Graduation Year 2026
Lack of Player Protection Revealed Under MLB’s Joint Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Policy and Necessary Changes to Avoid Arbitrary Disciplinary Actions., Maureen J. Camacho
The Dog Days Are (Almost) Over: Pari-Mutuel Betting Laws and State Subsidies’ Roles in Upholding the United States’ Dog Racing Industry, Mary Grace K. McNamara
Reforming the No Surprises Act: Addressing Structural Deficiencies to Protect Patients from Unexpected Medical Bills, Elvin Migirov
Penalties for Prevention? The Case for Enacting a Safe Harbor Provision for APOE Screening, G. Davis Rieser
Telemedicine Fraud: Exposing Vulnerabilities and Recommended Solutions, Evander Tang
Graduation Year 2025
Child Marriage in Relation to the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause, Mahima Alam
Fiduciary Duty and Generative AI in Financial Services, Daria Beshentseva
Prisoner’s RLUIPA Claims: Access to Religious Exercise Behind Prison Walls, Jill Campione
Free Exercise Challenges to Entheogen Prohibitions: Precedents, Principles, and Issues, Kevin Chamow
Toward Objectivity in International Criminal Law: Modeling Genocide, Kevin Chamow
When Simplicity Fails: A Purposeful Approach to Causation in FCA Enforcement, Hye Sun Choi
School Choice and the First Amendment, Symone Cirton
Water, Water, Everywhere, and Not a Drop of Justice: International Water Crimes in the Anthropocene, Matthew J. D’Amato
The “Ownership” of Real Property: The Consequences of Kelo v. City of New London, Joseph E. Decker
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile Minds: Insanity and Competency in Courts, Sarah Elsakhawy
Restoring Sovereignty: Advancing Tribal Jurisdiction Through Extradition Treaties, Sarah Elsakhawy
Adaptive College Athletics: The Champion Medals Await Those Collegiate Universities Who Compete, Peter Galati
Mental Illness and Medical Assistance in Dying, Sophia Gengaro
An Exploration of the Jurisprudence of the National Bank Through Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian Legal Lenses, Nadia Ghazal
Missing & Murdered Indigenous People, Victoria Giordano
Navigating the Equal Terms Maze: Reconciling Circuit Splits on RLUIPA's Land Use Protections, Najma Hassan
Navigating the Crossroads: The Interaction and Tension between State Employment Laws and the DOJ’s ECCP Guidance on Compensation Clawback Provisions, Madeline Humphrey
Parental Leave in the European Union and the United States - Two Flawed Systems, Madeline Humphrey
The Drug Price Negotiation Program's Impact on Small Pharmacy Operations, Abraham Kazmir
Showdown in the Black Hills: The Sioux Nation’s Continued Land Claims Battle Against the US Government, Kevin McKenzie
Addiction By Design: The Case for Mandatory Warning Labels on Social Media, Julia Michael
A Holistic Overview of the Data Act, Its Implications on the Economy and Interplay with the GDPR, Mary A. Mikhail
The Undertreatment of Patients with Chronic Pain Due to the Opioid Crisis, Nicole Ng
A Case for Further Environmental Protections of Endangered Animals’ Habitats and a Limitation of State Agency Power, Jacob T. Norris
The Advertising Pipeline: Priming Today’s Youth to Be Tomorrow’s Heavy Rollers, Alison Opdyke
Is Collegiate Athletics Already Professionalized While the NCAA Still Recognizes College Sports as Amateur Athletics?, Justin Orsini
NCAA: Not Comprised of Amateurs Anymore, Michael Reilly
Rarefied Air: Fitting Airbnb Into Zoning and Housing Law, Joseph Russo
Learning from the Public Sector: Re-Balancing the Bargaining Power in Major League Sports, Christina M. Sarras
NCAA Videogames: How the Litigation That Cancelled NCAA Football Has Led to Its Comeback, Peter Shah
Once Upon a Crime in America: Time for the Wire Act to Do the Disappearing Act, Alex Sieburth
A Lesson to Learn: Transgender Students Face Discriminatory School Policies in Texas, Randy Terhune
A Promise Yet Unfulfilled: The Yates Memo’s Impact on Individual Accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing Eight Years On, Kevin P. Turner
Navigating America’s “Most Lucrative Vice”: How the U.S. Supreme Court ‘Got It Right’ in Murphy, Melissa Velasco
Sanctuary: How Churches Escape the Law and Protect the Criminal, Kyle R. Wavro
Cyclical Health Disparities and the Future of the Indian Health Service, Emily York
Graduation Year 2024
Schools vs. Social Media: Can Mass Litigation Reign in Big Tech and Save the Kids?, Sameer Ahmad
Getting Where They’re Needed: The Case for a Vaccine Treaty, Christian W. Allan
Religious Exemptions to Vaccinations: The First Amendment vs. RFRA, Sneh Amin
Questionable Means to Admirable Ends; A Critique of New Jersey’s Limited Certifications of Eligibility Pilot, Gabriella Andrews
If You Ban It, They Will Come: Addressing America’s Deficient Housing Supply Through Single-Family Zoning Reform, Emily Arezzi
Rolling the Dice on Tribal Sovereignty, Emily Nicole Ells Arezzi
Curing Cannibalism: The Case for Stricter Antitrust Scrutiny Regarding Hospital Mergers, Amelia Baijnath
The World’s Inaction Perpetuates Eritrean Slavery: an International Legal Community Issue, Ruchi Behera
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Saga: How the Recent Class Action Settlement Will Impact Competition Among Health Insurers, Zachary M. Benson
Picking Apart Pico, Delaney Billy
Reaching for Resources That Are Out of This World: Outer Space Resources as the Common Heritage of Humankind, Sydney Binkley
Why is Diversity Among Appointed Arbitrators Lacking Given the Global Spread of Parties and Their Disputes?, Danielle Bitar
Amending New Jersey’s Expungement Law to Reflect the Historical Treatment of Juveniles: Juveniles Deserve a Second Chance, Jair D. Bodnar
H.L.A. Hart’s Theory of Law and The Supreme Court’s Use of Stare Decisis, John Bonfiglio
Comparative Analysis of Two Data Privacy Regulatory Schemes: The GDPR and the CCPA, Sean Bradley
Is BEFIT Doomed to Repeat CCCTB’s Fate?, Allison Brugger
Why Equal Protection? The Threat the Equal Protection Clause Poses to ICWA and the Need for a Broader Constitutional Law Canon, Patricia E. Calderone
“The Copyright Claims Board: Based on the First Six Months of Claims, Are Early Trends Proving Proponents or Opponents Correct?”, David J. Cassidy
Emerging Strategies and Considerations to Address Racial Housing Disparities, Domenica Cevallos
Lifting the Shield of Tribal Sovereign Immunity: Age Discrimination Claims Against Tribes as Employers and Other Issues for Congress to Consider, Nicole Chamberlain
Where to Go: Examining Enforcement of Intra-European Union Arbitration Awards in the United States and United Kingdom Post-Achmea, Nicholas P. Cohen
The “Unrelated To” Requirement as It Relates to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Asylum Claims, Shaina Colombo
Shockingly Confusing: Why A Shocks the Conscience Test Should be Adopted as a Uniform Test for State-Created Danger Claims, Christina Conkling
Putting the Action in Affirmative Action: Outreach as a Means of Addressing Diversity, Zoë Connell
Protections for LGBTQ+ Students and Athletes: Title IX in Light of Bostock v. Clayton County, Katherine Considine
Unequal Representation for Equal Numbers of People: The Persistence of Prison Gerrymandering and Why It Requires Judicial Intervention, Meredith Conway
The Expansion of Sports Betting: What’s Next? Niche Sports, Michael V. Cresitello III
Leveling The Score: The Effect of Modernization on Women’s College Athletics, Vincent DeBellis
Solitary Confinement Practices in U.S. Immigration Detention Facilities Continue to Violate International Law Principles, Florencia DePaola
Post-Pandemic Access to Healthcare: Legal Implications of Telehealth Treatment with Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder, Carmela Dolgetta
Wearable Technology in Sports and the Need for Greater Protection, Gianna D’Onofrio
New York’s Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act: A Second Chance for Survivors or An Unattainable Freedom?, Kaitlyn D’Onofrio
The Truth Should Never Be Illegal: The Evils & Unconstitutionality of Ag-Gag Laws and the Need for Reform, Melanie Egas
Taking Your Medicine: Insulating the Drug Price Negotiation Program from Fifth Amendment Challenge, Thomas Feil
Creditor-on-Creditor Violence: An Analysis of Uptier Exchange Transactions, Lance Fischer
The Constitutionality of the Privatization of the Prison Industry, Eric Gallant
eSports, A New Age Brand of College Sports: an In-Depth Look at the Gambling Beneath eSports, Ryan Geary
The Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property: Are the Existing International Legal Framework and Enforcement Mechanisms No More Than Glorified Placeholders for the Real Actors?, Ma. Andrea Nicole Gecosala
Athletic Donors’ Control Over the Future of Collegiate Athletics, Matthew Thomas Gelder
NFTs Are Confusing: Addressing the Likelihood of Confusion Inquiry in the NFT Context, Nathan Glazer
State Regulation of Cultured Meat: Would a Meat by Any Other Name Taste as Good?, Ethan Granoff
Prior Conviction Sentencing: Allowing State Law to Guide the Definition of “Controlled Substance” Under 4B1.2, Gabrielle Grillo
Pitino's Pivot: Analyzing Other Compensation Models, Jason Guan
Fur Farms: Animal Cruelty in the Fashion Industry, Gabriela Gutierrez
‘Good God’: How Civil Litigation Evolved to Hold Religious Entities Accountable for Clergy Sexual Abuse, Jake Helfand
Refusal of Religious Accommodations Causes Discrimination in the Workplace, Sophia A. Herrera
Resolving the Tension: Using Behavioral Law and Economics to Build Criminal Attempt Standards, Reilly S. Hobson