Graduation Year 2013
Protecting Expression from the Protectors: Balancing Freedom of Expression with Public Sensitivities and Social Order in Western Nations, Lily Katherine Ericsson
Protecting the User: The Necessity of Governing the Privacy Settings of Social Media Websites, Lauren Estacio
Apps As Medical Devices: Utilizing One of Computer Technology's Newest Inventions for the Advancement of Medicine and the Healthcare System, Lauren Schmale Estacio
Church Autonomy Doctrine and the First Amendment: Striking the Right Balance between Church and State Interests, Reiah N. Etwaroo
The Implications of the Arab Spring on the Future of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine, Colleen Everett
The Truth in Lending Act: The Survival of a Borrower's Claim for Rescission, Francesco Ferrantelli Jr.
Death with Dignity: Governance of the Most Personal of Decisions, Marco F. Ferreira
Genetic Diagnostic Testing Method Patents: Their Widespread Monopolization and the Need to Eliminate the Devastating Effects of Their Abuse, Francis J. Fiorello
Avoiding Termination: How the Music Industry Should Deal With the Imminent Battle Over Copyright Termination Rights, Aaron Samuel Fischer
Can a Photograph Lie? Remedies for an Age of Image Alteration, Joshua Solomon Fischer
Open Source Synthetic Biology: Problems and Solutions, Ethan R. Fitzpatrick
The Constitutionality of Restricting the Use of Social Media: Flash Mob Protests Warrant First Amendment Protections, Michael Joseph Fitzpatrick
The Alternative Uptick Rule - Restoring Short Selling as an Asset to the Market and Striking a Regulatory Balance Between Those That Favor or Oppose Regulation, David Max Fleischer
Absolute Power in Honduras, Does It Always Corrupt Absolutely?, Santos Flores
Problems Surrounding the NCAA and Its Lack of Ability to Govern Third-Parties, Namely Recruitment Companies, Alumni, and Boosters, Christopher Brett Fontenelli
The 2003 Extradition Treaty: Should U.S.-U.K.’s Extradition Relationship be Overhauled?, Richard Brant Forrest
Towards a Workable Rubric for Assessing Photoshop Liability, Logan A. Forsey
An Illinois Brick Wall Without Foundation: The “Price Paid” Rule and the Roadmap to Antitrust Immunity, Colin Graham Fraser
Franchisor Liability in ADA Construction Compliance, Matthew Edward Frisch
The Inadequacy of the Damages Assessed Upon Violation of the Breach Notification Rule , Jeffrey David Gaskill
Resolving the Debate on Public Funding for National Public Radio, Andrew Giarolo
From FTC to HHS Regulation of Reputational Intermediaries’ Use of Health-Inflected Data, Brian Glicos
Exhaustion: A Solution to the Chief Concerns Posed by Alien Tort Statute Litigation, Jason Scott Goldberg
Domestic Violence Does Not Discriminate by Color or Race: Examining Domestic Violence Comparatively in the Jewish and Latino Communities, Victoria Gonchar
Student-Initiated Religious Activity in Public Schools: Walking the Fine Line Between Neutrality and Hostility, Mariya Gonor
The Nexus between Human Trafficking and Terrorism/Organized Crime: Combating Human Trafficking By Creating a Cooperative Law Enforcement System, Elsie Gonzalez
End-of-Life Care: How Polst Forms Can Fix a Broken System, Michael Gottlieb
Sand Dunes: Friend or Foe?, Daniel John Granatell
Cyber-Bullying: Obstacles and Solutions for Teachers and Administrators to Stop Cyber-Bullying, Seth Samuel Greenspan
If Students Aren't Learning, Are Teachers Teaching? Tying New Jersey Teacher Evaluations and Compensation to Student Achievement, Amanda Sue Grossi
Scaling the Corporate Ladder: Do Women Really Have a Fair Chance To Advance in Corporate America? The Glass Ceiling and Proposed Title VII Solutions to Unconscious Discrimination., Michelle Alfonso Gunderson
Sharia Law in Western Traditions: Irreconcilable Differences or an Endeavor in Religious Autonomy?, Richard Jonathan Halmo
Biomedical Treatment for PDD-NOS; A Valid Medical Expenditure, Rose Maureen Harper
Amending Title VII to Eradicate Discrimination Based on Religious Apparel, Rabia Mariam Hassan
Proscribing Hate Speech in a Post-September 11 World: Enacting Effective Regulation of Anti-Muslim Invective in order to Stem Domestic Terror Threats, Rabia Mariam Hassan
Property Rights in Organs – An Argument for Commodification of the Body, Heather Hausleben
Slavery in 2tst Century America: Hidden in Plain View, Heather Hausleben
America, Land of the Free? The Moral and Practical Reasons for Expanding Proactive anti-Human Trafficking Efforts, J. Christopher Henschel
May I Copyright My Shovel? Intellectual Property Incentives and Conceptiual Art, Sarah Fenton Hinks
Reclaiming The First Amendment: How the Forces that Changed Our Interpretation of The First Amendment Changed the Character of Our Nation, Grace Sang-Eun Hong
The Main Obstacle to Female Leadership at the Executive Level and in Traditionally Masculine Fields: How We Can Erase Implicit Discrimination Through the Law, Grace Sang-Eun Hong
Bringing Cultural Genocide in by the Backdoor: Victim Participation at the ICC, Kristina Marie Hon
Oil as a Silent Factor in the Responses to the Arab Spring Uprisings, Kristina Marie Hon
The Metamorphosis of International Human Rights in Domestic Constitutions: South Africa and Kosovo as Case Studies, Kristina Marie Hon
Amicus Brief in Support of EEOC in EEOC v. Houston Funding, II LTD., Meghan Victoria Hoppe
A Cautious Approach to Kinship Legal Guardianship in New Jersey: Its Application, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Suggestions for Improvement, Lindsey M. Housman
A Comparative Examination of Pension Reform and Subsequent Litigation in New Jersey After the Enactment of the 2011 Pension Reform Litigation, Charlotte Mary Howells
Pharmaceutical Company Data Mining in the Aftermath of Sorrell v. IMS Health: The Need for Comprehensive Federal Legislation to Protect Patient Privacy, Melody Rene Hsiou
The Future of Genetic Testing and the Legal and Ethical Implications of ENCODE, Melody Rene Hsiou
The Plaintiff’s Last Chance: FOIA’S Waiver Doctrine, Sydney Hutchins
Domestic Horse Slaughter Regulation and Population Management, Charnarit Daniel Hwang
China's Food Industry in Crisis: A Detailed Analysis of the FSL and China's Enforcement Obstacles, Ina Ilin-Schneider
To What Extent Did the HHS Fall Short of Adequately Interpreting the Medical Loss Ratio Rule to Address Consumers’ Concerns, Ina Ilin-Schneider
The Regnerus Study – Fact or Fiction?, Ariel Ruth Intondi
Alien Invasion: Corporate Liability and its Real Implications Under the Alien Tort Statute, Brian Jacek
Islam and Democracy: Turkey's Harmonized Model for Emerging Arab Spring Democracies, Sarah Setarah Jafari
Whose Pregnancy Is It Anyway? The Intrusion of Abortion-Related Informed Consent Laws and Compelled Medical Treatment on the Doctor-Pregnant Patient Relationship, Jennifer Jascoll
Crime and Genetics: The Peril of Using Behavioral Genetics in Criminal Proceedings, George Alan Jewell
A New World Order: The Expansion of Executive Corporate Liability in the Life Sciences Industry, Rachel Marie Jones
Electoral Reform in the United States: Looking Abroad to Strengthen our Democracy, Matthew Patrick Jordan
Fashion Police: Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry, Bianka Gabriella Kadian-Dodov
Creating Racially and Socioeconomically Integrated Public Schools: Education and Housing Policy Matter, Lauren Elizabeth Keith
Rethinking Non-Failure-to-Warn Claims Against Generic Drug Manufacturers: An Argument for the Supreme Court to Reverse Bartlett v. Mutual Pharmaceutical, Jonathan A. Keller
Super Highway Robbery: The SEC and the Evolution of Online Securities Fraud, Sean Andrew Kennedy
Toward a Permanent Solution: An Investigation of Ways to Protect Family Farms From the Estate Tax, Joseph Gerard Kenny
Ending Sex Trafficking of Women and Children in America, Shanae Patrice Keys
Limitations in the UN Security Council's Power In Post-Conflict Situations, Tayyaba Khokhar
The International Terrorism Tribunal: The Better Method of Adjudicating Terrorism Cases, Tayyaba Fatima Khokhar
The NLRA vs. The First Amendment: Which One Helps the Employee Who Loves Social Media?, Megan Marie Kosovich
Skin Deep Activism: American Exceptionalism and the Fight Against Human Trafficking, Catherine Elizabeth LaQuaglia
What Are You Looking At? Why the Private Sector's Use of Social Media Need Not Be Legislated, Courteney Lario
The Right to Refuse Life Sustaining Treatment and Competency: Potential Solutions to Protect and Promote Patient Autonomy, Andrew Joseph LaVigne
The Kyoto Protocol and the Future of Carbon Emissions Reduction in China, Steven Lee
Buying Influence in College Athletics: How Much Does It Cost to Put In Your Two Cents?, Amanda Marie Leone
Athlete Injuries and Performance Enhancing Drug Violations: An Analysis Under Federal Health Privacy Law, Anthony William Liberatore
Counterfeiting Dali and Other Artists: The Art of Surrealist Deception, Marissa Leigh Licata
Right to Counsel: Should the Right to Counsel Apply in Immigration Proceedings?, Candice J. Lim
The Influence of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on Anti-Blasphemy Laws, Richard Lombardi
Bowman v. Monsanto: Agriculture’s Implications for… Technology?, Daniel Lopata
The Lack of Protection Available to Victims of Domestic Violence in Private Housing, Justin Henry Lubas
Three Strikes, Yet They Keep on Swinging: Athletes and Domestic Violence, Victoria Lucido
The Move from the Principal's Office to the Police Station: Criminalizing Nonviolent Student Behavior, Joseph Michael Magro
Refining the Reasonable Observer, Timothy Paul Malacrida
Organ Shortages in the United States: Proposed Solution and Moral Considerations, Corinne Bridget Maloney
Your Money or Your Life: America’s Health Care Value Problem, Gabriel Mancuso
Compulsory Collection and Retention of DNA Upon Arrest: Fourth Amendment Implications, Alyssa Mandara
Reforming the Regulation of Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers, Shareen Mani
Establishing Recognition of a "Trafficked Person Syndrome", Carolyn Alissa Marks
Gainsharing and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Nicole F. Martingano-Reinhart
Implications of Conscience Clause Legislation on Access to Contraceptive Pills, Alicia D. Massidas
Raising Hope for Children in Foster Care: An Argument in Favor of Expanding the Pool of Qualified Applicants, Tapia Mateo
Ban on Foie Gras: A Legislative Fowl, Vanessa L. Ma
Hunting: A Necessary Evil To Benefit the Greater Good, Timothy Patrick McCann
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and the Constitutionality of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, William McConnell
At the Heart of Justice: Combating Gang-Perpetrated Witness Intimidation with Forfeiture-by-Wrongdoing After Giles v. California, Katie Manzi McDonough
Ice Under Fire: Impropriety of Domain Name Seizures, Shane Alexander McDougall
"Keeping Up With Technology": An Analysis of the Fourth Amendment Concerning the Search and Seizure of Students' Cell Phones to Investigate Instances of Bullying, Thomas Patrick McGrady