Date of Award

Fall 10-30-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Executive Ed.D. in Education Leadership Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Daniel Gutmore, PhD

Committee Member

Randall Clemens, PhD

Committee Member

Mayida Zaal, PhD


culturally responsive pedagogy, teacher preparation programs, culturally responsive teaching, preservice teachers, novice teachers, cultural competence


A narrative study was used to examine the lived experiences of novice teachers and their knowledge base of culturally responsive pedagogy and its implementation in the classroom. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews of 12 participants who completed a teacher preparation program. Through coding analysis, data was analyzed around the tenets of culturally responsive pedagogy and the impact of self-efficacy in its implementation. Although their knowledge about culturally responsive pedagogy varied, their responses illustrated the need for teacher preparation programs to provide a framework of uniformity and accountability.

The level of training obtained substantially impacted their self-efficacy in adopting CRP in the classroom. Consequently, the state mandate must develop accountability structures for novice teacher training. This study contributes to the empirical understanding of the role that teacher preparation programs intend to play in preparing novice teachers to undertake culturally sensitive teaching.

The level of training that was received significantly impacted their level of self-efficacy in implementing CRP in the classroom. Their lived experiences showcased the need for self-efficacy to commit to culturally responsive pedagogy. This study is significant for teacher preparation programs because it assesses their success in providing prospective educators with the necessary information and abilities to integrate culturally responsive pedagogy in their classrooms. It adds to the empirical understanding of culturally responsive pedagogy’s impact on educational results while emphasizing the significance of self-efficacy in its implementation.

Keywords: Culturally responsive pedagogy, culturally responsive teaching, cultural competence, self-efficacy, preservice teachers, novice teachers.
