Date of Award

Summer 8-15-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

MS Experimental Psychology




Susan Teague, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Susan A. Nolan, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Andrew F. Simon, Ph.D.


relationships, introversion-extroversion, commitment, attraction, desire, similarity


The present study assessed whether similarity of a hypothetical partner on Introversion-Extroversion, along with partner preference for long-term or short-term relationships, might vary according to participants’ own Introversion-Extroversion. MANOVA results suggest three important points. First, ratings by extrovert participants showed higher levels of romantic interest for extroverted, rather than introverted, hypothetical partners; introvert participants’ ratings did not differ between introvert and extrovert partners on this dimension. Second, the similarity of the participant and the hypothetical partner on Introversion-Extroversion appeared to influence interpersonal interest, romantic interest, and commitment potential. Last, the partner’s commitment level may drive participants’ non-platonic interest and potential to commitment to the partner. Along with the effect of commitment, there are indicators for the liking of both similar and dissimilar others.
