Date of Award

Summer 8-24-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

PhD Higher Education Leadership, Management, Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Katie Smith,PhD

Committee Member

Rong Chen, PhD

Committee Member

Manuel Gonzalez, PhD


campus pub, campus ecology, student development, case studies, qualitative research, higher education.


The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the perceptions of the role of the campus pub through the lens of campus ecology theory. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with student affairs professionals at three institutions with campus pubs. Documents were also collected and analyzed from campus newspapers and social media at these institutions. Analysis identified several salient themes that support the understanding of the campus pub through the lens of campus ecology hierarchy (Strange & Banning, 2001). The themes that emerged included the evolution of the pub, community/programming, diversity/cultural emphasis, education, student employment, institutional cost/revenue, safety, and relations with surrounding neighbors. The study also offers recommendations for both practice and research. Institutions with campus pubs or those exploring opening one can find suggestions for best practice to maximize the value to the campus ecological system. Future research can further explore different types of institutions with campus pubs for a broader conceptualization of the place of the campus pub in higher education or in-depth study on one institution and the evolution of the campus pub in focus.
