Seton Hall University Covid-19 Response
Martha Slomczewski and Stephen Bacchetta
This timeline provides information on select communications from the University regarding policies and procedures related to COVID-19.
Irish-American Organizations: The Power of Connection
Quinn Christie
Exploring the relationship between Irish-American organizations and political advocacy.
Raúl Comesañas: A Global Life
Emma Regan
Learn about of the life and activism of a Cuban-American priest from Union City, New Jersey.
John Erigena Robinson’s diary
Jacquelyn Deppe
This diary was written by John Erigena Robinson, who graduated from Seton Hall College in 1874. His diary concerns his everyday life at the college, including worrying about assignments, writing letters to his family and friends, and playing for the college’s baseball team. The campus that Robinson studied at during the mid-1870s was one that centered on a structured, liberal arts education that was emblematic of Catholic higher education during his age. He entered into a world of study at Setonia that consisted of two sessions lasting five months apiece from September through June.
Order Sons of Italy
Jacquelyn Deppe
Originally called “Figli d’Italia” and later renamed “L’Ordine Figli d’Italia in America,” Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) was founded on June 22, 1905 in the Little Italy neighborhood of New York City by Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro and five compatriots who came to the United States during the great Italian migration of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Initially established as a mutual aid society for early Italian immigrants, OSIA aimed to create a support system that would assist Italian immigrants with obtaining citizenship, provide health and death benefits and educational opportunities, and offer assistance with assimilation into American society.
So far reaching were the organization’s early efforts that the Italian government designated OSIA as its official representative of Italians in the United States in 1922. Today OSIA is the oldest service and advocacy organization for individuals of Italian heritage in the United States and is dedicated to preserving and promoting Italian American culture, heritage, and traditions.
Papal Bull of Pope Paul V, 1618
Jacquelyn Deppe
What is a Bull?
“Bull” refers to the metal seal that authenticates the document, much as we authenticate documents with signatures. The practice dates back to ancient Sumeria, where impressions were made in clay in order to track and authenticate transactions. This practice remained unchanged for 4,000 years. It was adopted by the Romans, who used lead rather than clay. The lead was heated to soften it to create the impression, hence the word “bulla” which derives from the Latin word meaning “to boil.”
Papal Bulls took on a standardized form, with representations of Saints Peter and Paul pressed into one side of the Bull, and the name of the Pope issuing the decree on the reverse. Click the link see a close-up of the Bull authenticating this document.
Theater in the Round Collection
Jacquelyn Deppe
Seton Hall University’s Theatre in the Round is a unique theatre compared to many others in New Jersey. It was built within the Bishop Dougherty Student Center. Based on the design of a classic roman forum the audience surrounds the stage with two entrances on the sides. Although it could seem like a difficult task to perform when your audience surrounds you, former actors from Theatre in the Round have described the experience as a “naturalistic space for acting” where you can have “intimacy with the audience”.
The theatre is run by the College of Communication and The Arts academic theatre program. Before it was known as Theatre in the Round, the program was originally known as the Workshop Theatre, below is one of the early playbills made in 1966 titled “J.B”.
Currently, the Communications Department performs four times a year, two times at the Theatre in the Round at the Bishop Dougherty Student Center, which seats 190 people and two more times at the South Orange Performing Arts Center (SOPAC) near the South Orange train station, which seats 415).
Trina Padilla De Sanz (1864-1957)
Jacquelyn Deppe
Trinidad (Trina) Padilla de Sanz (1864-1957) was a Puerto Rican poet, suffragist, and composer. Her lifetime spanned several of the most defining moments of Puerto Rico’s history, all collected in her writings and correspondence with some of the most influential people in Puerto Rico and Latin America at the time. She adopted the pen name “La Hija del Caribe” in honor of her father José Gualberto Padilla (1829-1896), a prominent medic, poet, and political activist known as “El Caribe”. La Hija enjoyed a prolific literary career over the course of several decades, with her corpus consisting of articles, essays, poems, and short stories on a variety of socio-political, artistic, and musical topics. The Trina Padilla de Sanz papers date from 1845 to 1968, and include personal correspondence, original manuscripts, published works, and photographs. This collection not only depicts the exceptional life of Trina Padilla de Sanz, but also documents a time of great socio-political and cultural change in Puerto Rico.
Walsh Library: 25 Years of Learning
Jacquelyn Deppe
The idea for Walsh Library first arose in the 1990 strategic plan initiated by the University Chancellor, Very Rev. Thomas R. Peterson, which charged the Seton Hall University Board of Trustees to construct a state-of-the-art facility that would cover three essential criteria: “efficiency, to expedite use; congeniality, to promote productive scholarship; and flexibility, to keep pace with changing circumstances.”
Over the past twenty-five years, the library has grown from an institution where researchers came to find materials to an institution where researchers increasingly conduct all stages of their research in the digital sphere. The physical space of the library has taken on increasing importance as a place to collaborate or find space to work in solitude, to learn new techniques of research and presentation, and to find support in navigating the academic journey.
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