"DIPL 3150 AA/AB New Dimensions of Human Security" by Atal Ahmadzai PhD

Document Type

Undergraduate Syllabus


Fall 2018



Course Number

DIPL 3150AA and AB

Course Description

Objectives: The New Dimensions of Human Security is aimed at:

a. To provide understanding about the theoretical basis underlining the evolution and development of human security paradigm

b. To go through the existing literature on different aspects of human security

c. To offer understanding about the different components of the human security paradigm and demonstrate how they permit an interdisciplinary approach to the security issues generally;

d. To present students with the opportunity to become familiar with the different dimensions of the contemporary issues and threats at different levels of analysis

e. To offer students the opportunity to apply different theoretical tools for critically analyzing contemporary international and global issues

f. To provide students with the platform for strengthening their skills of constructing arguments and counter arguments on the issues that threaten the security of individuals around the world.
