Organization Management Journal
Volume 8, Issue 1 (2011)
Scholarly, Empirical, and Theoretical Papers
Influences on the organizational
implementation of sustainability:
an integrative model
Kent D. Farfield, Joel Harmon, and Scott J. Behson
Jenny Jan’s dilemma: applying the principles
of resource dependence theory to vendor
selection negotiations
Pamela G. Schwalb, Rose M. Leavitt, John E. Barbuto Jr., Michele Millard, and Robbe Peetz
Business schools: ethics, assurance of learning,
and the future
Bruce Warren, Susan D. Sampson, and Erin McFee
Review Articles
Understanding corporate life
Kathryn Toelken
What poetry brings to business
Steven S. Taylor
Essays and Resources for Management
Introduction to the Teaching & Learning
Steve Meisel
Introduction to reviews and research of note
Devi Akella