Organization Management Journal | Seton Hall University

Organization Management Journal

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

To submit a new manuscript for review and to access articles in Volume 17 issue 1 to the present please see:

Past Issue: Volume 16, Issue 4 (2019)

Scholarly, Empirical, and Theoretical Papers


The Role of Shared Leadership and Communication in Promoting Strategic Consensus and Performance
Younis Jabarzadeh, Naser Sanoubar, Arash Vahdat, and Faezeh Khosravi Saghezchi


A Qualitative Study of “online” Work Breaks
Sungdoo Kim, Stacie Furst-Holloway, Elaine Hollensbee, Suzanne Masterson, Therese Sprinkle, and Daniele Bologna


HR Flexibility in Family Firms: Integrating Family Functioning and Family Business Leadership
Sanjay Goel, Lin Xiu, Sheila Hanson, and Raymond J. Jones III.