
Unknown African American Figures

Course Number

ENGL 3120/ENGL 6120


Mary Balkun

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019


The Unknown African American Figures website is meant to serve as a teaching tool for educators, students or anyone interested in learning more about African American history. The site is divided into four humanities subjects-Adventure, The Arts, Human Rights and Science and Industry-narrowing in on African American figures who have greatly contributed to these areas, but are rarely discussed in an academic setting. In addition, I have created digital study sets that can be converted into quizzes/tests on each figure, to help reinforce the learned material in an approachable and contemporary way.

Since most academic curriculums do not include much African-American history based material, my goal is to use this website as a platform to promote inclusivity, so that educators and students alike may have a better understanding of African-American history. I specifically focus in on the many contributions of figures who seem to have been forgotten in American history, as they are excluded from the academic curriculum.
