
Timeline of Social Problems Research from 1945 to Present


Anthony Haynor

Granting Agency

Digital Humanities Committee Seed Grant, Seton Hall University

Award Date


Document Type


Publication Date



The goal of the project is to develop a timeline of social problems research that either advocates on behalf of particular approaches or challenges or debunks particular approaches. The time period in question is 1945 to the present. This project follows up on a presentation "The Blind Spots of Intersectional Analysis" that was given at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting in 2011. This research is part of a larger project that investigates the moral, political, and ideological component in social problems analysis over time. In this effort Dr. Haynor is collaborating with Irene J. Dabrowski (Sociology, St. John's University—New York) and Mark Horowitz (Sociology, Seton Hall University), who are the project's Co-Investigators. In addition the results of this study will be integrated into "Social Problems and Solutions" (SOCI 2601) at Seton Hall which discusses the multiplicity of perspectives in social problems analysis.

This document is currently not available here.
