"DIPL 1002 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Diplomacy and International Rel" by Jacques Fomerand PhD

Document Type

Undergraduate Syllabus


Fall 2006



Course Number

DIPL 1002

Course Description

Successful careers in international affairs require a broad understanding of key issues in world politics as well as the mastery of a number of important skills. This course is designed to provide first-year students in the Whitehead School of Diplomacy with the opportunity to further their development in both of these areas. It is taught as an interdisciplinary seminar where students are able to learn from five different professors as well as from each other through class discussions, role-play scenarios, and other active learning experiences. Stu­ dents will discuss important global issues including globalization, governance, multilateralism, peace, and jus­tice while developing essential skills in critical thinking, research, information literacy, leadership, writing, per­ suasion, and group decisionmaking.

Each of the modules is centered on a set of critical issues or essential skills. Ambassador Kamal will have you explore three current global trends, globalization, governance, and multilateralism, through discussion and drafting. Dr. Deyrup will introduce various library research tools and strategies relevant to international issues and enhance your information literacy. Mr. Goldstein will provide an introduction to the importance of lead­ership in international affairs through an investigation of the different characteristics and strategies that can be effective. Finally, Dr. Smith and Father Holmes will have you consider various meanings of peace and the role that your own hierarchy of values plays in your assessment of different strategies for building peace.
