International Institute for Clergy Formation | Turro Seminary Library | Seton Hall University

The International Institute for Clergy Formation is one of the only formation programs strictly for priests and clergy in the world. Over then thousand priests have attended the Summer and Winter Institutes since its beginning in 1987.

The Institute offices are located on the Seton Hall University campus where it began in 1987 under the name of the National Institute for Clergy Formation and was founded by the late Rev. Msgr. Andrew Cusack. Since its beginning the Institute experienced tremendous growth with both priests of the United States and throughout the global church. For this reason, the name was changed from National to International.

Our Mission Statement is yearly realized by following the guidance of Pope John Paul II's hallmark pastoral "I will Send You Shepherds." In this pastoral, the Holy Father asks that the ongoing formation of seminarians as well as priests seek to integrate the "Human, Academic, Spiritual and Pastoral formation" from "womb to tomb." "Ongoing formation helps the priest to be and act as a priest in the spirit and style of Jesus the Good Shepherd." (Pastores Dabo Vobis, no. 73). We attribute the success of our Institute to this effort of integration. The speakers who facilitate this integration are world renowned scholars from around the world. For further information, please view International Institute for Clergy Formation.


Submissions from 1992


(Audio) Wisdom Stories, Rev. W. Norris Clark, SJ


(Audio) The Call of the Beloved: Proclaiming Our Belovedness, Rev. Henri Nouwen, National Institute for Clergy Formation, Summer Institute for Priests, and Seton Hall University.


(Audio) Teenagers… You Know What, Rev. William J. O'Malley SJ


(Audio) Emergent Adults and Self-Esteem, Rev. William J. O'Malley, SJ; National Institute for Clergy Formation; Summer Institute for Priests; and Seton Hall University


(Audio) The Psychology of Conversion, Rev. William J. O'Malley, SJ; National Institute for Clergy Formation; Summer Institute for Priests; and Seton Hall University


(Audio) The Laughter of the Priest, Rev. Thomas Peterson OP, STD, PhD


(Audio) Why Christ Never Carried an Attache Case, Rev. Thomas Peterson OP, STD, PhD


(Audio) A Pilgrim in Search of God, His Eminence George Basil Cardinal Hume OSB, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster


(Audio) The Priest--a Man of Prayer--Prophet and Teacher, His Eminence George Basil Cardinal Hume OSB, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster


(Audio) Trying to Discover God in My Life, His Eminence George Basil Cardinal Hume, OSB, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster


(Audio) The Ten Commandments in the Teaching of the Priest Today, Msgr. John M. Osterreicher, PhD; National Institute for Clergy Formation; Summer Institute for Priests; and Seton Hall University


(Audio) Self-Knowledge -- A Lifelong Process, Rev. John Powell SJ, STD


(Audio) The Issue as It Affects the American Scene, Rev. John Powell , SJ, STD and Seton Hall University


(Audio) The Pro-Life Effort Must Be an Act of Love, Rev. John Powell SJ, STD and Seton Hall University


(Audio) The Real Issue Under All the Life Issues, Rev. John Powell SJ, STD and Seton Hall University


(Audio) Pastoral and Social Engagement, Rev. Enda McDonagh STD, PhD


(Audio) Persons and Not Just Functionaries, Rev. Enda McDonagh STD, PhD


(Audio) Psychotherapy Re-examines the Sacrament of Reconciliation: A New Awakening in Pastoral Psychology, Part 2, Dr. Mark Stern MD


(Audio) Psychology of Atheism, Dr. Paul Vitz, PhD; National Institute for Clergy Formation; Summer Institute for Priests; and Seton Hall University


(Audio) Priesthood: Same Tradition, New Dimensions, Part 1, Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl STD


(Audio) Priesthood: Same Tradition, New Dimensions, Part 2, Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl STD