion or Reality, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Perspectives: Biblical Themes in St. Francis' Song of Brother Sun, Lawrence Frizzell
Petition as a Form of Prayer, Lawrence Frizzell
Placed at God's Service, Lawrence Frizzell
Poetry and the Question of God, Richard Liddy
Police Officer Perspectives on Public Views of Police, Current Events Involving Police, and the Impact on Police-Community Relationships, Donjae Catanzariti
Political Economy of Latin America and the Caribbean, Benjamin Goldfrank
Political Economy of Latin America and the Caribbean, Benjamin Goldfrank
Politics and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, Benjamin Goldfrank
Politics at the United Nations Organization: Relevance and Reform, Hugh T. Dugan
"Politics at the United Nations Organization: Relevance and Reform", Hugh T. Dugan
Politics of Cultural and Ethnic Pluralism, Hossein Hafezian PhD
Politics of Cultural and Ethnic Pluralism, Assefaw Bariagaber Dr.
Pondering Gifts of Christ’s Body, Blood, Lawrence Frizzell
Pope Francis' Visit with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Lawrence Frizzell
Poverty and Vigilance, Lawrence Frizzell
Power and Prestige: Progressive Membership in Morristown, New Jersey, Erich Morgan Huhn
Practical Suggestions on How to Maintain Balance, Martin C. Helldorfer Dr.
Prayer and Correction of Others' Faults, Lawrence Frizzell
Prayer and the Decisions of Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Prayer as Arguing and Listening, Lawrence Frizzell
Prayer As Intimate Self-Disclosure, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Prayer, education needed in wake of Norway killings, Lawrence Frizzell
Prayer for Openness to Divine Gifts, Lawrence Frizzell
Prayers of Jesus, Lawrence Frizzell
Preaching about Relationships, John W. Flesey Rev.
Preaching as Story-Telling, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
Preaching The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus, Gerald O'Collins Rev.
Preface, Richard Liddy
Priest As Brother, Dr. Vincent M. Bilotta
Priest As Compassionate Man, Dr. Vincent M. Bilotta
Priest As Father, Dr. Vincent M. Bilotta
Priest as Maker of the Holy, Dr. Vincent M. Bilotta
Priest As Son, Dr. Vincent M. Bilotta
Priesthood and Loneliness: A Changed Lifestyle, Rev. Gabriel Costa
Priesthood for People: Tomorrow, Elinor R. Ford Dr.
Priesthood for People: Yesterday and Today, Elinor R. Ford Dr.
Priestly Identity, Alfred C. Hughes Rev.
Privileges of Jews and Christians, Lawrence Frizzell
Program Proposal Academic Policy Committee -- China MBA Expansion Program to Shanghai-- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Program Review Committee -- New Program Review Guidelines -- August 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Program Review Committee Report -- December 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Program Review Committee Report -- November 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Program Review Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Program Review Committee Report REVISED -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
“Promoting Coal at a Climate Summit is like Promoting Tobacco at a Cancer Summit”, Emily Lavallee
Provisional Acceptance of Programs, Jonathan Farina
Provost Approval for Certificate in Cyber Security -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Provost Approval - Task Force on Parental Leave, Jonathan Farina
Provost Communications -- HURON Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Provost Rejection of Revisions to Academic Integrity Policy -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Provost Response -- Endorsement of Revisions to the Merit Policy -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Provost Response to Article 10.1 -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Provost Response to Faculty Emeritus Policy -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Provost Response to Faculty Guide Article 10.1 Clinical Line Voting -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Prudent Use of Wealth, Lawrence Frizzell
Psychological Needs for Any Priest, Harry Flynn Rev.
Psychologists and Torture, Then and Now, Robert Pallitto
Psychology of Hatred, Paul C. Vitz Dr.
Psychology/Theology Of Forgiveness, Paul C. Vitz Dr.
Public International Law, Zinaida Miller
Public International Law, Philip Moremen
Public International Law, Zinaida Miller
Public International Law, Catherine Tinker
Public International Law, Philip Moremen
Public International Law, Philip Moremen
Public International Law, Catherine Tinker
Quality Improvement Initiative Aimed at Reducing Catheter-associated Infections and Foley Days in the Surgical Setting, Linda D'Antonio
Queer Assimilation, Laura Mendez
Questioning the Superstructure: A Marxist Critique of the Rainbow and Women in Love, Diantha Acevedo
Questioning the Superstructure: A Marxist Critique of the Rainbow and Women in Love, Diantha Acevedo
Quo vadis Eastern Europe? : Religion, State and Society After Communism, Ines Murzaku
Reading Well: The Key to the Core, Richard Liddy
Reconciling the “Per-Plan” Approach to 11 U.S.C. § 1129(a)(10) with Substantive Consolidation Principles Under In Re Owens Corning, Alexander J. Gacos
Reducing Error in the Criminal Justice System, Keith A. Findley
Reducing Thirty-Day Hospital Readmissions in Drug and Medication Poisoning: An Observational Study, Jenna M. Evans
Reflections on Fake News, Librarians, and Undergraduate Research, Lisa M. Rose-Wiles
Refryed Forensics: Screening Expert Testimony in Criminal Cases Through Frye Plus Reliability, JoAnne A. Epps and Kevin Todorow
Reinvigorating the Perceived Potential Competition Theory: An Analysis of the Potential Competition Doctrine and FTC v. Steris Corp., Henry S. Klimowicz
Religion, Law, War, Andrea Bartoli
Religion, Law, War, Elizabeth A. Wilson
Remain in My Love, Harry Flynn Rev.
Repentance and Self-Discipline in the Christian Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Rescuing Records: Safeguarding Vital Museum Records, Brianna LoSardo
Research Methods for Policy Analysis, Joseph O'Mahoney
Research Methods for Policy Analysis, Alireza Raisi PhD
Research Methods for Policy Analysis, Joseph O'Mahoney
Research Methods for Policy Analysis, Martin Edwards
Research Methods for Policy Analysis, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Research Methods for Policy Analysis, Binneh S. Minteh Dr.
Resolution from Provost Regarding M.S. in Physics -- March 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Response to Revision of Faculty Guide Article 10.3.b.18, Tabitha Harris
Restoring Boundaries, Tom Dugan Dr.
Resurrection and Judgment, Lawrence Frizzell
Resurrection on the First Day of the Week, Lawrence Frizzell
Review of "Isaac's Eye," by Lucas Hnath, Ensemble Studio Theater, Karen Gevirtz
Review of Ivo Celho, Hermeneutics and Method: The "Universal Viewpoint" in Bernard Lonergan, Richard Liddy
Review of Lonergan's Quest: A Student of Desire in the Authoring of "Insight" by William A. Mathews, Richard Liddy
Review of Mark D. Morelli, At the Threshold of the Halfway House: a Study of Bernard Lonergan's Encounter with John Alexander Stewart, Richard Liddy
Review of "Of Love and War" by Judy Hayden, Karen Gevirtz
Review of "Reading Jane Austen" by Mona Scheuermann, "Why Jane Austen?" by Rachel Brownstein, Karen Gevirtz
Review- Starting Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's Insight by Richard M. Liddy, Andrew Beards
Review- Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's., Randall Rosenberg
Review- Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's Insight, Charles Hefling
Review- Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's Insight, J. Michael Stebbins
Review- Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's Insight. By Richard M. Liddy., Michael McGuckian
Revised Merit Policy 4.3.2018, Jonathan Farina
Revitalization of Reconciliation, Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
Revving-Up Revlon in the Wake of Rural Metro: A Call for Direct Liability on Financial Advisors, Joseph P. DiCarlo
Royal Authority, Empire and the Critique of Colonialism: Political Discourse in Rio de Janeiro (1808-1821), Kirsten Schultz
Royal Dignity in Persecution, Lawrence Frizzell
Rural Military Couples Transitioning Post Deployment: A Phenomenological Study, Jeffrey Goulding
Russian and Eastern European Foreign Relations, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Russian and Eastern European Foreign Relations, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Russian and Eastern European Foreign Relations, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Sabbatical Panorama 2009-2010, Office of the Provost, Seton Hall University
Sabbatical Panorama 2010-2011, Office of the Provost, Seton Hall University
Sabbatical Panorama 2011-2012, Office of the Provost, Seton Hall University
Sabbatical Panorama 2012-2013, Office of the Provost, Seton Hall University
Sacramental Anxiety in Richard II and The Comedy of Errors, Aria Casey
Sacramental Ministry : Priest as Celebrant, Avery Dulles Rev.
Salvation for Rich and Poor, Lawrence Frizzell
Self-Disclosure: Growth of Self-Esteem, Rev. Patrick Collins
Senate Minutes -- 6.1.18 -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Senate Minutes -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
Senior Research Project, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Senior Research Project, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Senior Research Project, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
Senior Research Project, Naaborle Sackeyfio
Senior Research Project, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Senior Research Project, Benjamin Goldfrank
Senior Research Project, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Service and Suffering in the Spiritual Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Seton Hall University Dean of Libraries Annual Report FY: 2015 – 2016, Seton Hall University Libraries
Seton Hall University Dean of Libraries Annual Report FY: 2016 – 2017, Seton Hall University Libraries
Seton Hall University Dean of Libraries Annual Report FY: 2017 – 2018, Seton Hall University Libraries
Seton Hall University Thanks You, Seton Hall University Libraries, Gerard Shea Director, Kathryn Wissel Assistant Director, and John Buschman Executive Producer
Sex, Drugs, and Eagle Feathers: An Empirical Study of Federal Religious Freedom Cases, Luke W. Goodrich and Rachel N. Busick
Sexual Harassment on Social Media: Why Traditional Company Sexual Harassment Policies are Not Enough and How to Fix It, Kristen N. Coletta
SGA Memo to Faculty Senate 1.19.2018, Jonathan Farina
Shared Responsibility, William C. Harms Msgr.
Shattering ‘Blight’ and the Hidden Narratives That Condemn, Patricia Hureston Lee
Sheep and shepherd: an ancient image of the church and a contemporary challenge, Lawrence Porter
Side Chain Modifications To Improve Peptide Structure–Activity Relations, Neelam Lahankar
Signs and Effects: Low Self-Esteem, Rev. Patrick Collins
Sin in Tiantai Buddhism and Christianity: A Comparison Between Chih-i and Pope Gregory I, Wangyu Tang
Site-Selective Modification of Peptides and Proteins via Organocatalyzed Henry Reaction, Zilma Pereira Muneeswaran
Slavery, Empire and Civilization: A Luso-Brazilian Defense of the Slave Trade in the Age of Revolutions, Kirsten Schultz
Social Transmission of Ethanol Preference in a Sign-Tracking Paradigm, Pat Severino
Solitary Confinement Reform Act: A Blueprint for Restricted Use of Solitary Confinement of Juveniles Across the States, Brielle Basso
Some Seventy Images Of The Preacher In The Writings Of St. Augustine, Rev. George Lawless OSA, STD
So You Want to Have a Meeting, William C. Harms Msgr.
Spiritual Dimension, William C. Harms Msgr.
Spirituality : the Priest as Disciple, Avery Dulles Rev.
Spiritual Leaders in Troubled Times, Lawrence Frizzell
Spiritual Light in Time of Crisis, Lawrence Frizzell
Splitting the Baby: The Death of Small Business, Brian T. Kloeblen
Spoiler Alert!: How Posting Predictive Spoilers about Television Shows on the Internet is Copyright Infringement, Aislinn M. Koch
Spotting a Preponderance of the Evidence in the Wild: Inference to the Best Explanation and Sufficiency of the Evidence, Craig R. Callen
Stabilized, Hybrid Solid-State Photocatalysts for Water Purification: Preparation, Properties and Performance under Visible Light Irradiation, Karpagavalli Ramji
Standing a Chance: Does Spokeo Preclude Claims Alleging the Violation of Certain State Data Breach Laws?, Taryn Elliott
Standing before God: Studies on Prayer in Scriptures and in Tradition with Essays : In Honor of John M. Oesterreicher, Asher Finkel and Lawrence Frizzell
Standing before God: Studies on Prayer in Scriptures and in Tradition with Essays in Honor of John M. Oesterreicher, Lawrence Frizzell and Asher Finkel
Startling Strangeness: A Memoir, Richard Liddy
Statecraft: Designing Foreign Policy, Brian K. Muzas PhD
Statecraft: Designing Foreign Policy, Edislav Manetovic
Statecraft: Designing Foreign Policy, Ann Marie Murphy
State of faith: Irish-Catholic Church hierarchy of New Jersey and reactions to civil government initiatives, 1946-1962, Alan Delozier
State Regulatory Efforts in Protecting a Surrogate's Bodily Autonomy, Alexus Williams
State Secrets and Executive Power, William Weaver and Robert Pallitto
Step I: Acceptance--The Freedom to Be, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Step III - Desires, Goals, and Decisions, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Step II - Insight - Steps to Self Knowledge: Part 1, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Step II - Insight - Steps to Self Knowledge: Part 2, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Strategic Plan Refocus 2018 to 2020, Seton Hall University Library
Stroke Clinical Order Pathway Education (SCOPE) for APNs, Varsha Singh
Study of Ancient Scripture: A Modern Teaching Tool, Lawrence Frizzell
Styles in Leadership, William C. Harms Msgr.
Supreme Court: An Essential History, Peter Charles Hoffer, Williamjames Hoffer, and N E H Hull
Surprise vs. Probability as a Metric for Proof, Matthew Ginther and Edward K. Cheng
Susanne K. Langer's Philosophy of Mind, Richard Liddy
Sustainable Development, Yui Suzuki
Sustainable Development, Naaborle Sackeyfio Dr.
Sustainable Development, Jacques Fomerand
Sustainable Development, Brian K. Muzas Rev.
Sustaining Global Ecology, Michaela C. Hertkorn Dr.
Sustaining Global Ecology, R. A. Hamilton Dr.
TÁMIS PARRON. A política da escravidão no Império do Brasil, 1826–1865. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira. 2011. Pp. 373, Kirsten Schultz
Teaching and Scholarship 2014 Profile, Seton Hall University
Teaching and Scholarship 2015 Profile, Seton Hall University
Teaching and Scholarship 2016 Profile, Seton Hill University
Teaching Compassionate Care: Nurse Educators' Perspectives, Jane Defazio
Teaching Oral Advocacy: Creating More Opportunities for an Essential Skill, Michael Vitiello
Téacsúil Fionnachtain, Alan B. Delozier
Technology, Tradeoffs, and Freedom as Depicted in Postmodern Fiction, Robert Pallitto
Temptations as False Detours on the Way to Easter, Lawrence Frizzell
Thank God: Not All the Same, Elinor R. Ford Dr.
Thank God: Priesthood Enspiriting the People, Elinor R. Ford Dr.
The Anti-Blackstonians, Marvin Zalman
The Art and Science of Negotiation, Zheng Wang Dr.
The Art and Science of Negotiation, Borislava Manojlovic Dr.
The Art and Science of Negotiation, Zheng Wang Dr.
The Art and Science of Negotiation, Borislava Manojlovic Dr.
The Art and Science of Negotiation, Zheng Wang Dr.
The Art and Science of Negotiation, Zheng Wang Dr.
The Association Between Changes in Vocational Programs on Student Mobility, Attendance, and Suspension in New Jersey: A Retrospective Study, Jared Edward Keshishian
The Association of Principal Leadership Styles with Student Achievement in Traditional New Jersey Public Schools, Thomas J. Gallahue Jr.
The Baptized as Beneficiaries of Christ's Work, Lawrence Frizzell
The Beatitudes as Challenge, Lawrence Frizzell
The Bible And Literal Interpretation, Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli SSL, STD
The Biblical Vision of Marriage, Lawrence Frizzell
The Blessed Trinity and Redemptive Love, Lawrence Frizzell
The Book of Daniel: Its Significance and Meaning, Asher Finkel
The Career Trajectory and Ambitions of Women Chief Student Affairs Officers, Mariel Pagan
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Lawrence Frizzell
The Catholic Church and Astronomy, Lawrence Frizzell
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Richard Liddy
The Catholic Press in New Jersey: Historical Overview From Retrospective Titles to The Recorder, Alan Delozier
The Catholic Response, Dr. Helen M. Alvare'
The Catholic Social Agenda In the 1990, Rev. Bryan Hehir PhD
The Challenge of Money in the Church Today, Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
The Challenging Vocation of Teacher, Lawrence Frizzell
The Christian Vocation: Follow the Shepherd, Lawrence Frizzell
The Church and the AIDS Crisis in New York City, Thomas Rzeznik
The Church, Community of Salvation: An Ecumenical Ecclesiology, Lawrence Porter
The Churches and Ecumenism Today, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Cassidy
The Church: The Universal Sacrament of Salvation, Lawrence Porter
The Conceptualist Theology-1, Rev. John M. McDermott SJ, STD, STL
The Conceptualist Theology-2, Rev. John M. McDermott SJ, STD, STL
The Contemplative Attitude And Religion Experience, Rev. Pat Collins CM
The Covenant and Christ’s Presence in Eucharist, Lawrence Frizzell
The Covenant of Deuteronomy and the Study of the Ancient Israelite Jurisprudence, Kenneth C. Anyanwu
The Crisis of Empire and the Problem of Slavery: Portugal and Brazil, c. 1700-c. 1820, Kirsten Schultz
The Curious Case of Wendell v. GlaxoSmithKline LLC, David L. Faigman and Jennifer Mnookin
The Declining Utility of Analyzing Burdens of Persuasion, Ronald J. Allen
The Departures of the Essenes, Christians and R. Yohanan ben Zakkai from Jerusalem, Asher Finkel
The Development of Education for Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management: Diverging or Converging Paths?, Roseanne Mirabella and Dennis Young
The Diocesan Priest and Franciscan Spirituality: A Reflection, Rev. Gabriel Costa
The Diocese, Part I, Con J. Casey Rev.
The Diocese, Part II, Con J. Casey Rev.
The Disregarded Necessity: Validity Testing of Forensic Feature-Comparison Techniques, Michael J. Saks
The Divinity Of Jesus, Gerald O'Collins Rev.
The Effect of Family Engagement on Parents' Abilities to Help Their Children with Math, Kathleen A. Kalena
The Effect of Mandating Algebra for all Students in Grade 8 versus Grade 9 in a Small Suburban K-12 School District in New Jersey, Peter Crawley
The Effect of REM Sleep Deprivation on Spatial Memory in Male and Female Rats, Kaitlyn Heywood
The Effect of Smartphones on Anxiety: An Attachment Issue or Fear of Missing Out?, Kelly Mannion
The Effects of Cold Plasma Treatment on Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Sauvelson Auguste
The European Union External Policies, Marina Kaneti Dr.
The First Step--Who Am I Listening to?: Clinical Analysis I, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
The First Step--Who Am I Listening to?: Clinical Analysis II, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
The Five Functions of Forensic Science and the Validation Issues They Raise: A Piece to Incite Discussion on Validation, D. Michael Risinger
The Functional Specialties: A Workshop on Applying Lonergan, Praxis Program of the Advanced Seminar on Mission, Seton Hall University
The Gift of Sight and Insight through Faith, Lawrence Frizzell
The Gift of Truth -- Teaching in the Name of Christ, Rev. J. Augustine DiNoia
The Good Shepherd and the Christian Vocation, Lawrence Frizzell
The Habit Of Holiness As The Foundation For priestly Living, Rev. Cornelius M. McRae MA
The Habit Of Preaching As A Form Of Prayer, Rev. Cornelius M. McRae MA
The Habit Of Public Prayer In Priestly Living, Rev. Cornelius M. McRae MA
The Healthy Priest, Dr. Richard D. Milone MD
The Heart of Christian Faith: Communion and Transfiguration, Rev. J. Augustine DiNoia
The Historical Value of Parish Histories, Thomas Rzeznik
The History and Political Economy of the Hatch-Waxman Amendments, Erika Lietzan
The Holy Spirit as Paraclete, Lawrence Frizzell
The Identity of the Priest as One Who Prays, Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein
The Imagination of Jesus: The Efficacy of Symbols, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
The Immediate and Long-lasting Cognitive Consequences of Adolescent Chronic Sleep Restriction, Kerry Howard
The Impact of Academic Co-Curricular Activity Participation on Academic Achievement: A Study of Catholic High School Students, Gail M. Ritchie
The Incarnation as Mystery of Faith, Lawrence Frizzell
The Influence of Arts Participation on New Jersey Middle School Student Outcomes in Grades 6 through 8, Carly Mcilvaine-York
The Influence of Chronic Absenteeism on Graduation Rate and Post Secondary Participation in New Jersey High Schools, Michael Jay Tash
The Influence of Participation in the Leveled Literacy Intervention Program on the Sustained Literacy Achievement for Students in Grades One Through ThreeV, Veronica Anne Glover
The Influence of Student/Administrator Ratios in K-6 Elementary Schools on Summative Teacher Evaluation Scores, James Ferguson Weidenborner
The Internationalization of Teacher Education Faculty in Two Global Cities: A Case Study of Two Universities in New York and Hong Kong, Maribel Roman
The Jewish Liturgy of Marriage, Asher Finkel
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and its Looming Shadow on American-Iranian Relations, Omid Irani
The Language of Preaching, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
The Law: “Extraordinary Rendition” and Presidential Fiat, William Weaver and Robert Pallitto
The Legacy of the Magna Carta in Recent Supreme Court Decisions on Detainees' Rights, Robert Pallitto
The Messiah and His People, Lawrence Frizzell
The Mind Of Jesus-1, Rev. John M. McDermott SJ, STD, STL
The Mind Of Jesus-2, Rev. John M. McDermott SJ, STD, STL
The Mission and Challenge of Teaching, Lawrence Frizzell
The Model for Christian Leaders, Lawrence Frizzell
The Modern Middle East- US Involvement, Maureen Quinn Ambassador
The Modern Middle East: US Involvement, Maureen Quinn Ambassador
The Modern Phenomenon of the Culture of Death, Dr. Helen M. Alvare'
The Molluscum Contagiosum Virus MC160 Protein Requires Both Death Effector Domains to Inhibit MAVS- and TBK1-Induced Interferon Activation, Lissette Bouza
The Mosaic Theory in Individual Rights Litigation: On the genealogy and expansion of a concept, Robert Pallitto
The Mystery of Lonergan, Richard Liddy
The National Commission on Forensic Science: Impactful or Ineffectual?, Jules Epstein
The National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Thomas Rzeznik
The Nature Of Intimacy, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Thencyclical Ut Unum Sint-On Commitment to Ecumenism, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Cassidy
The New Nuclear Proliferation Treaty: The Present-Day Influence of the NPT on the International Community, Walla D. Elshekh
The New Nuclear-Proliferation Treaty: The Present Day Influence of the NPT on the International Community, Walla Elshekh
Theology and Self-Esteem, Rev. Patrick Collins
Theology And The Local Church, Part I, Con J. Casey Rev.
Theology And The Local Church, Part II, Con J. Casey Rev.
Theology And The Local Church, Part III, Con J. Casey Rev.
Theology as Intellectual Conversion, Richard Liddy
Theorizing Cross-Border Mobility: Surveillance, Security and Identity, Robert Pallitto and Josiah Heyman
The Other and the Stranger in Biblical and Rabbinic Tradition, Asher Finkel
"The Parochial Enterprise: Financing Institutional Growth in the Brick-and-Mortar Era", Thomas Rzeznik
The Paschal Mystery and Christian Baptism, Lawrence Frizzell
The Passion Story Is about How Much Jesus Loved, Demetrius R. Dumm Rev.
The People We Like: Do Introversion-Extroversion and Commitment Affect Evaluation of Potential Partners?, Naquan Ross
The Perceived Mentoring Experiences of Male and Female Doctoral Students in Sociology, Macsu A. Hill
The Persian Gulf in the 21st Century, Maureen Quinn Ambassador
The Persistence of the Probabilistic Perspective, Richard D. Friedman
The Pharisees and the Teacher of Nazareth, Asher Finkel
The Pioneers: Frankel, van Kamm, Rollo May, Gerald May, and Others, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
The Poetics of Preaching, Rev. Peter J. Cameron
The Politics of Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in the Contemporary World, Margarita M. Balmaceda
The Politics of Russia, the Former USSR and Eastern Europe, Margarita M. Balmaceda Dr.
The Politics of Terrorism, S. Azmat Hassan Ambassador
The Politics of Terrorism, S. Azmat Hassan Ambassador
The Politics of Terrorism in the Middle East, Maureen Quinn Ambassador
The Politics of Terrorism in the Middle East, Maureen Quinn Ambassador
The Population of Migrant Laborers in Renaissance Tuscany, William J. Connell
The Prayer of Foreigners: Evidence of the Biblical Tradition, Lawrence Frizzell
The Preacher And His Congregation, Rev. George Lawless OSA, STD
The Presence Of Jesus, Gerald O'Collins Rev.
The Priest as Leader of Community, John W. Flesey Rev.
The Priest as Witness to Married Faithful, Agnes Mary Donovan Mother
The Priesthood In The Thought Of John Paul, Avery Dulles Rev.
The Priestly Blessing and the Gift of Peace, Lawrence Frizzell
The Priest, Popular Piety And Folk Religion, Con J. Casey Rev.
The Prophet in the Church, Lawrence Frizzell
The Proposed Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment: The Constitution, the Law of Standing, and Liberal-Democratic Values, Robert Pallitto and Jason Hungerford
The Public Secrets of Welfare, Robert Pallitto
The Real Target Of Our Evangelization Efforts: Our Own Young People, John C. Cusick Rev.
The Relationship Between Distributive Leadership, School Culture, and Teacher Self-Efficacy at the Middle School Level, Anthony L. DeMarco
The Relationship Between Executive Function, Hope, and Depression in Older Adults, Brittney Fallucca
The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Mental Health Conditions, Lara Carter
The Relationship Between Principal Leadership Behavior and Student Achievement in Low Performing Schools, Janice E. Garland
The Relationship Between Principal Longevity and Student Achievement in Middle Schools in New Jersey, Douglas J. Petty
The Religious Policies of King Zog I, Ines Murzaku
The Road to Union for Orthodox Albanians, Ines Murzaku
The Rock: The Process of Discernment, Rev. James Connor
The Roger Goodell Standard: Is Commissioner Authority Good for Sports?, Michael Mondelli
The Role of Authority in Retrieval Enhanced Suggestibility (RES), Arielle Branco
The Royal Dignity of Christ and Its Implications, Lawrence Frizzell
The Sacrament Of Reconciliation In Apostolic And Patristic Churches-Development Of Private, Rev. George A. Maloney SJ, STD
The Science and Law Underlying Post-Conviction Challenges to Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions: A Response to Professor Imwinkelried, Keith A. Findley and D. Michael Risinger
The Shepherd’s Burden - Balancing Faith and Patience, Lawrence Frizzell
The Shift From Authority To Experience, Rev. Pat Collins CM
The Social Teaching Of John Paul II, Rev. Bryan Hehir PhD
The Spiritual Dimension, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
The Strength of Love and Forgiveness, Lawrence Frizzell
The Suffering Servant Hymn and Its Sequel: A New Translation, Asher Finkel
The Transcendental Theology-1, Rev. John M. McDermott SJ, STD, STL
The Transcendental Theology-2, Rev. John M. McDermott SJ, STD, STL
The Transfer of the Portuguese Court and Ideas of Empire, Kirsten Schultz
The Truthiness Effect: The Influence of Nonprobative Photos on Truth Judgments, Laura N. Mangus
The Unity of Teaching and Action in God's Service, Lawrence Frizzell
The University Museum in Times of Fiscal Uncertainty: Fisk University and the Alfred Stieglitz Collection of Modern Art, Jessica Pochesci
The Usual Distortions Found in the Workday World, Martin C. Helldorfer Dr.
This World’s Goods and Our Goals, Lawrence Frizzell
Tidying as We Go: Constructing the Eighteenth Century through Adaptation in Becoming Jane, Gulliver’s Travels, and Crusoe, Karen Gevirtz
Time for a New Apologetic?, Karl Keating Dr.
Time Management and Delegation, William C. Harms Msgr.
Time, Memory, and Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Between the Acts, Nicole Olivotti
Time Suck: How the Fundraising Treadmill Diminishes Effective Governance, Ciara Torres-Spelliscy
Title VII and the Etiologies of Homosexual Attraction: How the Distinction Between Sex and Sexual Orientation Discrimination Vanished, Michael V. Caracappa
Title VII, Title IX, or Both?, Kendyl L. Green
To Enlarge the Machinery of Government : Congressional Debates and the Growth of the American State, 1858-1891, Williamjames Hoffer
Toward a More Perfect Nonprofit: The Performance Mindset and the "Gift", Roseanne Mirabella
Toward a Sociology of Forensic Knowledge? A (Supplementary) Response to Cole, David S. Caudill
Toward a Spirituality of Pastoral Care, Alfred C. Hughes Rev.
Toward a Spirituality of Sacramental Ministry, Alfred C. Hughes Rev.
Toward a Spirituality of the Ministry of the Word, Alfred C. Hughes Rev.
Toward a Uniform Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order Law, Ashley Hahn
Towards Unity: Ecumenical Dialogue 500 Years after the Reformation, Lawrence Frizzell
Toward the Jubilee Year, Rev. Frank DeSiano CSP, Dmin
Tradeoffs Between Wrongful Convictions and Wrongful Acquittals: Understanding and Avoiding the Risks, Paul G. Cassell
Transcendental Intimacy, Rev. Pat Collins CM
Transfiguration as a Critical Moment for Jesus and for Us, Demetrius R. Dumm Rev.
Transforming Light: Intellectual Conversion in the Early Lonergan, Richard Liddy
Treasures of Seton Hall University
Trials in Life's Pilgrimage, Lawrence Frizzell
Tribulations of the Patriarch Joseph and Jesus in Greek and Latin Piety, Lawrence Frizzell
Triune God and Human History, Lawrence Frizzell
Tropical Versailles Empire, Monarchy, and the Portuguese Royal Court in Rio de Janeiro, 1808-1821, Kirsten Schultz
True Holiness is Grounded in Reality, Demetrius R. Dumm Rev.
True Leaders Foster the Dignity of All, Lawrence Frizzell
Tumor-Targeting Fluorinated Phthalocyanines for Theranostic Applications, Erik Nathaniel Carrión
Undergraduate Catalogue 2016-2017, Seton Hall University
Undergraduate Catalogue 2017-2018, Seton Hall University
Undergraduate Catalogue 2018-2019, Seton Hall University
Understanding Christ the Divine Physician, Lawrence Frizzell
Understanding the Covenant, Hour of Jesus, Lawrence Frizzell
Understanding the Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents of Students with Limited English Proficiency towards Standardized Testing, Michele P. Tiedemann
Unfaithful Execution of the Law: Congressional Interference with Agency Decision-Making, William Alan Nelson
United Nations Security Council Issues, Hugh Dugan
University Core Curriculum Committee By Laws -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Committee Report -- April 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Committee Report -- February 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Committee Report -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Committee Report -- October 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Committee Report REVISED -- May 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Report -- June 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
University Core Curriculum Report -- September 2018 --, Tabitha Harris
UN Peacekeeping in Africa: A Critical Examination and Recommendations for Improvement, Kwame Akonor
Vatican II, Rev. James Connor
Vatican II and the Principles of Catholic Ecumenism, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Cassidy
Versalhes Tropical : Império, Monarquia e a Corte Real Portuguesa no Rio de Janeiro, 1808-1821, Kirsten Schultz
"'Violent Love': Jane Austen and Eighteenth-Century Marriage Laws", Brianna Bicho
Virtues and Values vs. Evocative Approaches, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Volume XIX - 2018: Table of Contents
Warrior King or Prince of Peace?, Lawrence Frizzell
Weighing Conscience, Perceptions of Divine Truth, Lawrence Frizzell
What are the three characteristics of Trumpism?: A Discourse Analysis of Trump’s Four Major Campaign Speeches, Rachel D. Beeman
What Bernard Lonergan Learned from Susanne K. Langer, Richard Liddy
What Catholics Can Learn From Muslims, Peter Kreeft Dr.
Who Will Regulate American Forensic Science?, Simon A. Cole
Why Can't Catholics Feel?, Rev. Benedict J. Groeschel CFR, EdD
Why Can't Catholics Feel?, Benedict J. Groeschel Rev.
Why I Became a Apologist and Why Should You Be One, Karl Keating Dr.
Why Most Catholics Stopped Going To Confession, Rev. George A. Maloney SJ, STD
William R. Summerhill.Inglorious Revolution: Political Institutions, Sovereign Debt, and Financial Underdevelopment in Imperial Brazil., Kirsten Schultz
Wisdom and the True Purpose of Life, Lawrence Frizzell
Wisdom in the Life of Faith, Lawrence Frizzell
Without Contemplation, The Priest Perish-1, Rev. Walter J. Burghardt SJ, STD
Without Contemplation, The Priest Perish-2, Rev. Walter J. Burghardt SJ, STD
With the Suffering Master, Lawrence Frizzell
Women, the Novel, and Natural Philosophy, 1660-1727, Karen Gevirtz
“You are not on trial for being a dwarf”: Monstrosity in Medievalism in Richard III and A Song of Ice and Fire, Emily Parise
You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows: an Analysis of Red-Flag Knowledge Under the DMCA, Zachary C. Hansen
You Stay Classy Advisory Committee: The Need to Amend Rule 23 to Include Explicit Ascertainability in the Wake of Sandusky Wellness Center, LLC. v. Medtox Scientific, Inc., Michael J. Kromka