Volume 5, Issue 2 (1982)
As of Volume 48 in Fall of 2023, the Seton Hall Legislative Journal has been renamed to the Seton Hall Journal of Legislation and Public Policy.Seton Hall Legislative Bureau
Table of Contents
Death with Dignity Laws: A Plea for Uniform Legislation
Bernard K. Freamon
The Use of Canons of Statutory Construction: A Case Study From Iowa or When Does "GHOTI" Spell "FISH"?
Roger D. Colton
Post-Mortem Divorce: Should a Spouse's Statutory Inheritance Rights Depend on Divorce Standards?
Danielle E. Reid
Legislative Summaries
Insurance - The New Jersey Legal Services Insurance Act - N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 17:46C-1 to -26 (West Supp. 1981)
Donald O'Connor
Landlord/Tenant - Emergency Fuel Oil Delivery - N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 26:3-31.4 to -31.10 (West 1980)
Maureen Leary
Environment - Fissionable Source Material - N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 13:1J-1 to -6 (West Supp. 1981)
Keith Bonchi
Investigation of Arson - Release of Information on Fire Losses by Insurers to Authorized State Agencies - N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 17:36-14 to -21 (West Supp. 1981)
Marianne T. Allegro
Domestic Relations - Spousal Assault - N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 2C:12-4 to -9 (West Supp. 1981)
Donna Yurow
Jurisdiction - County District Courts - An Act to Amend N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 2A:6-34 to -35, 2A:6-43 to -44, 2A:15-62, and 2A:18-62 (West Supp. 1981)
Michael D. Sullivan