Organization Management Journal
Volume 5, Issue 3 (2008)
Scholarly, Empirical, and Theoretical Papers
Using an ethnostatistical analysis to
interpret data: the Nike case
Nancy E. Landrum and David M. Boje
Mood, emotion, and affect in group
performance: an experiential exercise
Carolyn I. Chavez and Maria J. Mendez
Meaningful learning in management:
recombining strands of knowledge
DNA through engaged dialog and
generative conflict
David Saiia, Granger Macy, and Maureen P. Boyd
Review Article
Recent Research of Note
Steven Meisel
Essays and Resources for Management
A new issue continuing our themes of
corporate social responsibility, globalization,
and cutting edge management education
William P. Ferris
Introduction to Emerging Conceptual
Scholarship Section
Anshuman Prasad