Date of Award

Spring 5-20-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

MA English




Cara Blue Adams, MFA

Committee Member

Nathan Oates, Ph.D.


Dominican Republic, History, Tainos, Slavery, Santo Domingo, Fiction


The Dominican Republic is the most travelled-to island in the Caribbean, attracting over 6.6 million travelers per year. However, according to renowned scholar and writer Frank Moya Pons, author of The Dominican Republic: A National History, The Dominican Republic is also “one of the least studied countries in Latin America and the Caribbean despite the fact that it is the longest European-inhabited territory in the hemisphere” (Moya Pons 9). To me, this says two things: first, that there is a hunger to explore the Dominican Republic, its culture, and its landscape, and second, that, despite the acknowledgment of all its various beauties, there is a simultaneous need to fully comprehend the gravity of its often dark and ugly past. My collection of short stories, From Parsley and Sugarcane, a collection of short stories, aims to bridge this gap, to portray the Dominican Republic as what it truly is: beautiful--yes, but also deeply broken and in need of a healing that only an understanding of its history can bring.

Available for download on Saturday, May 09, 2026
