Graduation Year 2014
From Monkey Bars to Behind Bars: Problems Associated with Placing Youth's in Adult Prisons, James M. Sullivan
Do Not Use In Horses Intended For Human Consumption: Horse Meat And Its Public Health Danger, Jessica Rose Sutcliffe
The Story of Hurricane Katrina and Memorial Hospital, Vincent J. Sweeney
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Champion of the Underdog, Francis Leonard Tartaglia
Technology Fought The Law, And The Law Lost, Bryan Spencer Tiscia
Admitting the Problem with the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, Andrew Logan Tobel
The Erosion of Informed Consent to Abortion, Kali Ann Trahanas
China’s Foreign Exchange Policy: Global Effects and United States Policy Options, Brian Curtis Tribuna
Legalizing Prostitution: An Introduction, Kristie Trifiolis
Elephant Ivory, Kristie Lauren Trifiolis
LRE Under the IDEA: Has Mainstreaming Gone Too Far?, Kristie Lauren Trifiolis
Savior Siblings: The Ethical Debate, Kristie Lauren Trifiolis
Designer Babies: The Need for Regulation on the Quest For Perfection, Jenifer V. Turriziani
Copyright Ownership and the Need for Implied Licenses in the Realm of Tattoos, Kyle Alan Ulscht
Online Music Communities & The Future of Copyright Royalties, Jennifer Vasquez
The 360 Deals, The Frienemy., Jennifer Vasquez
Wine About It: A Study in the Evolution and Constitutionality of Direct-to-Consumer Alcohol Shipping Regulations, August Michael Ventura
Historical, Religious and Scholastic Prohibition of Usury: The Common Origins of Western and Islamic Financial Practices, Joshua Vincent
The War On Christmas: The Display of Christmas Decor on Public Property is Being Attacked, William T. Walsh
Ho is a Ho is a Ho: Prostitution, Feminism and the Nevada Brothel System, Eleanor Keller Wedum
Home Is Where The Heart Is: Determining The Standard For Habitual Residence Under The Hague Convention Based On A Child-Centric Approach, Aimee Suzanne Weiner
The Effects of Mandated Nurse-to-Patient Ratios on Reducing Preventable Medical Error and Hospital Costs, Evan Weiner
Protecting The Victims Of Child Pornography: An Analysis Of The Current State Of The Law, With A View Towards Amending The CDA 230 Safe Harbor, William Evans Wells
I’m Throwing on My Louboutin’s: High Fashion Post-Sale Confusion, Jennifer M. Whritenour
Remedying Race-Based Decision-Making: Reclaiming the Remedial Focus of Affirmative Action After Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, John V. Wintermute
The Solar Resurrection: Keeping New Jersey’s Solar Industry Alive At The Expense Of Ratepayers, Joshua Scott Wirtshafter
The Coptic Christians of Egypt: Dhimmitude and Discrimination, Patrick Alexander Younan
Suspicionless Searches In Schools: Has In Loco Parentis Gone Loco?, Joseph Edward Zahner
Free Speech and the Workplace: The Propriety Of Employers’ Regulating Unionized Employees’ Off-Site Speech, Jessica Lissette Zamora
Graduation Year 2013
Surviving Medical Device Preemption under 21 U.S.C. 360k: Clarifying Pleading Standards for Parallel Claims Following Twombly and Iqbal., Ashley Abraham Williams
Bullying, The New Civil Rights Agenda Spreading Throughout the Nation: Embrace It? Extinguish It? Or Contain It?, Robert Edward Adjmi
The Right to Counsel in Civil Matters: A Legal and Moral Analysis, Jessica Christian Mary Almeida
On the Origin of Academic Freedom Bills by Means of Precedential Selection: and Why Efforts Should be Taken to Facilitate Their Extinction, Marcus Pierce Almond
Caramadre's Loophole: Exploiting the Fine Print, Financial Institutions & Terminally-Ill, Eric Alvarez
For the Times, They Are A-Changin’: Mashup Movement Seeks to Reform Copyright Law and Pushes Society to Embrace New Forms of Art, Jamie Leigh Anderson
Super PAC Me: The Effects of Unlimited Secret Money in the 2012 Elections and Renewed Need for Campaign Finance Reform, Jason Daniel Angelo
Let's Get Ready to Rumble! Competing Legislation and the Future of Radio and Royalties, Tracy Azinge
Examining Anonymous Internet Speech: Why the Pols Cannot Control the Trolls, Christopher Joseph Baione
The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turnin’: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and its Impact on Wind Development, Robert Arthur Ballard III
Comparative Effectiveness Research in the United States: The Failures And What Can Be Done To Fix It, John D. Barry
What Ails America's Racetracks: Drugging in Horse Racing, Katie Elizabeth Bartek
Dental Medicaid Reform: A Place for the Private Commercial Vendor, Karl J. Baumle III
Scenario Analysis for ACOs & Antitrust, Christopher Bays
Law an Independent Variable: Firms’ Response to Affordable Care Act, Christopher M. Bays
The New Baby Mama Drama: Equal Rights to Compensation for Birth Mothers of Adopted Infants as Granted to Egg Donors and Surrogates, Jenny Beecroft
Trademarks Weakened by the First Amendment, Rookmin Beepat
Constitutional Cheap Shots: Targeting Undocumented Residents With the Second Amendment, Matthew Whitman Blair
Patenting the Human Body: Myriad, Prometheus, and the Future of Patentable Subject Matter in the United States, Lauren Cecilia Bolcar
The First Amendment’s Uneasy Application to the Schoolhouse and Beyond: Regulating Student Speech in the Age of Social Media, Marianne Borbar
Privacy Rights in the Age of Social Media: Facebook Passwords and Legal Implications, Marlene Botros
Rosetta Stone Ltd. v. Google Incorporated: Trademarking Language: Google's Adwords and the Value of Online Searching, Kelley Marie Brogan
Brosius, 1 Killing Outside the Law: The Case of Israel’s policy of assassinating Iranian Nuclear Scientists, Robert Brosius
The End of Privacy: The Dangers of the Newest Amendment to New Jersey's DNA Database and Databank Act, Christopher John Buggy
Rationing Healthcare: Death Panels & the ACA, Maciek Bury
Who Says There’s No Disclosure Requirement For All Intellectual Property Law Subjects: The Case For The Existence Of Disclosure Requirements in Copyright and Trademark Law?, Victor Memo Campos
“Tale of Two Soles: Functionality Doctrine in High Fashion”, Christine Marie Caputo
Bioethics, Parity, and the ACA: Why the ACA Does Not Go Far Enough, Kathryn Beatrice Carey
Hybrid Tribunals are the Most Effective Structure for Adjudicating International Crimes Occurring Within a Domestic State, Caitlin E. Carroll
The Right to an Abortion and Gender Discrimination: An Argument for Financial Abortion, Narline Casimir
Justice O'Connor's Test for Ceremonial Deism, Michael Castagna
Not Your Average Terrorist: The Major Implications of Thriving Piracy in Somalia and the Global Response Required, Stephen Robert Catanzaro
The Home Taken Into the Takings Clause: An Exploration of the Takings Clause and the Moral Obligation of the Government to Provide Just Compensation, Stephen Robert Catanzaro
Examining Trademark Infringement in the World of Fashion, Megan Brittany Cate
Nation of Immigrants, Nation of Laws: Agriculture as the Achilles Heel of Enforcement-Only Immigration Legislation, Suzanne Elizabeth Cevasco
An Analysis of the Stop Online Piracy Act, Pratyusha Challa
Health Governance and Mental Health Privacy Laws: Restoring the Balance Between Individual Privacy and Public Safety Following the 2007 Virginia Tech Shooting, Isabel Yoon Chang
Picture Imperfect: Mug Shot Disclosures and the Freedom of Information Act, Lisa N. Chinai
Revisiting Business Methods: Should They Remain Patentable?, Russell Cirincione
Race-Based Medicine: Remedying Health Care Disparities in a Distrustful Race, Martavis Terrell Clarke
Towards a More Rigorous Application of Tobacco Warnings Consistent with First Amendment Standards, Jaclyn Dyer Cohen
Unintended Consequences of Migrating Bird Protection Statutes, Michael W. Cole
Constitutional Provisions for Electoral Disputes, Michael L. Collins
Is The Principal Driving the Cop Car? The Problematic Nature of School Discipline for Off-Campus Conduct, Michael L. Collins
End-of-Life Decisions and the Natural Law, Gregory James Corcoran
Selling Our Souls for Dross: The Ethical Failure of Psychologists and the APA in Post 9/11 Interrogations and Torture, Jim Cosgrove
“You Know What I’m Saying?”: A Socolinguistic Critique on Free Speech Theories and Tests, Jason Curreri
Lost in Transition: The Waning of Cherokee Women’s Independence from 1808-1832, Jason Alexander Curreri
Subrogation or Equity: An Examination of Subrogation Clauses in ERISA Qualified Health Plans, Peter Joseph Dahl
China and the Future of International Environmental Law, Nadir Edul Dalal
The R2P is Dead. Long Live the R2P. Libya, Syria, and the Responsibility to Protect, Nadir Edul Dalal
Speech Locked Up: John Locke, Liberalism and the Regulation of Speech, Alex Daniel
Willful Blindness: The Hazards of an Evolving Standard of Knowledge, Alex Robert Daniel
Willful Blindness: The Hazards of an Evolving Standard of Knowledge, Alex Robert Daniel
The Day the Hunter’s Saved the Species, Brian Davis
Towards a Workable Paradigm for Regulating Internet Speech, Brian Stephen Davis
Congress Fumbled Again: Dodd-Frank Fails to Transcend the Influence of Wall Street, Felipe Neris De Los Santos
Sports Leagues and Video Game Licensing: Game Over or Game On? How recent rulings could possibly devalue the NFL’s video game agreement., Nicholas De Palma
A Lesson in Speech or Debate Jurisprudence, Matthew Patrick Dolan
Exclusionary Zoning’s Compromise of First Amendment Values, Regina Grace Douglas
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Child Abuse or Judicial Misuse?, Sarah Elizabeth Elias
The Effects of the Sunbeam Decision on the Rejection of Trademark Licenses in Bankruptcy, John Thomas Ellwood
Human Trafficking: International Regulatory Problems and Solutions, Uchechukwu Enwereuzor
Children At Risk: Corporations Celebrate Kiobel & Circumvent Child Labor Laws, Aaron Jason Epstein
The United States and the Case for Humanitarian Intervention, Matthew James Erickson
Kelley v. Chicago Park District: The Copyrightability of Organic Works of Art, Lily Katherine Ericsson