Volume 30, Issue 1 (1999)
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Passive Activism and the Limits of Judicial Self-Restraint: Lessons for America from the Italian Constitutional Court
William J. Nardini
Show Me Your Wares: The Use of Sexually Provocative Ads to Attract Clients
Steven A. Delchin and Sean P. Costello
Seventh Annual Health Law Symposium Proving Product Defect After the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability
Introductory Remarks by the Honorable Justice Stewart G. Pollock at Seton Hall University School of Law
Stewart G. Pollock
Prescription Drugs, Alternative Designs, and the Restatement (Third): Preliminary Reflections
Michael D. Green
The Continuing Search for Proper Perspective: Whose Reasonableness Should Be at Issue in a Prescription Product Design Defect Analysis?
Richard L. Cupp Jr.
Manufacturers' Liability for Drugs and Medical Devices Under the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability
William A. Dreier
A "Safer Mousetrap": The Evolution of a Model Charge for Alternative Safer Design Cases
William J. Cook
Returning to Its Roots: An Examination of the 1998 Amendments to the Entire Controversy Doctrine
John A. Boyle