Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

MA Corporate and Professional Communication


Communication and the Arts


Patricia Kuchon


Communication guide, Student information system, Project management


The objective of this research project is to create a communication guide for the project manager responsible for implementing a student information system on a college or university campus. The implementation of a student information system may be among the most difficult challenges that are faced in higher education due to the sensitivity of the data involved, the number of employees that will be involved in the project and the potential impact on the entire campus community. Most implementations take far greater than twelve months to complete and have been known to last for several years causing a substantial strain on those directly involved. This guide identifies the ten steps that will help the project manager successfully implement the system. The steps identify work that can be done prior to the official start of the project, during the actual implementation and also after the implementation has ended. Although no two institutions follow the exact same path, many institutions follow a similar path to implement their systems. Unfortunately, there is currently no formal direction to how the implementation itself should be managed. This guide will provide the need-to-know information that will lead to an enjoyable and successful implementation.
