Studies on the Irish-American Experience in New Jersey and New York | Seton Hall University

About This Journal

Studies on the Irish-American Experience in New Jersey and New York arose from the Irish Studies Discussion Series (ISDS), a lecture and question-and-answer series at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, and sponsored by Pirates of Irish Persuasion & Extraction (PIPE), the University’s Irish cultural society.

The ISDS was instituted in 2010, and the popular series has inspired a book, The Irish-American Experience in New Jersey and Metropolitan New York: Cultural Identity, Hybridity, and Commemoration (ed. Marta Deyrup and Maura Grace Harrington, published by Lexington Books in November 2013). The book project yielded such breadth of articles that the editors recognized the potential for a journal devoted to the same topic, which henceforth will be published yearly.

Articles that relate to the Irish-American experience in New Jersey and New York, historically and in the present, may be submitted to and for consideration for publication, or via the “Submit” link on the journal page. Articles may have creative or scholarly bases. All submissions should follow Chicago format. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis, and will be subject to peer review.

Submissions from 2013