Volume 3, Issue 2 (1993)
The Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal ceased publication in 2002.
Table of Contents
Dedication to the Hon. Robert L. Clifford, Associate Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court
Robert N. Wilentz
Congress and the Constitution: A Tale of Two Committees
Mark C. Miller
Equity and Equality for Women - Ratification of International Covenants as a First Step
Elizabeth F. Defeis
Thesis and Antithesis of Liberty of Contract: Excess in Lochner and Johnson Controls
Anthony S. McCaskey
Eighth Amendment - From Cruelly Restrictive to Unusually Broad Protections Against Punishment - Hudson v. McMillian, 112 S. Ct. 995 (1992).
Nicholas John Spinelli
Surveys and Essays
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Elizabeth E. Gillman and Joseph M. Micheletti