Organization Management Journal
Volume 10, Issue 3 (2013)
Scholarly, Empirical, and Theoretical Papers
A Social Exchange Model of Psychological Contract
Fulfillment: Where Do Promises, Expectations, LMX,
and POS Fit In?
Anjali Chaudhry and Amanuel G. Tekleab
Middle Managers of the Leadership Classroom: Realizing
the Developmental Capacity of Teaching Assistants
Lisa Rosh and Thimothy J. Tobin
Creating a Healthy Workplace Culture Using
an Appreciative Inquiry 4-D Cycle
Raymond Calabrese, Erik Cohen, and Dustin Miller
Review Article
Essays and Resources for Management
Some Highly Engaging Research Stories and a Great Exercise
William P. Ferris
Psychological Contract, Leader–Member Exchange, and
Perceived Organization Support—How Do They Interact?
Randall G. Sleeth
Building Negotiation and Leadership Skills
in Management Students
Catherine C. Giapponni
Creating Successful Teams
Devi Akella