"DIPL 6311 Master's Research Project" by Edislav Manetovic PhD

Document Type

Graduate Syllabus


Fall 2018



Course Number

DIPL 6311

Course Description

In this class you will develop, execute and present a research project as a culminating component of the master's program. Hence, this should be the best research paper you wrote so far. Through regular consultations I will help you break down the complexities of international relations phenomena and arrange them in a way that allows you to make a logically coherent and empirically supported argument. This creative process entails identifying a theoretically and/or policy relevant research puzzle, generating a question and a testable hypothesis, conceptualizing, operationalizing and measuring variables, finding an appropriate methodology, and, finally, interpreting your findings.

Completion of the project will require you to use considerable library research. If you have library related questions, you should discuss them with Diplomacy's library liaison Naomi Gold (naomi.gold@shu.edu).

Students with projects stemming from work submitted for earlier classes (for example, DIPL 6310 Research Methods for Policy Analysis) must discuss them with me during the first two weeks of the semester.
