Document Type
Graduate Syllabus
Fall 2014
Course Number
DIPL 6120
Course Description
The Catholic Peacemaking course offers an introduction to the understanding and practice of Catholic peacemaking as experienced through the centuries. Students will integrate the knowledge of four areas of exploration:
1- Catholic contributions to a contemporary understanding of peace
2- The appreciation of the changing context in which this understanding has evolved, especially through the encounter with relevant Catholic Peacemakers
3- The identification of peace as a relevant contemporary challenge that must be confronted by each Catholic and by the Church as a whole
4- Consistent with a contemporary Catholic understanding of peace, the elaboration of responses by the students, on one side, to the yearning for peace of poor and oppressed peoples, and on the other, to perceived threats to peace
Each student will present on an historical case with a focus on magisterium pacis.
Recommended Citation
Bartoli, Andrea PhD, "DIPL 6120 Catholic Peacemaking" (2014). Diplomacy Syllabi. 131.