"Practices that attribute to the success of boys: A study of Title I mi" by Laura L. Duhon

Date of Award

Fall 12-13-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Executive Ed.D. in Education Leadership Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Daniel Gutmore, PhD

Committee Member

Elaine Walker, PhD

Committee Member

Barbara Davis, EdD


Boys, Middle School, Latino Boys, Gender Achievement Gap


While it is commonly believed that boys are more successful than girls academically, research shows that boys are failing to thrive, academically, behaviorally, and socially. Boys comprise 70% of school suspensions as well as 80% of high school dropouts along with other alarming statistics. The purpose of this research study was to investigate approaches that contribute to the success of boys within six Title I middle schools located in various regions of Texas. These schools were selected based on state assessment (STAAR) scores where their male population was achieving the same or greater success as the females as measured by the state assessment. A cross-sectional online survey was used to determine the approaches educators at these schools implement that contribute to the success of boys. The study’s findings suggest that the six studied middle schools are implementing practices and programs that contribute to the success of boys. An overwhelming majority of teachers and administrators agreed on the survey that their school was in fact implementing programs and practices that contribute to the success of boys. The results revealed within this study imply that in fact the practices suggested by the literature are significant to the success of boys. The educators responding to the survey noted the use of many of the practices and programs referenced and suggested in the literature. There is thus a sound argument for other educators to implement these programs and practices in attempting to close the achievement gap between boys and girls.
