Volume 44, Issue 2 (2020)
As of Volume 48 in Fall of 2023, the Seton Hall Legislative Journal has been renamed to the Seton Hall Journal of Legislation and Public Policy.Articles
A Comparison of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees and Their Relationships to the Federal Courts
Mark C. Miller
Canons or Coin Tosses: Time-Tested Methods of Interpreting Statutory Language
Laura C. Tharney, Samuel M. Silver, Arshiya M. Fyazi, Jennifer D. Weitz, and Mark D. Ygarza
Restructure the Structuring Law: The Need for a Restrictive Interpretation of the Minimum Cash Requirement Under the Structuring Statute
Ifedapo Benjamin
Dollars and (Non)Sense: An Analysis of Team Relocation in Sports and How Cities Can Protect Themselves
Kristofer Guldner