"DIPL 2110 Comparative Foreign Policy" by Robert Shaver PhD

Document Type

Undergraduate Syllabus


Fall 2018



Course Number

DIPL 2110

Course Description

This course is an introduction to foreign policy analysis and the comparative study of countries' foreign policies. The first section of the course examines several major schools of international relations theory and introduces many key concepts in thinking about foreign policy. The second section of the course asks students to think about the policy process and implications of these theories. The last section of the course will survey the foreign policy decisions several countries have made in historical and current events.

Classes will be discussion based, and students are expected to come to class having read the assigned readings in detail and prepared to provide their thoughts to the rest of the class. In addition to the assigned readings, students should regularly read the international section of a major daily newspaper such as The New York Times, Washington Post, or Wall Street Journal to keep abreast of and discuss current affairs. Particular articles may be assigned in class and are to be considered required reading.

Each class will begin with a short, ungraded quiz, in which students will be asked to define one or more of the key concepts from the assigned reading. In the last section of the course students will instead be given map quizzes.

As a final project, students will write an 8-10 page paper and prepare a presentation to be made to the rest of the class. Further guidelines for the project and paper will be distributed in class.
