Date of Award

Summer 8-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Executive Ed.D. in Education Leadership Management and Policy


Education Leadership, Management and Policy


Aubrey Johnson, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Mark Hayes, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jan Furman, Ph.D.


Superintendent, Longevity, Graduation Rates


This study sought to examine the extent superintendent longevity relates to student performance as measured by graduation rates. Specifically, this study sought to examine how a district school superintendent's longevity provides conducive context through which student academic improvement programs, culture, and relationships could be established to support higher student achievement as assessed by high school graduation rates. Also, it sought to examine the effects of the nature of New Jersey school districts and related conditions in determining longevity of a school district superintendent. This study employed qualitative multiple case study methods that collected data through interviews and observations. The study employed qualitative data analysis methods through content analysis that identified categories, themes, and patterns.

The study found that superintendent longevity has a positive effect on student achievement through creating a conducive environment for learning and teaching. Specifically, it found that involving superintendents and other stakeholders in developing instructional goals was important. Open communication, professional development, resources and funding, and collaboration were important in promoting student achievement. The study implies that all stakeholders should be involved in decision making. Also, all staff should be given professional development opportunities through allocated budgets and resources, and the relationships with boards of educations are important.
