Date of Award

Spring 5-16-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

EdD Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Martin J. Finkelstein, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Richard Blissett, Ph.D.

Committee Member

David B. Reid, Ph.D.


Houston-LSAMP, Institutionalization, Diffusion of Innovation Theory, URMS in STEM, LSAMP workshops


The study focused on the Houston-Louis Stokes Alliance Minority Participation Program. Its mission is to increase the number of under-represented students in STEM majors. The National Science Foundation has been funding this program for the past 20 years. Studies were conducted about its success, however, little has been said about HOW the program was formed and prospects for its future amid changes in leadership due to retirement and turnover of staff members. This study looked at the sustainability of LSAMP, specifically how one central academic program component—the academic excellence workshops were institutionalized/integrated by funding it into the organizational life of each of the two lead institutions of the Houston alliance. So, this study examined how over time, the Houston-LSAMP achieved sustainability through institutionalization of the pipeline program.Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory was the conceptual framework employed to frame this case study and formulate the research questions and sub-questions. The institutionalization of the workshops at the University of Houston and Texas Southern university were studied since they are the past and current leaders of the Houston-LSAMP alliance, respectively.
