Volume 19, Issue 1 (1994)
As of Volume 48 in Fall of 2023, the Seton Hall Legislative Journal has been renamed to the Seton Hall Journal of Legislation and Public Policy.Seton Hall Legislative Bureau
Table of Contents
A Tribute to Senator Matthew Feldman
John A. Lynch
The Case for the Independent Counsel
Peter W. Rodino Jr.
Limitations of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Protecting Individuals with HIV from Employment Discrimination
Jeffrey A. Mello
Environmental Audit Privileges: The Need for Legislative Recognition
James T. O'Reilly
Abdication to Academia: The Case of the Supplemental Jurisdiction Statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1367
Christopher M. Fairman
Hell Bent on Intent: New Jersey Broadens the Class of Death Eligible Defendants
Michael T. Nolan Jr.
State Government: The Laboratory for National Health Care Reform
Angelo A. Stio III
Legislative Surveys